Pibbles hit r/all. What happens next is pretty self explanatory

33  2019-02-22 by ardasyenden


When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


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but with less to contribute to society.

The Chad pibble vs the virgin dramanaut

Girl: Baby come over

Dog: I can't I gotta work tomorrow

Girl: I have my baby with me and she's unsupervised and accidently covered herself in BBQ sauce



controversial if you want to see all the “on its way to eat your babies” jokes

Pitbulls may be the Ted Bundys of the dog world, but goddam that shit looks majestic

And that's why I have a pit shepard mix. Its either going to be the terminator of dogs, or the nicest dog to walk the earth.

Jesus Christ those dogs are powerful. No wonder they're the breed of peace.

They’re also very nimble. My staffie mix can literally run circles around rabbits.

I want to get a shibble just to piss people off.

All the child eating jokes get old after a while. Someone probably just dropped their chili dog.

What's that Lassie? There's a pre-school 3 miles north of here? Go get em girl!

Local pibble mauls preschool and makes columbine a fucking joke