Mayocide is not problematic

36  2019-02-24 by ztoundas


"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


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WTF I hate based black people now


Why is the American white?

M U T T.

IT isn't.

Because a Nazi drew this.

shhh... many Amerimutts still think themselves wypipo

Peter Thiel

A literal gay vampire

interesting theory. do you have a pamphlet?

I hear you but fuck all that, I want America to be a majority white nation.

Too late sweetie😘

You have to go back

Hating the mayocide

You have to go back

We are a sub of peace. That peace is maintained by walls, and those walls have to be guarded by... .

Nigga we aint below 50% yet

Current population under 18yo is 50% non-hispanic white. Subtract North-Africans and Middle Easterners from the "white" definition and add future immigration into this generation and it's probably around 43%.

White nationalists should kiss the feet of abortion activists, because it could've been a lot "worse". The -18 black percentage even slightly dropped from 15 to 14%. Reminder that 40.5% of black pregnancies get aborted.

As if "now" matters. American mayos are eternally cucked and this drives them crazy.

Le 56% face.

Nordics and Anglo-Saxons (the original whites in US classification) only constitute maybe 20%.

On the other hand, even "black" Americans are on average 20% white.

All depends how you count.

Remember guys, definitely NOT racist. Now look at this BASTE black man in a maga hat.

S E E T H I N G mayoids knowing their time is up



lol even for t_d this is pretty mask off

19 points 10 hours ago* The issue isn't the one bright Somalian who might be capable of doing the job required, but their 6 children whose IQs regress to the mean and become a liability to society. You can judge people on an individual basis, but Somalians as a whole have IQs slightly above mentally retarded, as well most sub-saharan countries for that matter. That's why Asians are rarely a nuisance and have low-crime rates and even out perform whites academically and professionally despite being a minority. It's biological.

Why would you type this on an 8 year old verified account roflmao

It's a comment from the_donald that got 19 upvotes. I'm not even sure if random people are upvoting it just to make T_D users lewk retarded, who knows?


Use quote formatting.

OK, next time

Somehow ilhan Omar is able to realize obvious truth that you high iq types constantly deny I wonder how that works

Eliot Abrams, the butcher of central America, in charge of the Venezula mission. But it's totally just a humanitarian operation. How stupid do you think we are.

Also I assure you that you're not going to get any credit from Asian Americans for using them as unpersons a convenient bludgeon to justify your bigotry.

FYI Burkina Faso has a lower homicide rate than Poland, how does that work? It's just a biotruth.

Also africa has the highest economic growth rate out of all the continents. I'm sure that just affirmative action though, suddenly the free market is not the ultimate decider of success.

Wait a fucking minute - my intention in posting that was to point out the type of retard trash that gets upvoted on the_donald. That comment was posted there and got 19 upvotes,

africa has the highest economic growth rate out of all the continents

Kinda easy when you were still trying to figure out fire a few decades ago

That person doesn’t understand how regression to the mean works.

T_d being racist smh have they stopped trying to hide it