Oscar worthy performance! #oscarssowhite

148  2019-02-22 by LikeTotesObvi


Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


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Yeah I respect that.

post robohog


Dude bussy lmao

Dude bussy lmao

Is it just me or does he say, "Fear Mongrels," at 0:43? Does he not know what a fishmonger is?

Imagine being that much of a retard.

I don’t have to imagine

He fucking did say that. I listened twice and watched his lips move. What a bucket-head.

I heard it and was like wtf? Rewinf and bam

Laughed my ass off. What a fucking negative iqlet

Also another gem

"A lot much more"

“I will never be the man that this did not happen to.”


This guy is the gift that keeps on giving.


Happy Black History Month Jussie!



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Eddie Johnson put a better performance forward than Jussie did

My God, he even sounds like a total pussy.

This event is absolute beauty. Thank you Jussie for being a collosal asshole

It’s the drama gift that keeps on giving