Is Slipknot just another trashy Nu-metal band? Maggots come out of the dumpster to defend Iowa's greatest export.

30  2019-02-21 by cochnbahls


My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


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Corey Taylor is /u/AnnArchist

Is corey a shitposting libertarian?

A cuck?

Judging by the time I unfollowed him on Twitter, he's a libtard.

I've met him. Actually took guitar lessons from one of the guys in Slipknot before they made it. Well, as they were making it really

I like to imagine their heads are actually those shapes under the masks. It makes them fun

I unironically enjoyed their first album and they’re in my gym mix that I don’t share with anyone.

I wouldnt cut off his ball and shove them down his throat.

The rest of the posts in this thread will be about GWAR.

Post your favorite GWAR song.

Immortal Corruptor

Wasnt GWAR that spoof band notable for such masterpieces as pre-teen prostitute; who ended up taking it far enough for their Lead Singer to OD?

GWAR is the greatest band in the universe. Get that through your skull.

And yes they've got some great titles; babyraper, Fuck'n an animal, and penile drip are all on the same album.

The lead singer OD a few years ago but he wasn't the first. They've been through 3-4 guitarists and drummers. Hell Dave was the only original member when he died.

Hell yeah Bohab

Ham on The Bone


Fish Fuck


Had us in the first half, not gonna lie

reddit often reminds me of michael scott, so desperate to be in on a joke, any joke, and then immediately running it into the ground trying to get some acceptance, only redditors don’t even get the warm, genuine kind of pity laughter michael scott got, they just get some internet numbers i guess.

This is a really reddit comment

The first two albums are really good, Third is meh, skip the rest

Slipknot is a garbage band, Stone Sour is okish though.

Had us in the first half, not gonna lie

45 yos singing about emo goth shit is so badass.

They really do suck. Imagine Dragons is also boring as fuck. It’s all pot calling kettle black.

I would like Slipknot more if their lyrics weren't that cringy.

I mean the chorus here is pretty good

You're right. 10/10

If their lyrics weren't cringy then they wouldn't be nu-metal.

Well, that and the sucky guitars and stuff.

How has nu metal lasted 20 years when metal only lasted like 5?

There's always going to be angry 13 year olds with shit taste in music.

Acid Bath is legitimately a good band though.

That’s why I said they’re superior

It's still a weird comparison. Like, I find them more enjoyable to listen to and they aren't as lame, but musically they're so different. It's like comparing Dead Kennedys to Megadeth.

Both different styles of metal but are still comparable. Even then you could compare Ariana Grande and Slayer if you wanted to based on the musics complexity, the artists showmanship, or even sales. I like both Acid Bath and Slipknot tbh so it doesn’t matter I just think Acid Bath is subjectively better

Fair enough. FWIW if we're going by body count then Ariana Grande is way more metal than Slayer.

to be fair, imagine dragons is complete shit

The music is boring and lyrics are silly. "if you're 555 i'm 666", "inside my shell i wait and bleed", "people = shit" sound like something from an angsty mall goth teen's diary.

Imagine dressing up like a cross between a shitty version of GWAR and some 12 year old's edgy Halloween costume and expecting people to take your music seriously.

Nu-metal took the idea behind one of the greatest soundtracks of all time and turned it into peanut and corn riddled diarrhea.