Shameless Karma whoring in /r/politics

72  2019-02-22 by jwil191


Jews did this


  1. This Post -,,,

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I mean you literally get like 20k upvotes when you post orange man bad so is this really any worse then the normal posting on there

Hrumpt is finished

Hey doesn’t that thread blatantly fail their super strict application of thread titles having to be exactly the title of the article? I’ve seen threads there get removed for missing commas and shit.

Well yes but actually no.

That's unironically the title of the article.

According to past mod rulings it should be “Jules Witcover: Impeach Trump now”.

The name is part of the title of the article. It’s retarded and pedantic, but funny considering how strictly the mods enforce their rules when they don’t like the article.

they changed that now, now subtitles are allowed in the reddit title along with the regular title

But you can’t subtract from the title, unless they changed that too. The missing piece isn’t a subtitle, it’s part of the full title.

If somebody is a big enough deal that their name goes on the website’s article title, it must be a big enough deal that redditors get that same headline info.

they might’ve changed the rules enough to allow for superfluous things in the title to be cut, but idk. i’ve given up on reddit so i don’t care enough to bother finding out

Last I checked they were doing it and causing drama. An article like “The President gives speech about bussy” would be submitted as “President gives speech about bussy” and get removed for not meeting the guidelines.

It always felt Iike the mods were getting a high off of having such strict (but pointless standards). Made them feel like professional journalistic editors or something, viewing the thread submitters as their underlings.

Who knows though. In practice all the rules are just mod whims anyway.

Here's what I'm thinking.

We've waited almost 2 years for The Mueller Report. Those guys have been working their ass off like nobody's business and we are finally going to see the fruits of the labor. This is the A Team of A Teams when it comes to lawyers and they're about to put out the most consequential report in a century.

We've been waiting on this thing because the conspiracy theories around the 2016 election and it's participants are both insane and credible.

There is reason to believe that not only is our president a criminal many times over, but the evidence they've found to incriminate him will continue spawning a legion of similar task forces. He was but the first.

You think those Panama Papers are the only copy the Feds have of tax avoidance? You think they're only getting evidence of Trump from Deutsche Bank? You think America's Army doesn't understand just how FUCKED this is that Russia is dictating national intelligence?

Nah. You're done.

The Mueller Report is the Lawful American Revolution, and it's being led by war-veteran prosecutors. Everybody's going to jail.

Is this pasta?

I fucking hope so.

i'm insulted you had to ask

it's tasty!

It is now.

I didn't go to the linked thread, but I'm gonna assume this is pasta from in there. If so, lol.

If not, have a safe weekend.

It is, thankfully

Imagine thinking anyone working in government is the "A Team of A Teams"

Double digits... Mentally handicapped is below 75. The majority have an IQ of 80 to 120. The average is about 100. I tested in the top 3%. Most liberals test higher than average.

Rethuglicans DESTROYED by B I G B R A I N B I G E Y E QUEUE


brags about IQ

doesn't know about normal distributions

Typical r/politics poster

The average is about 100.

and atheists still claim there is no god. How do they explain that, then?!?!?!?!

Can't hate on that. Easiest way to get Reddit gold and karma is to post something about Trump on r/politics.

What does that say about reddit as a website and a concept?

That it's full of retards.

I do the opposite. So easy to piss that sub off.

It would be the most just. In practice, you can bet on the fundies, coast guard lieutenants, and filipino white-supremacists decrying a jihad.

What the hell is a Filipino white supremacist?

maybe related to those black nigerian white supremacists that jumped jussie

I like it when they just strip naked and get right to the point.

Oh their daily "impeach Trump" post

She doesn’t. Various books have said they haven’t slept together in months, if not years. If I remember correctly, Fire and Fury said the last time was June 2017

Imagine hating someone so much that you read multiple books about them.

Do you think they jerk off or cry while reading about him?

Tears for lube

orange man bad

the post

The Hound, Cersi, Polliver... Nunes, Kushner, Kavanaugh, McConnel, Pence, Trump Jr, Trump...

Muh tv and movie references is the only way I can understand modern politics.

Western Civilization needs to die.

hurt orange man

And then they'll say that the "gays" can do what they want, so why can't he?


the kink shaming on that subreddit is gross and problematic.

Trump Bad r/politics


If that report end up being a wet fart of fucking nothing, the mass suicides and shootings the professional /r/politics posters are going to commit is going to be unprecedented.

“Trump is the reason for a spike in gun deaths”