Introspection, probability, deductive reasoning. These are 3 things none of the alternative medicine jackasses are good at. They don't even have the basic tools that would allow them to understand why they are wrong, which is why it is so hard to convince them.
Has anybody else noticed how people are always extolling the virtues of drinking water? Like, what is that even? If I were a big corporate industry I'd be beside myself with joy at the cult-like levels of hydro-worship. It's really making me question whether I should drink water anymore.
If you really want to piss them off, drink exclusively tap water straight from the faucet. For some reason that shit is poison to them. That's the corporate angle too, they don't want you going to the faucet more, they want you buying bottles of water, smart water, nanopure water, water filters, or anything that makes your water consumption cost several dollars per day instead of fractions of pennies.
Lamo, Imagine thinking reddits circlejerk on anti-vaxxers have any ulterior motive other than wanting to appear smarter in front of others. Truly the bottom 1% of society.
Im not saying anti-vaxx people aren't reatrded, they are but the point that science is treated like a religion isn't all that wrong. Science specially on reddit is closer to a culture or a religion than a process of discovery
What even is the point of crapping on anti-vaxxers in mainstream subreddits? Everybody is just going to agree with you, zero new thoughts will be thought. Lurking anti-vaxxers won’t be convinced by some driveby reddit comment. So what just crap on them to earn some karma?
Everybody has some kind of "god" in their life. For people who reject spiritual religion it often turns into blindly believing in "science" or sometimes even lame shit like video games
Definitely, there's a lot of bullshit that gets promoted by mainstream media and bought into by millions of retards who believe some pseudoscientific horseshit will one day be real because "Science!". Like all the dumb cunts buying into Elon Musks shitty tunnel, where a few points debunk the whole thing but hey "you just don't like change" and "things progressed in the past so any bulllshit can become real in the future".
How come you never see chapos going on about anti vaxx? It’s a leftist conspiracy/resistance against the anti Palestine pharmaceutical companies, you’d think they’d be all about it all the time
1 SnapshillBot 2019-02-24
Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 10IphonesIcarlyyyyyy 2019-02-24
1 Voltairium 2019-02-24
The poor pro-science guys are getting downvoted lol. Say what you want about antivaxxers, they're good for dramacoin
1 SuperObviousShill 2019-02-24
Introspection, probability, deductive reasoning. These are 3 things none of the alternative medicine jackasses are good at. They don't even have the basic tools that would allow them to understand why they are wrong, which is why it is so hard to convince them.
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2019-02-24
Has anybody else noticed how people are always extolling the virtues of drinking water? Like, what is that even? If I were a big corporate industry I'd be beside myself with joy at the cult-like levels of hydro-worship. It's really making me question whether I should drink water anymore.
1 SuperObviousShill 2019-02-24
If you really want to piss them off, drink exclusively tap water straight from the faucet. For some reason that shit is poison to them. That's the corporate angle too, they don't want you going to the faucet more, they want you buying bottles of water, smart water, nanopure water, water filters, or anything that makes your water consumption cost several dollars per day instead of fractions of pennies.
1 Logan_Pauler 2019-02-24
Lamo, Imagine thinking reddits circlejerk on anti-vaxxers have any ulterior motive other than wanting to appear smarter in front of others. Truly the bottom 1% of society.
1 ryandanegayin 2019-02-24
Nuh-uh, there's gotta be another reason! Karma whores aren't real! Wake up sheeple!
1 Vurtizontal 2019-02-24
Im not saying anti-vaxx people aren't reatrded, they are but the point that science is treated like a religion isn't all that wrong. Science specially on reddit is closer to a culture or a religion than a process of discovery
1 2938_throwd 2019-02-24
Can’t argue with this take.
What even is the point of crapping on anti-vaxxers in mainstream subreddits? Everybody is just going to agree with you, zero new thoughts will be thought. Lurking anti-vaxxers won’t be convinced by some driveby reddit comment. So what just crap on them to earn some karma?
1 Milky_Stevens 2019-02-24
Everybody has some kind of "god" in their life. For people who reject spiritual religion it often turns into blindly believing in "science" or sometimes even lame shit like video games
1 oBLACKIECHANoo 2019-02-24
Definitely, there's a lot of bullshit that gets promoted by mainstream media and bought into by millions of retards who believe some pseudoscientific horseshit will one day be real because "Science!". Like all the dumb cunts buying into Elon Musks shitty tunnel, where a few points debunk the whole thing but hey "you just don't like change" and "things progressed in the past so any bulllshit can become real in the future".
1 piss_tape 2019-02-24
That's because scientific consensus has an established process, whereas you're just a retard.
1 togadabihawks 2019-02-24
Are antivaxxers retarded? Yes
However is Reddit’s ‘DAE ANTIVAXX IS DUM’ circlejerk on every sub annoying as fuck? Yes
1 ArtisanalCollabo 2019-02-24
How come you never see chapos going on about anti vaxx? It’s a leftist conspiracy/resistance against the anti Palestine pharmaceutical companies, you’d think they’d be all about it all the time