He goes to the antifa/aut-right combat rituals and spars with his opponents with ceremonial weapons. I must have seen him in real life at some point but he doesn't stand out in a crowd like "Tiny" the fat Samoan or Based "Retarded" Spartan and his midget girl sidekick.
1 SnapshillBot 2019-02-24
The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.
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1 acidoverbasic 2019-02-24
After googling to try to find out what high school in Anchorage he went to, I found this delightful Vice article instead.
1 averagewhitebrah69 2019-02-24
go west high eagles
1 acidoverbasic 2019-02-24
Lmao that makes so much sense.
1 DistortedLines 2019-02-24
Can someone tell me who that is? Like what's his thing? I first heard of him from the Shia live stream thing but other than that idk why he's a thing
1 Redactor0 2019-02-24
He goes to the antifa/aut-right combat rituals and spars with his opponents with ceremonial weapons. I must have seen him in real life at some point but he doesn't stand out in a crowd like "Tiny" the fat Samoan or Based "Retarded" Spartan and his midget girl sidekick.
1 captainpriapism 2019-02-24
lmao you watch vic berger videos
imagine being so obsessed with some random ex buzzfeed guy that you make compliation videos of him for some reason lol