Rich Chinese guy proposes to Russian woman, gets rejected. r/aznidentity on suicide watch

110  2019-02-24 by marty_eraser


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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woke and hikkikomori pilled.

The Virgin Chinese Businessman vs the Chad Russian Oligarch

That Lamborghini is like 10 years old and the ugliest model in the past 30 years. She made the right choice.

Lol it's a gallardo they don't even make them anymore they stopped production in 2013.

Honestly if you're gonna get a car like that you should get the V12 one, not the pussy V10

Yah your hounda soul gout soul

excuse me, I drive an Acura not a Honda

get it right chud

Some thoughts on this situation:

  1. Dramatic, crowd based proposals place enormous pressure on the target and have a high probability of triggering a flight response.

  2. How fucking unbearable must this guy be to deal with? Probably has no concept of how to deal with his problems other than tossing money at them.

  3. Jesus, you think that a rich guy like that would have been taught by his father to not let women get under his skin. In some sense she did him a favor, because she could easily have cleaned him out. She's probably his first GFE hooker, so he thinks he's in love.

  4. Its pretty much over for aznidentitycels if wealth doesn't make them attractive to white women. That's literally their entire life plan down the drain.

I'm fed UP with this worald!

crowd based proposals

Fucking hell they make me cringe

I don't know why men think those types of proposals are a good idea. I would immediately dump any dude who proposed to me that way but luckily I don't have to worry about that possibility.

even being a femcel has its pros

Will u marry me

Will you marry me /u/AlveolarPressure 😘 ?

💖 I posted this thread for you! 💖/willyou_marry_me_ualveolarpressure/

anything for u m'lady


About your second point: Chinese dating scene is swallow as fuck. It's customary there to throw money at women till they mary you. Guy was doing everything by the book according to chink culture. But my spedy senses tell me this is a case of the good'ol "fake and gay".

Wow didn't know this sub until now. LMAO someone named that is some punk ass CUNT living in the basement. Thanks for generalizing Asian men bro. Not all do that especially here in America. I can talk all day as a fellow "chink" bro. I don't give a fuck about political SJW BS but shit talk a group of men and people. I don't cry about our stereotypes as well.

Wow guys take a look at this uppity chink 🧐

Cry harder, RiceCel

What are your thoughts on WMAF?

They're in the wire boys.

it's over for riceoids

It's very clear you don't understand this sub. Also, pointing out a cultural norm in China isn't racist. This sub calls white people Mayo's and calls for the mayocide. Don't get bussy blasted just because someone uses a no-no word.

Damn you know you it's bad when you can't even get a Russian chick, they got one of the highesy female to male ratios in the world and pretty much only other options are alcoholics with gout.

The guy doesn't even seem to be badlooking. Proofing once again that the issue hapas and azn boys face is mostly their complete autism rather than how they are treated based on their looks.

Well they have small penis tho so... its not looks its girth. Hell why marry that boring guy when you can marry a brazilian hump dancer with a mean incher. Trully their last resort to save face is money yet they are still beat by arabs by a mile because arabian millionaires are damn rich, has decent dick, and is atleast better looking. The only time asian men look good is when they wear make up like those girly kpop guys you see and girls love them because those girls are closeted gays.

She obviously made the right decision. Proposes by trying to buy her. Keeps grabbing onto her as she tries t move away. Has violent fit when she gets away from him. Dudes a prime example of money doesn't buy class.

Dudes a prime example of money doesn't buy class.

tfw almost all of China’s “new money” are like the dude in the video

“What do you mean you won’t marry me? How much should I write the check for, then?”

Just to clarify, are you saying that he's being too upfront or are you saying money doesn't buy marriage?

They do that because that's actually the correct way to propose to a Chinese girl.

Dowries are still really big in China.

I don’t know why the hell they’d think it work on a Russian woman, much less any western woman or women in general considering that at the end of the day you’re marrying this creep for money and will probably face a ton of abuse(especially if the stereotypes about Chinese men treating their wives no better than dogs is any measure)

its basically a cultural ideological clash. Despite Russia being communist inspired country, its still closer to being considered "euroasian" than being the chinese counterpart.

This type of mentality might fly with 1900's western ideals, but this chinese guy thinks west is like that now. Which is pretty retarded to believe if you even tried to do a simple internet search about western values and the amount of freedom western women have today.

This also tells you this loser is pretty clueless and pretty ignorant of the world and is pampered all his life by his rich parents.

Jesus Christ he was practically grabbing her and holding her down.

When will aznmanlets learn?

Maybe when penis can be made functionally larger, these will have a chance with their money

Having high iq leads to smaller dick I guess with the exception of the jews and white people because idk biology just gave asian males the short straw, no wonder china and north korea are communist. It must be the only thing keeping their masculinity intact. Without those everyone will slowly be a traphouse like thailand, japan, and south korea.

biology just gave asian males the short straw

Gave him the short straw anyway 😆🤣😂

Confucius says: Lamborghini cannot make up for tiny weenie

Spergo thought he could toss wads of bills to make her forget his personality too

Confucius say, man who sit on upturned tack, rise above all.

"Just a bot trying to brighten up someone's day with a laugh. | Message me if you have one you want to add."

Very wise bot

r/aznidentity is a goldmine. This sub is going straight into the great wall.

Half of the sub is asian dudes beating white dudes and the other half is complaining that asian chicks love white dicks.

"Asian masculinity" is an oxymoron.

true, but silver lining for thots is they are the only group of men I can think of making $300k+ not liable to whore it up every 'business trip'. Though with that hair and cloths I would have second thoughts.

they are the only group of men I can think of making $300k+ not liable to whore it up every 'business trip'

You don't know any Chinese people, do you?

fair enough, used to hapas.

Well they do make good traps better than white people so thats masculinity for them. Must be all the soy they consume that make them like that.

I'm Asian and I carry a big glock (to compensate for my penis but that's besides the point, DM for pics). Anyone knows that owning and brandishing guns when threatened is peak masculinity. Checkmate incel 🤠

Go back to playing your Switch, mayo


I've been reading a ton of chinese webnovels, and a key trope is the rich young asshole trying to mack on girls by flashing his wallet in the leat subtle way possible. Always figured it was just a trope, but man...

nothing signifies a healthy relationship more than one person saying "i don't like this" repeatedly




Wins again

B O R S C H T ' D

How long until he drives a really expensive van into a crowd?

Lamborghini made an SUV. Good option

Oh shit I couldn't watch it was way too cringey I just couldn't :(

lol @ asian men thinking they can land a white woman

it can happen if they're tall and buff


Well yeah, no woman wants a chink who looks like a twink. Hit the gym ricecels and get those leg lengthening surgeries.

Dick lengthening surgery as well

The woman or the man?

Because Asian men often make really nice traps, and that's gotta be the best type for the most dominant muscular women.

He said asian men though.

There have been a lot of these public proposals gone viral in China. A lot of them end like this.

It's really indicative of an unhealthy mind-set that someone would put this much public pressure onto another person. It's kind of a way of forcing her to say yes.

Another one I saw she hits the fucker hard in the face.


Is this the toxic masculinity I've been hearing so much about?

No, this is how a straight asian male finds their calling to go to thailand and be a trap.

This is when you let assburgers go untreated.

On yhe bright side atleast he can look to dating a thai trap rather than a blonde russian girl. That way he can finally learn that true love is found in anal and traps.

It never even began for the ricecels.