Gallowboob promotes a Google Doodle, clearly demonstrating that Netflix is not the only company that pays him

465  2019-02-22 by MustangLover5


Congratulations! I do not often downvote. You have earned mine.


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dude boossy lmao

The fuck is up with your name? Why are you allowed here? MODS!!!!!!

prove me wrong

He's back!!!

He's hiding his posts from his user posts page, but you can see them on his comments page. What a faggot.

what happened to suing reddit and leaving forever

He just felt so strongly about the wildlife man that he had to come back to comment about how much he misses him.

It's sooo sweet

His latest attempts at picking up 14 year olds failed again

He has battered womyn sydrome. Reddit beats him but he can't resist that dick karma.

This is unironically what reddit and social media does to people's brains

He said he would still post as long as he was being paid

He stayed off reddit for 5 whole days, give the guy a break

I believe it was two days before he started reposting, deleting, and further manipulating Reddit.

You mean he deleted his post history of the past 5 days. He didn't take a break at all.

We don’t know all of his alts...

BROTHERS IN ARMS, r/drama and r/enough_drama_spam standing together against the GB menace

He remembered what a shit landscaper he is lmao

Poor lad needs therapy or counseling. No use saying you're going to quit if you're addicted to farming imaginary internet points.

Also, what happened to us being warned to never mention the Dark One by name?

I hate him on one hand, but I'd be lying if I wouldn't do his job for easy money.

How much do you think he is making off that job? Because honestly it sounds like it would be absolutely hellish after a few weeks. All the dude does is crawl through a massive RSS feed looking for content to repost to Reddit. The rest of the time he spends struggling with his urges to send unsolicited dick pics to minors.

Its worse when you realize this leaves him with no marketable skills so its not like he can just quit and go work elsewhere either. Dude is basically trapped and dependant on Reddit and its communities for his livelihood.

Depends honestly. There is a lot that goes into marketing and it honestly depends how involved he is and if he's employed specifically by an agancy or if he's freelance. If he's literally just paid to post shit than its however much he charges.

Reddit is a huge platform, I'd reckon it pays pretty well. Granted yes if reddit goes down he's got no job opportunities but voat and such aren't taking the normies that make up gallowboob's viewerbase

Have you ever struggled with karma addiction?

He was going to sue reddit? lol

Probably upped his wage

on the one hand... lmao 😆 fuck 🖕 gboob

but on the other... which one of you losers actually spent money to gild a fucking drama thread 😂😂🤣😆😭😆

came here to say this, what the fuck are you guys doing?

No who did this, fuck off, take it back

No taksie backsies 😅

came here to say this

You might as well have gilded the post you fucking dweeb

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came here on you to say this


LMAO I just noticed it because of this comment. Absolutely retarded.

Gallowboob may be a nerd but this still isn't /r/subredditcancer

Retard should've just layed low for a while.

On the edge of the red light district would be a good start, his hands are probably all messed up - so you better drive brother.

Heeeaaaad radio

That is one of the few games I stopped playing because of what a hot mess the graphics are

A wise man once said 'Graphics don't make the game, underpaid overworked code-monkeys do'. I am that wise man, and I just said it. Copyright pending.

Normally I'd agree but not many 3D games from that era have ages well

guess his lawsuit went well

Why'd he have a lawsuit?

He wanted to sue Reddit for being big meanies who supported (read: didn't ban or stop) bullies (like us) who made fun of him! 😡😤

Just ignore the fact that the reason he got hate was sending unsolicited nude selfies and generally being a creep and asshole, pls...

Wow. And he’s removing comments talking about him.

“iT wAS jUst A hOBby OMG fUcK reDDiT “

Holy shit that is A LOT of removed comments


Holy shit. Do Reddit admins not look into that kind of thing? I mean, if you've abided by the Reddit rules and are having your posts removed for no reason, it kind of ruins the user experience, which ultimately and in the long term affects Reddit's ad dollars, too...

dude bussy lmao

tru lmao

Unless it's affecting a majority of the userbase or is getting mass media attention the admins don't give a fuck.

somebody needs to put this guy in faggot camp

So, I guess reddit admins are LOLing right now at his failed power play threatening to leave and sue.



Another 24 hour boob “break”.

Y'all are just jealous of Gallowboobs, you have to let the upvotes trickle down!

GerbilBalls founded gamergate. prove me wrong

What happened to his important podcasts he was doing? He didn’t need reddit and it’s toxic atmosphere no more. He had his whole life planned out

So, this is what a mental breakdown looks like


/JoJo Siwa suck a fat dick

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