Piano teachers of reddit unite to tell some kid how much he sucks after he says he doesn't need a teacher

71  2019-02-23 by Snowayne2


Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


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Goddamn who knew piano teachers were so fucking spiteful lol. Makes me glad my piano teachers as a kid were mellow.

As someone who takes lessons right now, it was really frustrating to hear him say things like "piano is only reading notes" and "lessons are a waste." Piano is definitely a lot more nuanced than just reading notes and pushing keys.

That's true. He should pony up for one lesson just to see what he's missing, but I doubt he will.

Stfu pianocel

Did you mean: musician?


Tzar do you exclusively post Drama? I swear to God I see you in every thread

Only good subreddit lol.

GOOD point.

Are we getting invaded by fucking /r/piano of all places now?

Mods fucking do something before we're overun.

I was just trying to explain the situation? I saw the original post not long after it was posted and read what the OP commented.

Moooooods they don't even know where they are. Can we keep it?





pianos are fuckin stupid

Pianos are for people who want everyone to know they’re gay but are too shy to play the flute.

rude, guitars are for people who want to try to look cool and make others think they're a straight boy. Pianos are for people who are secure in their heterosexuality.

You should never be secure if you're heterosexual, though.

It tends to happen in meme jobs with lots of underemployment like the one they have, imagine being a fucking piano teacher of all things lmfao.

i always thought piano teacher would of been some kind of side gig, something you did after your real job.


Do people really try to make this a full time living? there can't be that much demand..

It’s definitely a sidegig job, most piano teachers i know only make 70-90 dollars an hour which won’t get you a standard of living anywhere civilized.

70-90 dollars an hour which won’t get you a standard of living anywhere civilized

Posts in /r/bayarea

Have you ever been outside of California?

Day of the San-Andreas when?

Just plant s bomb in the fault or something

I feel bad for this much midwestcel cope

lol jokes on you faggot I live with my parents

My wife once put out a craigslist ad for a piano teacher. One of the responses asked to be paid in freshly squeezed orange juice instead of cash (4 gallons to be exact). She did not retain his service, but it made me think he was pretty well-off or that there is a black market for OJ in New York that I had been hitherto unaware of.

That was actually drug deal.

Basically just a glorified baby sitter for asian kids lmao

there are tons of people that make their living teaching music though

Piano teachers reeing because he is saying their profession is a meme

He sounds like shit and has no technique

So what's the lesson from this? It's over for Pianocels

Nice, this is spot on. He sounds like fucking shit and a shitty teacher ain't gonna help.

If you can't play the Well Tempered Clavier by age 10 it's over for you.

Counterpoint is unironically the best way to structure music.

The lesson is that teachers demand everyone know how great they are, especially those in irrelevant self congratulating fields like music, so they more they get put in place the better

To be honest that was pretty shit for a whole year of practicing.

What's more pathetic being a piano teacher or boasting about not needing one in a piano subreddit?

I think its the bunch who are being incredibly salty over someone saying piano lessons are a waste of money. lol.



Man I'm going side with teachercels on this one. Even with my absolute shit knowledge I can tell he's got horrible technique.

I started out teaching myself piano a year ago and you absolutely can teach yourself a lot to begin with. But you quickly reach a point where having a professional is a gamechanger. There is no way you will be able to learn that instrument at even 1% of the rate by yourself over having a professional help you. And even then he's not going to be properly playing.

The dude is an absolute retard for doubling down on his shit progression.

Oh yea, his technique is absolute dogshit, but 145 comments to tell a 13-year old he sucks seeems a bit excessive. Especially since /r/piano has videos with terrible technique on the front page all the time without people saying anything.

Ahh he's only 13? Yeah that's too much for someone his age. He doesn't know any better.

I avoided that sub as soon as I started learning because it became clear how full of themselves the users were (seems to be common with musical instruments).

Here I am thinking there rage is for once justified and it turns out to be against a kid...