I'm drunk and it was a hard day

2  2019-02-22 by alphetasauce

It was a hard day at the hospital. I had three glasses of Kraken rum when I got home. I don't think I'm cut out for this job. I've only been here for a year and a half, but watching people die kinda sucks. The weird people who do it to themselves isn't so bad. If you shoot yourself, I'm just going to make fun of you while you lay dying. Don't do it you goobers, no one cares if you do. The one's that really get to me are the ones who don't have a choice.

I've noticed I've gotten really jaded since I've started working here. The other day I laughed because a guy was being violent because he was drunk and then shit himself in protest. Before I started working here I would have cared why he was fucked up in the first place, now all I do is think about how I can fuck with him without getting caught.

I have a plan that I haven't gone through with yet. I want to take a saran wrap bag and fill it full of white pixie dust and drop it in a druggies room and see if they try to snort it immediately when I leave. Give me more ideas how to fuck with them, you degenerate fucks. I know you're all more fucked up than me.