Florida mayor opens fire on SWAT during raid for practicing medicine without a license

129  2019-02-22 by shitpost953


skrrt skrrt my heart hurt


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Well that's what you get going to a dodgy unlicensed back alley hospital for your heart surgery Bussy

Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Massad faces charges for attempted murder and practicing medicine without a license.

Maybe the first time those charges have been filed at the same time

Unlicensed gun surgeon

You could have said Shotgun Surgeon and you'd have been fine but noooo you had to fuck it up, didn't you?

Create supply and the demand will be there, my man. Smart business move

You clearly have never seen Saw 2

The deputies announced their presence at his home on the Gulf Coast around 4:40 a.m. as they attempted to serve a search warrant.

None of this story makes sense, was it a search warrant or arrest warrant and why the fuck is it being served by a SWAT team at 4.40 AM.
This guy was practicing without a license not fucking kids.




why the fuck is it being served by a SWAT team at 4:40 AM.

Because fuck you that's why. Couldn't cut it as real military so gotta larp kicking down doors.

When you're a dumbass with a hammer everything looks like a nail. Good thing we gave these monkeys MRAPs and shit.

listen bub when those SWAT guys are shooting dogs and tossing flashbangs into baby cribs they're doing it for your FREEDOMS, show a little respect

Couldn't cut it as real military so gotta larp kicking down doors.

post that in r/LEO

Am I wrong? Sure. Swat teams serve an actual purpose. But kicking down doors to do no knock raids for relatively minor infractions is 100% larp.

But kicking down doors to do no knock raids for relatively minor infractions is 100% larp.

I know which is why I want to see you post it in LEO. I wanna see them COPE

They tried to Assad the Massad.

He was known for having a history with drug dealing and fire arms.

He had a hooker living with him as well.

Which says a lot about Florida politicians.

This is pretty typical for anyone in florida with money. Im surprised he didnt have a tiger locked up in his bathroom or some shit.

Warning - seriouspost. Especially if they consider you dangerous middle of the night raids are the safest because the arrestee is usually sleeping. Cops don't do it all the time because they are lazy and it costs more due to shift differential.

But all that goes out the window when the mayor is on a 72 hour meth bender.

Cops are gay as fuck why don't they stay up late like normal Americans

lol i'm not proud to say when I read this title I said:

"The Mayor of Florida did what?"

i just woke up from a nap, leave me alone

Strange they didn't return fire. Is this not the same state that fired 25 bullets into a sleeping black man?

the mayoape never gets shot at if the pigs can help it.

fired 25 bullets into a sleeping black man

Notice anything different?

Those are indeed the eyes of a man who never sleeps.

Mayos forsaking fentanyl for uppers truly are a scary breed.

I think they fired 25 shots into a known violent criminal after he woke up and reached for then fucking illegal gun he was cuddling.

Break someones door down at 4 am

Get shot at by aformentioned person

Charge person with attempted murder

Gotta love the police and no knock raids

One of these days someones gonna fucking massacre them all when they break into the house of someone whose more experienced then a bunch of tards two steps above larpers. And then get off clean cause they didn't state who they were.

That just happened in Houston a few weeks ago. Vice squad cops tried to raid a former military drug dealer and he shot all 5 of them.

That was a fucking shitshow. They busted down they door, immediately shot the dog like they were trained, 4 of them got shot, and then they killed the couple. It's a shame the cops lived, if there's justice they'll be charged with murder but that isn't gonna happen.

Also the 5 injury wasn't a gun shot but some fatass fell and hurt his knee

Well fuck that guy