You should be able to break the law with no consequences as long as you're not a citizen, because of the UN declaration of human rights

21  2019-02-22 by TurbulentStorage


The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


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why did SSC move the culture war thread to a different sub? I tried to find the post that announced it but i couldn't, im sure deleting a thread that accounted for literally 60-70% of a subs activity every week would cause a shitshow

Scott Alexander is a coward who turned his back on a community that admired him to serve the actively malicious will of people who hate him. The move was at his urging to separate him from the topic.

i read the whole article, and while i don't know much about him or ssc or the sub, i agree he is a pussy and with his bit about internet forum composition (1 right winger makes a forum right wing, but a forum that is 90% left wing with 1 right winger is still right wing) but dude who the fuck cares, its a fucking internet forum, if every internet forum in the world vanished tomorrow, the world would be a better place. the biggest bit of retardation from this guy (besides being a "rationalist" lol) is connecting ANYTHING from the internet to his real life identity, especially considering the fact that this guy is a fucking DOCTOR. why the fuck would you do that when you have somuch to lose lol.

He has many opinions I agree with, but good god what a spineless wimp.

What exactly is that sub even about...?

it's like this one, but with the autism replaced by high functioning aspergers.

i saw the word "rationalist" and knew all i needed to know about it lol