9 2019-02-23 by AcuraMazda
1 BlindedbyOnanism 2019-02-23
Probably something like like this. Let me mix another drink and I'll get back to you.
1 ObsessedAussie 2019-02-23
Do you remember the fuzzy black and white static on TVs back in the day? It's like that, and my tinnitus completes with with the noise.
1 a-corporate-democrat 2019-02-23
ur mum ghey
1 SchizoDramaTard 2019-02-23
Lots of weird distorted faces. Most of them are people I know/used to know. I see the face of a classmate that moved away in 5th grade constantly spinning. I hear voices more than I see things though.
1 le_epic_xd 2019-02-23
This trailer
1 BlindedbyOnanism 2019-02-23
Probably something like like this. Let me mix another drink and I'll get back to you.
1 ObsessedAussie 2019-02-23
Do you remember the fuzzy black and white static on TVs back in the day? It's like that, and my tinnitus completes with with the noise.
1 a-corporate-democrat 2019-02-23
ur mum ghey
1 SchizoDramaTard 2019-02-23
Lots of weird distorted faces. Most of them are people I know/used to know. I see the face of a classmate that moved away in 5th grade constantly spinning. I hear voices more than I see things though.
1 le_epic_xd 2019-02-23
This trailer