For the second day in a row, literally the top 50 posts on were removed by mods. SMH y'all really can't behave. Be better.

367  2019-02-22 by Coonass_alt


Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


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Those vote totals and that claim sounds like bullshit tbh

I opened up a few in ceddit and it says they weren't removed. Take that with a grain of salt, tho. I really can't be bothered properly checking and there are probably better ways to check if something was removed.

A heap of them definitely are removed which is concerning enough without the hyperbole.

How many are reposts tho

which is concerning enough without the hyperbole.

lol no its not

A shit ton of the top 50 daily posts being removed by butthurt mods because 'users can't behave' or 'this thread has run its course' is a little bit retarded, don't you think?

I think caring about Reddit enough to give a shit what moderators do is whats really retarded.

As long as Trump wins again in 2020 I don't care about anything else.

Trump is hands down the best president ever for fans of internet drama.

We already knew the entire point of this sub is retarded.

lmao who gives a shit if memes (47/50 of the posts) are deleted

Trump 2020.

All these posts are memes and shitposts but 2, one of which was already posted. Not too concerning to me that some of them got removed. Not too concerning to me that a bunch of voat conspiratards try to make reddit look bad either.

Some number of deletions end up reinstated on the frontpage. I recently checked a few threads, and according to the data source this bot users (frontpagewatch from /r/undelete) less than 5% of posts ended up restored by mods.

I have seen instances where the bot failed to notice a reinstated post, but currently I don't have an accurate way to determine that. I'd like to include those stats, including duration removed, in some future improvement.

i know nothing about how reddit works but this link was in their sidebar which allegedly has their methodology, I didn't click it because it was a voat link lol

Sounds like voat's attempt at guerilla marketing. Nobody wants to go there. 😂

yeah i'm still not clicking the link, no matter how curious i am

It's really the easiest way to hide things in plain sight

Sorry, Voat used to not be the shithole it is now, at its very beginning. I put the same information in the wiki:

not gonna risk it

I visited 3 Voats and now I'm a racist :(

it actually works the other way around

No, it doesn't, especially given that the first emigrants to Voat were anti-censorship, prior to the Ellen Pao bannings.

Bullshit from a bullshitter

Mod/powermod genocide when

All mods are mayos

Bunch of porcelain trumptards, they are.

all mayos are despised here, partisan mayo.

Ayyyy mayo lmao


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Shut the fuck up toilet-seat-complexion-individual.

Imagine how your life would change if you saw a different slew of memes today.

By the butterfly effect it could change everything.

In another world, Masterlawlz isn't shitposting.

Just taking a walk, sitting down in the park and feeling the timeline wash over him.

Is there a single timeline where darqwolf isn’t a pedophile

Yes, one

The one where he's dead?

He probably killed himself in most of them, this is probably the weird timeline where he hasn’t yet

I dont want to go there

According to my understanding of the butterfly effect, ed_butteredtoast could fart in the shower and Tay Tay would finally admit what we all know. She has a bussy.

Mods are lonely ugly bastards who get a power trip off of being in charge of an online forum. You can’t really blame them since it’s the one aspect in their shit lives that they have any control over. It’s not like they can make their fathers disappointment disappear, or make their girlfriend unsuck that stranger’s dick. They sit around banning and removing what doesn’t fit their little agenda and genuinely believe they’re forwarding “x” cause. Fucking bitches


having a girlfriend

HA nice one bud

Replace with titty streamer and you got yourself a mod.

The hanging place breast needs content as his not getting paid lasted like 48 hours.

Imagine using r/all

This but unironically.

Am I so autistic I am out of touch with what good behavior is?

No, it's everyone else who cannot behave.

Oh no, what if the quality of r/funny declines???

At some point it will be so bad it's funny

fuck jannies

f o r

f r e e

You’re misunderstanding the sub. Those are not removed posts, they’re posts by the mods. So if we removed all the posts by mods (to have reddit without the mods) nothing would be left

the only non autistic comment is buried under a huge plast of shit

the state of drama smh

Every individual present is incapable of conducting themselves in a manner that facilitates contentment.

reddit man bad REEEEEE

go whine somwhere else

subreddit cancer shit


Most of those posts were shit, I don't see what the big deal is

It really rustles my jimmies into a tussle when a mod says that shit like they think they are something better than an unpaid virtual janitor or like they think they are better than regular users that actually have a life outside the internet. All those faggots can remove their own existence based on rule 3 for all I care.

Not Oniony is a dumb statement

who gives a shit?

every single one of those links is retarded trash. nothing of value has been lost.

quit QQing over reddit you dumb fags.