Theory > Problematic is a popular word choice for the woke as everything else is Problematically offensive

3  2019-02-24 by jacc1337

Retarded - Ableist

Gay - Homophobic


Probably can't even use shitlord anymore because some minor royalty with crons got offended


Like most "woke" terminology, it started in academia as a reasonable term and then got misunderstood by undergraduate retards who thought misapplying terms their professors used made them more smarter.

If someone wrote a general survey of the history of calculus without mentioning Leibniz, there would be be a 'problem' with/in their work. If a physicist wrote a paper that relied on misinterpreted data, another academic might point out what was 'problematic' about this interpretation.

When some whiny undergrad gets told their shoddy half-assery is 'problematic', they internalize the verbiage instead of the feedback. They don't fix their bad work, they simply (mis)apply this new term for 'bad' to everything else as means of projecting away failure.