It’s over for r/Pokemongocels

88  2019-02-23 by olgaboogie


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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Well, he was team Instinct. Did you expect no autism?

I have no idea what "team Instinct" means. But I'm guessing everyone who does has a little bit of the tism.

It's the yellow team. Only contrarian autists ever choose the yellow team.

As opposed to the more conformist austists who chose whatever the other team is?

Non-autists played Pokemon Go when it came out.

That was a crazy week

It was pretty fun when everyone was playing it but Nintendo really dropped the ball by not getting an update fast enough.

Nah, they did fine. What I’m most disappointed by is how few kids got mowed down in traffic.

Not enough people played it while driving either. Would have been funny to hear of a bunch of Nintendo fanboys killing some kids while trying to catch a bulbasaur.

"Wait there's no game here. Meh"

Old people like to play it now too. They like to collect things and it gives them something to go outside and walk for.

My grandma spent her whole SSI check on pokeballs and still hasn’t run out.

Imagine being such a fucking boring person you choose blue or red

Wow rude!

Don't get mad at me if you picked team Hufflepuff.

When I used to play PoGo I had to carry my gat around incase I bumped into Team Rocket wannabes lol.

People used to get robbed around here because they would go alone and not pay attention to their surroundings.

Rocket used to fuck with this but now they know I got that thang

I didn’t know Jussie Smollet played Pokémon go...

So this is what led up to the Berkeley video yesterday 🤔

Mystic are the scum of the community though.

Pokemon go in 2019 lmao

Pokéshekels are worth fighting over

This isn't too far off from Ingress drama. I always dread meeting opposing team members, because we've had shit like car stalkers, racist juggalos (not joking), and a handicapped dude who WILL beat your car with his cane if he catches up to you about "his portals". I've had nice dudes before, but still, crapshoot.

Lmfao at imagining this going down 😂😂😂