The pretentious cunts of r/vegan have a dispute over the recent PETA/Steve Irwin debacle and their overall "moral stance". The comments may not shock you.

75  2019-02-23 by le_epic_xd


People with PCOS who are too fat to defend themselves or run away are fun to abuse. I like to take a spoon, heat it up until it's glowing hot, then place it on the skin while they're asleep. The reaction when they wake up after the 25th time of being burned by a redhot piece of metal is amazing. You can literally piecemeal their mental stability down to complete insanity, then leave them in their own homes helpless and alone. :DDDDDDDDDD


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This isn't surprising to me at all, vegans are perhaps the most insufferable and pretentious group of virtue-signalers on the planet.

But Yale trustafarians

imagine the overlap

Vegan - People owing pets is morally wrong.

Also Vegan - PETA killing people’s pets is the right thing to do.

The only difference between your average Vegan and eco-terrorist is their willingness to get off their ass.

PETA is wrong for a lot of reasons mostly because they abduct pets from their owners yard and killing them because their official stance is "animals shouldn't be pets".

Good way to get shot

vegans supporting an organization that steals and kills people's pets

Vegans who defend cat ownership aren’t vegan IMO.

Oh mai

Didn't some vegan kill their cat a while back trying to feed it a vegan diet?

No you can feed cats a vegan diet, it just really fucks them up and is borderline torture (like they go blind, don’t live very long, etc)

Yea they’re obligate carnivores. You can’t be vegan and have a fucking genocider in the house

Fuck Steve Irwin right in his stingray hole

There is a lot of coping going on in that thread.

I don't think any of these people have stepped in a forest and actually looked at what happens there...


Chances are most have been interested enough about nature that they know that animals in nature without moral agency do things we see as rather brutal. But they probably also know that it shouldn't provide any kind of logical foundation for our own behavior.

If someone I knew was bad mouthing Steve they’d be continuing the conversation with the back of my hand. Vegans smh.

you know i was actually considering going vegetarian but after reading that comment section i am now shoving raw ground beef into my mouth hole uncontrollaby