TooManyChromosomes poster wages two year battle on bedside lamp. Finally admits defeat and blames husband for not doing enough emotional labor.

213  2019-02-24 by GonnaNutInYourButt


In The Lord of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien drew upon the language and themes found in the old Medieval hero-tales in order to construct a kind of new mythology. The brilliance of Tolkien was in his departure from the Pagan modes of conduct and morality of these old tales, his creation of a syncretistic fusion between Christian thought and Pagan language, and so his work achieved a deep resonance with all who read it.

We find this passage at the conclusion of The Return of the King:

The Dark Lord was suddenly aware of him, and his Eye piercing all shadows looked across the plain to the door that he had made; and the magnitude of his own folly was revealed to him in a blinding flash, and all the devices of his enemies were at last laid bare.

Adversaries in the stories that Tolkien drew upon, Grendel, Mordred and the like, often served as obstacles that the heroes could overcome through feats of strength and cunning. Sauron is not like them. When Sauron is defeated, it is not because Aragorn is stronger than him or because Gandalf is wiser. They are not. It is only that his hubris was so great that it never occured to him that anyone would want to destroy the thing he held so dear. It is not until the final few seconds of his existence that he realises his mistake.

I think that I Am Jazz displays a similar moment. In the pictured scene, Jazz's journey to what he believes is womanhood is almost complete. He is resting after surgery, a triumphant smile on his face, his rotting groin held together by a labyrinthine patchwork of stitches and grafts. But as Eru Ilúvatar nudged Gollum over the Crack of Doom into the fires beneath, so too does the God of our world intervene in this.


In a second, the follies of men are undone and Jazz's crotch explodes, a meaty froth of blood and pus pouring out of the hole where his penis used to be.

In that moment of blind panic and terror, Jazz is Sauron. All triumph and victory is gone. Only the Void remains.


  1. This Post -,,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Wait. What?

Snappy is saying that Sauron is trans.

Explains why he's so angry.

It is ma'am.

Imagine being such an autodummy that you recycle the same solution for 2 years without thinking critically and saying "maybe the problem is not my appliance, but the outlet". Alternatively, if I, the internet savant, am wrong, and it's not the outlet, imagine repeatedly buying cheap ass lamps for 2 years straight just to end up spending the amount of money it would take to afford a good lamp without the "emotional labor"

Imagine a stupid lamp not working causing you "emotional labor"

Women are really good at coming up with new ways to complain about stuff.

It's a classic example of how useless women are at problem solving. They'd rather spend hours thinking what a victim they are than a few mins thinking of practical solutions.

I’ve been fighting with lamps for 2 years with no help from him. I resign.

When I think of 2X, I will always think of an obese white woman saying this outloud to her pet cat.

When I think of 2X

All Mayo Women Are Like That.


mayo gussies




And that's a good thing


emotional labour

Nice title OP

So strong, so brave. You go girl!

yikes 💅

Peak fanfiction

A grown adult wrote this, thought it sounded halfway believable, and then sent it out onto the internet for validation from morons who surely realize it's fake, but are willing to massage her ego in the hopes of reciprocation when it's their turn to post their own made-up stories for attention. Really gets the noggin joggin.

She mentions her boyfriend here but her husband before? Makes a lot of sense really

Haha he's literally gaslighting her, like per the original definition (only with an electric lamp)!

Also, this paints the whole "it's your turn" in a different light, ha ha. How will he deal with this emotional labor now, oh no!

That was archived in three minutes after posting. I’m guessing this is a troll.

Troll or not, I’m invested

Real. Her random acts of amazon post has her amazon wishlist tagged. From that you can figure out the book she published. Look up reviews of the book and you'll find an interview she gives on a scottish author's blog. Linked in that blog is this pic of her holding her cat. She posted this two days ago and it's the same cat.

There is also this pic from a glasgow newspaper article covering her book. Note the same piercings as shown in this post.

This is the autism I expect from /r/drama, well done

Holy shit I am so happy she is real! I just made a long long post ctrl c'ing the shit out of her comments, she is solid fucking gold. Man white women were God's biggest mistake.

Imagine if you put this much effort in to your real life

Why are we still here? Just to meme?


I’m an American from small-town Wisconsin who has found herself in Glasgow, Scotland.

lol @ 'has found herself in Glasgow'. What a fucking hangover that must have been.

She's kinda fuckable, if the lights are off. Hey, wait a minute!

I’m finishing up my PhD in Creative Writing with a focus on fairy tale studies and rape trauma narratives.

Ha, the jokes write themselves.

Imagine reading books in the current year when books on tape are literally a thing. LOL fucking stupid gussy

Imagine thinking books on tape are still a thing.

Audible motherfucker?

What in the world does she have supposed PTSD from?

The Future Is Female, and this gussy is a prime example

Women are just trolling at this point. Gussy was a mistake.

never. get. married.

Haha. Who hurt you, sweetie?

r/mensrights, smashbros and cringeanarchy poster

don't worry hun you won't ever have to worry about that possibility

It's like the GCcels that are freaking out about getting replaced with sex robots. Worrying about something that will never affect them

Holy fuck, a TwoX post which isn't a maudlin open letter to someone who will never see it.

...Oh, it's a woman who thinks replacing a lamp multiple times in the space of two years is "unfair emotional labor" and not an indicator of a serious electrical fault and fire hazard. Never mind. You go girl!

they literally think the average man sits around in a filthy house in unwashed clothes eating out of his neighbors garbage.

My girlfriend does most of the cooking in our home, but she's not expected to and if she didn't, I'd just cook my own food like I did for me entire adult life before I met her. These people infantalize men so much it makes me wonder if they actually know any

Unfortunately I've met a lot of men who knock up a girl or get married to a girl fresh out of college or high school, and then their wife/girlfriend just ends up filling the role of their mom. Men who have never had an adult life outside of their relationship. Or they've been married so long that they've forgotten how to take care of themselves.

So it doesn't surprise me that the type of women who likely enable this behavior just think all men are this way. They're the low quality women picking up on the low quality men.

It's not even a power hazard. These are USB lamps. What the fuck sort of nonsense are those?

For once the comments were mostly sane

What even is "emotional labor" supposed to mean? Feeling emotions isn't labor. If you don't want to do it, then don't do it.

Enjoy the electrical fire next time you charge your portable light with that outlet.

Emotional labor has a technical definition, that of employees often being required to pretend to feel a certain way. (Cashiers, help-desk clerks, etc.) This isn't a new thing, it's been around since basically forever, but the term itself is relatively recent.

However, feminists have seized the term and are using it to describe anything they don't like, especially (God forbid!) being expected to behave in a feminine manner.

Her description of some of the emotional labor forced upon her amounted to "keeping track of the grocery list" and then after a list of about 8 or 9 things common found on a grocery list as if they counted as more individual proofs of the labor.

So she couldn't even list more than one thing really.

Also she's either consumed by an unhealthy level of fixation on this burden to identify household items in need of replacement or a complete fucking liar.

Most people just y'know notice they're low on an item when they go to use it and make note of it. She frames it as if hours of her day are consumed by an ongoing Inventory Count of all household goods.

I hope this is fake, or else its simply more evidence that all femo*ds must be destroyed.

I know the comic you're talking about, but she didn't invent the term.

Did you mean to reply to someone else or are we missing each other here?

I'm speaking to the fact that the OP just posted again 40minutes ago and described her emotional labor as pretty much having to be the person in charge of the grocery list and how much of a toll that was taking on her psyche.

Oh, sorry, there's this really shitty feminist comic going around about how having to manage a household is literally backbreaking labor because laundry and shopping lists. I thought you were referring to it.

Speaking as someone who was once in the service sector, actual "emotional labor" is a pain, but as I am told the kids are saying these days, this ain't it, chief.

Can you share that comic

They don't just think behaving in a feminine manner is emotional labor, they think acting like an adult in any way is emotional labor. They think doing their own chores should earn them a salary and 401k

I thought emotional labor was basically playing therapist for your partner?

"Having to be empathetic to people" is one of the examples given of emotional labor.

Emotional labor is a term Reddit loves. It means that cashiers and waiters and all the jobs Redditors do are so hard because not only do they have to do their jobs, they also have to talk to customers and smile and even laugh at their bad jokes! They should get paid a CEO salary for that.

It means "I want an excuse as to why I'm a useless irresponsible sack of shit"

Emotional labour is what people use as an excuse for not being properly mature enough to deal with every day life. It is the sign of an upper middle class upbringing where someone has looked after them their entire life up until recently where they had to grow up and start acting independently.

Does it occur to anyone else that neither she nor any of commenters suggested *she* tries to fix the fucking lamp herself?

Women would be sitting in mud huts in the dark without men, I swear.

Imagine having multiple lamps malfunction when plugged into your wall and thinking you just keep buying defective lamps. This is /r/threeXchromosomes material

hahaha holy fuck

That text is a strange choice. I'm wondering why you didn't just give him the silent treatment and say nothing was wrong until he figured it out on his own.


silent treatment

If only.

Mfw they still think it's a punishment.

I’m pretty new here. Is that sub a support group for mentally ill women?

I don't think support group is accurate, probably better to call it an enabling group.

Her post history is a mess, poor husband

How does one avoid this type of women? It's shit like this that makes me look at the idea of an AI gf and say "yeah, why not". I mean "emotional labor" , yeah fuck off.

Cats. Check for cats

I've taken the liberty of going deep on this one fellas:

I think this is more common than is usually let on.

If I died, I can’t imagine a better second partner I’d want for my husband than my best friend. I’d know she’d love me, honour me, remember me, and—most importantly—treat my children as her own. I would absolutely trust that BOTH of them never tried to erase me from their lives or memories.

If I had to leave my child motherless, I’d absolutely pick my best friend as his new, stand-in mom.

I think you just have to gently let people know. And please, please love that little child as your own, and always let him know how much you loved his mother and how much you love him.

This is just so alienating to people who have worked hard to move to another country—and to people of colour who are born into the Americas.

I’m an American living in Glasgow; when 45 was elected, I was devastated. I honestly felt like I had no safe home anymore. The number of Scottish friends who poured out of the woodwork to comfort me, send me condolence messages—all of them said the same thing. “It’s okay. We love you, we welcome you. You can just be Scottish now. You are one of us. You’re Scottish now. We will always welcome you here. This is your home.” It was the loveliest thing I could imagine, being so accepted into an adopted country. I desperately needed that love and acceptance, those open arms.

It’s not as bad in Glasgow, but I still do run across “you don’t belong here” tones—including being denied medical attention—and it’s so hurtful.

Folks, the kindest thing you can ever do for any immigrant is accept them as one of your own. We are all human. If someone is making a life in your country, they ARE one of you. Be sure to treat them as such.

I worked at Walmart. My favourite was the woman who had a huge shop, and the entire time I was checking her out, she rattled off statistics and numbers at me about how I was so underpaid, how I was so used and taken advantage of, how my work was worth more than I was paid for, how much the CEO makes. And then kept asking me if didn’t that make me angry? Didn’t I think that was wrong? Didn’t I think I should protest or do something about it?

I politely agreed with her, because yeah I agreed with all those points and even if I didn’t I’d have to agree anyway as she was a customer, but I could barely restrain myself from shouting, “THEN WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING ALL YOUR SHOPPING HERE?!” Seriously! If you feel so strongly, shop elsewhere, for starters, and maybe also start voting/lobbying/complaining to put your money where your goddamn mouth is!

Oh, I never felt so condescended to or livid about someone’s commentary about my work. It was like r/SelfAwareWolves in real life. I still get a bit steamed just thinking about her pitying, outraged tone while she loaded $200 worth of shit onto my belt and informed me that I was underpaid. No shit, lady. And then to tell ME that I was responsible for fixing it? As if I didn’t have bills to pay and no other option and no spare time to change capitalism itself? Ugh.

I’m a bisexual witch; I think I just wouldn’t apply for a “Christian job” unless I was truly desperate. Who wants to hide their identity at work all the time?

I smoke (want to quit but purely for health reasons). I drink. I don’t wear makeup except for when I want to. I want to do some light exercise for my health but I’m too happy in life to care about an extra 30 pounds when the alternative is starving myself into a size 2. I have more leggings than jeans. I exclusively wear boots or flats.

Honestly, at some point, I just realised that I’d rather be comfortable and happy than be a magazine model. Now of course I enjoy dressing up—I’m super femme and I love it! I subscribe to Birchbox and I play with my hair and I love clothes. But at some point in my late 20s I shifted from “be as skinny and young as possible” to “it’s so great being short; so many of these sweaters can be worn without jeans!” I started wearing comfortable bras instead of painful push up torture devices because who the fuck cares how big my tits look in my shirt. I do light makeup when I want and I quit trying to figure out contouring and highlighting and waxing and cellulite exercises and worrying about everything all the time. It was eating up so much of my time and money and energy and like—I just can’t be bothered anymore. My husband likes me as I am, I’m pretty enough, it’s whatever.

I think it’s more about attitude than anything. I still have hangups, but mostly I’m trying to remember I don’t need to be Beyoncé to be a valuable person in this world. Pretty is not the price I pay to exist. I can take a middle road and save myself a lot of time and money by just being a comfortable, normal looking person.

Not me but one of my friends. She gets upset sometimes from all the societal pressure, because our society is so constructed around the idea of romantic love and kids. She’s asexual and just isn’t interested. She gets so much shit for it, too, it’s wild. When she first came out to me, she was really nervous and haltingly came out, then kind of waited like she was expecting to be hit or something. I just said, “Oh, that’s cool. I’m on the asexual spectrum myself.” And we kept chatting about it.

She later told me it was the first time in her 28 years that someone just accepted her asexuality like it was no big deal and not an invitation for an argument. I found that incredibly sad. People need to learn to mind their own business. What’s it to them if she doesn’t want marriage or kids? It’s not a judgement on them, for god’s sake.

My husband knows fuck-all about beer. He chooses by the prettiest label. I’m decently into beer, yet we are constantly in a position (particularly at one bar) where I’m choosing a beer for myself AND am CLEARLY also ordering for him, and the bartender will ignore me completely and enthusiastically yammer on to my husband about all this technical beer stuff while his eyes glaze over and he continually says, “You really need to talk to my wife, she’s the beer person” and is ignored.

Same bartenders will say stuff to me like, “Well, that beer is £5. So are you sure you want to spend money on that?” as if my lady tastebuds couldn’t possibly detect the finer notes and I may as well go with a cheap lager and save myself the money. Or, “That’s a 7%, though. Okay, but are you sure you can handle it?” FFS.

The worst offender at that place has, after 4 years, finally come round to the idea that I may actually know what I’m talking about, and will talk to ME directly about my IPAs and what they have new on tap. Even while my husband is there! It was a long, long battle of the wills.

In the moment it can be hard to know how to respond, especially when you’re in a vulnerable position. I got a reusable sponge caught up near my uterus last year and my husband and I had to waste a day going to the ER and waiting for the (very nice female doctor who was very kind about my vaginismus btw) doctor to get it out. The female nurse who was supposed to take my vitals and fill out my form spent so much time literally snorting and giggling in my face (“you have a WHAT? Stuck WHERE? No, say it again. A WHAT?!”) that she forgot to even take my vitals and the doctor had to chase after me later on my way out and do it herself.

Obviously that was the point when I should have told the doctor what happened, but I was too humiliated and frankly stunned by the unprofessional and juvenile behaviour (a stuck menstrual product is hardly unusual or bizarre) that I just didn’t know what to say. I only had some choice words later that day after I’d processed the incident and talked over my feelings with my husband. I didn’t make a report either; didn’t really know how and I unfortunately just let it slide.

I had an internalised misogyny moment once where I casually mentioned to my mom that she couldn’t drive X car because it was a stick. I just assumed! She gave me an icy glare and informed me that her first ever car was a manual. Definitely checked that little bit of internalised bias that day!

Yep. At Walmart, I was required to park in the very end spaces of the parking lot. This meant walking a dark, isolated parking lot at 12AM most nights, completely alone. I would’ve appreciated closer and safer parking.

OP, be thankful you don’t have to worry about dark parking lots at night, and drop it.

I have a few facial piercings and my favourite is when creepy old guys act all disappointed in me for them, like I’ve somehow failed them personally. Lol!

Guess what? I’m a rape victim too, and I absolutely find being slapped on the ass or grabbed to be sexual assault and triggering. My own damn husband knows not to grab my boobs or slap my ass because I find it incredibly upsetting. A drunk stranger would absolutely traumatise me. Stop gatekeeping and stop policing other people’s trauma; you don’t speak for everyone. You should be helping to prop victims up and pushing against rape culture, not calling other victims liars and drama queens.

Please mod this fucking monster, I'm pretty sure this is a real person and obviously a fucking goldmine.

All them words won't bring your pa back.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Another vote to mod this creature.

There is just, so so much to unpack here. I don't know if I can even handle it. I ... Just ... VAGINISMUS

Her poor husband, imagine having to deal with that.......every day

The dude is probably on the verge of killing himself dealing with that shit. Then she can add the label of "suicide survivor" to her list of reasons why she's a victim of this cruel world.

How does someone fail so utterly and completely at life. An ISIS slave catcher contributes more to society than she does.

That was amazing

>married to a trollx poster

sisyphus has nothing on the suffering of this poor bastard

Also why does sisyphus auto correct to sissy fucking on my phone?

That sub is cancer, someone posted a thread about what are the worst subs and of course I said 2X and some pussy beta orbiter started arguing that he was a man and 2X was an awesome place.

Yeah, this shit is sooooooo “awesome” and “insightful” how could I be so mistaken?


Women: “I am strong and independent”

Women when they have the smallest amount of work: “I am overwhelmed with all this emotional labor, why does society have to be so cruel and sexist”

I'd bet what's happening is that she keeps buying lamps that come with a USB cable (Why would anyone buy a USB lamp? Who knows!) but not a wall wart. The lamp simply pulls more current than whatever random old-ass phone charger she's using, which gets re-used for every new lamp she buys, but not for anything else she plugs into the outlet. She should just jam some paper clips into the outlet and sandwich a lightbulb between them.

Not even twoX can deal with that nonsense, love it.