Question how come the Chapotards lionise both Bernie Sanders and Stalin but then don't realise Stalin would have hated Sanders, cause Stalin thought that Jews should be bashed in with "clubs"?

3  2019-02-21 by ZoomZoomingAway


Yeap, now whenever i look at a woman in armour or even in stylized clothes, i look first at their feet to check for heels, their chest to see if there is boobplate or something more substiantial than a few strings of cloth that wont come off if the character stands still and than their waist, again to see of there are any pointy bits that will stab them if they so much twist their bodies.


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Any Chapo Tards lurking here should be beaten with clubs as well.

But not because of their religious background.

True but tbh, most Jews aren't religious either.

Hey, if you want to go with Bernie Sanders you can. And if you wanna go with Stalin you can but Stalin was anti-Semitic to the absolute core.

Sounds like something a kulak would try to understand.

Many of whom were Jews as well. Imagine thinking that a Georgian peasant, who came from a highly dysfunctional background in the 19th century like Stalin wouldn't be anti-Semitic. Chapo tards are truly galaxy brains.

In adulthood, Stalin measured 5 feet 4 inches (1.63 m) tall.[726] To appear taller, he wore stacked shoes, and stood on a small platform during parades.[727] His mustached face was pock-marked from smallpox during childhood; this was airbrushed from published photographs.[728] He was born with a webbed left foot, and his left arm had been permanently injured in childhood which left it shorter than his right and lacking in flexibility,[729] which was probably the result of being hit, at the age of 12, by a horse-drawn carriage.

TFW most glorious leader was a deformed manlet