Blue check mark doesn't have the gaymer fans he thought he had

176  2019-02-23 by Yes_he_swan



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I don't think anyone has said that, is saying that or will say that. But that's okay man. It's not your fault you don't know how to make games people like anymore.

Sometimes twittertards have a stroke of genius and a blue check mark gets btfo.

The people he still owes severance pay to may want him to at least do something that generates money.

For example, he could threaten to make another game unless he got enough money to pay them.

yep and it looks like he's doubling down and rightfully being called out for it

Something something 12 monkeys and a typewriter something something.

I dont know if i would use the word genius for Pat

That's Pat from Super best Friends. He's as smarmy as they come, I'm not shocked he KO'd the dude like that.

His entire persona is built on shitting on himself so he is basically unattackable.

I love that man to death.

Didn't know that Pat was this based

Pat isn't a random twitter yard but he got that line from jim sterling

We are currently enjoying some of the stupid hot takes on this one

Who’s “we”? Him and the silent, teeming majority of Cliffy B acolytes?

Cliffy B will unironically go up in my estimation if he officially starts referring to himself with the royal "we"

ok but can we stop referring to that idiot as "cliffy b"

I don't think I've ever seen anyone say they want CliffyB to make another game. The last time he made anything of value was when he was making maps for UT1999 lmfao

Gears of war was pretty good tbh, don’t know what happened after that tho

Rainbow sweatbands

Don't know how the guy who made that is the same guy sitting on that couch looking like a pissy primadonna pre-op.

The graphics were good for the time but the gameplay was really clunky.

Gow 1? Sure. Gow 2 was really clunky but I felt like they got everything down pat in Gow 3&4 tbh

Maybe I should try 3/4, after 2 I kind of gave up on it.

I don't see the point of the games anymore, all they existed to do was introduce the concept of the cover shooter. Other games have now done it better and done then to death, GoW is essentially pointless now.

Nah, GoW is still one of the better cover shooters. Most modern cover shooters are just this.

It's got tight controls and is definitely better than average but I still feel like it's not special anymore tbh.

lawbreakers happened, and it wasn't good

Tbh I didn't even know who he was

Imagine there was a competition for how fast you could throw investor money in a fire.

I'd actually pick moviepass or fyre.

Theranos wins by default

Yeah, he's on the all-star team but definitely not MVP

Same. Apparently a whole bunch of R* developers I follow also follow this guy. Who the hell is he?

Badass Hero to some, "SoyBoy/Cuck" to others.

Nice bio you have there, Clitty.

he's 50% right there

Who tf describes themself as a hero?

The same kind of person who describes themselves as 'badass'.

Is this the guy that made the overwatch rip off that bombed hard?

Yep. Too bad, the game could have been good if they didn't try to cash in on the OW craze. It had nice gunplay.

Don't forget how he tried to hype the thing real hard by saying this wasn't made for kiddies like other games and stuff.

What game was that?

I remember now, this Crowbcat video is worth a watch, it's great

imo this video is even better than Crowbcat's video, but they're both really good

This Crowbcat video is worth a watch

dear god, no.

whats wrong with crowbcat?

what's wrong with a youtuber who makes meme videos about vidya gaemz?

literally everything.



The only thing I hate more than gamers is people who are bad at hating gamers

claims to hate gamers

defends some completely worthless gaming youtuber

uh huh. go play fortfite legends or whatever, fag.

Imagine having a high horse as an r/drama poster

makes fun of gamers in the most low-effort way possible

ugh get off your high horse



i dunno about most of his content but his details videos were shit and completely misrepresented games or were just straight up wrong a lot of the time.

like what?

I dunno, I don't keep a fucking list lol, just remember why I stopped watching them. There was a pretty obvious bias with some where he'd show off cool things that were in one game but not show cool stuff from another, and I remember something about penetrating stuff in far cry being just not true.

are you talking about objects? he was saying everything in 2 can be affected by gunfire, but not in 5. also you need armor piercing rounds in 5 to shoot through plywood

yeah, but from memory it wasn't shown very well in the video, just came across as "2 is more advanced because you can shoot through stuff but you can't in 5". Just why I don't like them really, they feel kind of narrative driven and less like good comparisons

He does have a thing for excessive cherrypicking.

Yeah that's how I felt, it wasn't like lying but the videos always felt like there was a narrative they were trying to fit.

He also tried to make a fortnite clone right after that didn't last a month

What's it called?

radical heights


What a surprise that a turbo manlet turns out to be a typical blue check mark on Twitter 😴

If anyone else was confused, and thought "okay I know he had done anything worthwhile with his life, but maybe he has made a good video game," here's a summary of the fun games he has made:

Ok but what the fuck is that picture even supposed to convey? He's planning to run real fast through the pride parade? Nigga tf

he looks like a mentally retarded chris pratt

So like Chris Pratt?

Cliffy B's GF was still in High School when Gears 1 came out.

I feel like that would sound more dramatic if Gears 1 hadn't come out nearly 13 years ago. You could've been in high school when it came out and be over 30 now.

He was 30 and she was 18

Oh, you meant they started dating when she was in high school. I though you just meant she was a lot younger than him. My mistake.

Nope. There's even a video of Epic where Cliffy B is bragging about dating an 18 year old. I cant find it though.

I don't see the problem here


how can you not putt cliffy b in the title smh

Literally who?

is this a meme

I'm just fucking with you

It actually is, and is used in reference to Anita Sarkeesian, Brianna Wu, and Zoe Quinn.

He tried to ride the muh lgbtqabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz train but it crashed hard.

I actually liked lawbreakers. Sad it died.

"My last game was a failed early access rush job that tried to quickly cash in on the battle royale craze. Most of the buildings were just pathetic placeholder models that didn't even have textures, but we sure as shit had loot boxes from the get-go! Now everyone is hounding me to make another game! Haha I'm so in-demand!"

Sure thing, legendary designer Ciff Brisnesisksi

Shame. I know his father in law, really cool guy

guyliner 🤮

When you're a grown man wearing eyeliner for selfies you know you've fucked up.

CliffyB is like a caricature of a washed-up dude, I don't even know what to say.

Blue checkmarks are the lowest form of life that can still technically pass for human. Prove me wrong.

remember when he tried to make everyone stop calling him cliffy because he wanted to look more adult?

Is cliffy b gay now? I guess I shouldn't be surprised as Gears of War is like a playable Tom of Finland cartoon.