a spectre is haunting /r/ChapoTrapHouse - the spectre of livestreaming

21  2019-02-24 by ImDumbLmao


spoiler it's just some dude with text to speech enabled

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One of you guys who live out there have to bash the fash.

White guy: hey... hey you you... are that streamer. Right?

Asian guy: lol what?

White guy: Waaa!-- Rz!*Throws jamba juice cup at him then runs away, tripping as he exits the bus. Immediately stumbles into the nearest Starbucks and brings posting.

"Hey Chapo, guess what fash got bashed? I was on the BART when 100 nazis began harassing a black grandma for cash with the threat of rape when I-"

I live my life being thankful I'm not a chapotard

What are the odds that the guy pictured didn't do any of those things and someone posted this to try and get retarded leftists to attack some random autistic man

The guy in question is tacitly connected to the domestic terrorist and retard Ice Poseidon. Of course it's an autist but chances are he's an obnoxious asshole doing really dumb shit for money.

So there’s a good chance the dildos are spamming nigger faggot to his tts like all of ice sycophants, I hope there’s a live confrontation it would make good content

I won't be surprised if that badly groomed mofo mocks 'neckbeards' in r/Justneckbeardthings.

Is there any actual proof like the dude’s YouTube or is it a trans chapo who got rejected when she asked him to suck her shenis?