To all the incels invading r/Drama.

80  2019-02-24 by HailFenris



Im pretty sure 90% of our mod team are incels already

And without the mods, r/Drama would be a better place

This would hurt my feelings if I had any.

Leans into mic


Because youd be in SRD

hey thats not right, we need someone maintaining our border

The mods here are unironically not shitty

Fake and gay.

Name one shitty thing they have done besides telling us we canโ€™t ping ๐Ÿ‘‚

Banned the people's artists u/momruepari for 69days.

They let Gallowboob in as a joke

The discord drama was also bad just because it split the sub and fouled everything up. Normally I'd appreciate drama of that caliber, but when it paralyzes the sub itself, I cease being entertained.

I actually missed most of the Discord drama, are there any good posts about it? All I know is Mircy had a pic of a dead kid as their profile picture.

I've been trying to get the discord for months now, plz share

It doesn't exist anymore

Rip. Any idea why?

Drama and surplus autism, but not the good kind

Thanks fren

Depends. Does cyber count? People may have forgotten this but intra-mod drama happened when one twink started e-dating (as far as I can tell, it's just "e") another twink, and the third twink got very angry about it. Two of these mods are no longer mods though.

I'm calling them twinks because they're all male originally, i'm not sure which ones are trans anymore.

i'm not sure which ones are trans anymore.

You have to be trans to be a mod.

Snally is mommyposting, they definitely have organic uteruses on here.

New china surgery.

Without a timestamp and name on it, that could be anybody's uterus

memes aside our trans mods are too few.

Lawlz bagged a hot chick. Didn't you see his sticky?

And at least 70% of the subs

Don't tell me how to live my life, Chad.

No Chads come here



You're obviously wrong



Nazi Dogwistle? ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

Well fenris is a huge doggo


As a woman.....




chasing lolcows away

The problem is that they think they're with the cool kids since they're commenting on r/Drama ๐Ÿคข

...Thatโ€™s the point.

They stick around because they think weโ€™re โ€œbased and red-pilled.โ€

After a few days, once theyโ€™ve let their guard down, they get smacked in the face with a hard COPE and an unrelenting masterlawlz sticky or two before it dawns on them:

โ€Iโ€™m the lolcowโ€

before it dawns on them:

I think you're giving them too much credit

Well, they are lolcows..

And we can milk โ€˜em dry for lolmilk.

Ehhhh, I think I'll pass on incel milking. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

you mean they'd think "what's with this attention seeking sperg?"

Do you think you're with the cool kids?

No I think I'm on the short bus

If it was truly a short bus, the mods would make us private so no more retarded passengers could get on.

Its over for Incel-cels

unlike op and women ing eneral i do not turn my back on you incels. make sure to follow my reddit profile!

i do not turn my back on you incels.

no women don't do that either.

get it? like sex stuff?

incels this is what happens when you do not join my group up with me! people will mock you left and right. not right!

you're the one saying you won't turn your back on them, thus depriving them of that sweet sweet bussy

you monster

no I am sayin if they follow my Reddit profile they will NEVER be alone again. join randys little monsters now!

look are you or are you not going to single-handedly take the virginity of all of these incels

follow my reddit profile to find out! now!


These serious posting incel faggots are unironicaly making this sub garbage

Build. The. Wall.

Too bad I'm gay

Maybe Al will sleep with you then? ๐Ÿ˜น ๐Ÿ˜น ๐Ÿ˜น

Hmm perhaps. Who is this All person ๐Ÿ˜˜

My girl would never sleep with me without having first handed her an envelope containing $700 in American currency

Stay strong Kangz hey hey you are POWERFUL and BEAUTIFUL

has this subreddit ever been anything but infested with incels?

nuclear fusion takes about m'ladys have been a reliable part of the experience since I started posting here years ago

Figures. So much racism, sexism, etc.

No it's just that they're shitting up the sub with repetitive, boring "drama" that is clearly just used as an excuse to make repetitive, boring comments about the evil foids or whatever. And they get unironically angry when somebody disrupts their whinefest. I don't think you'd be interested in this sub if half of its content was posts about men being violent for dumb reasons or otherwise doing and saying stupid shit, unironically full of posters saying 'evil mussy shows its true nature yet again, so glad i swore them off' etc. It's just boring. It's great if we could have a small core group of incels here but they're currently overrepresented to a large degree and trying to turn the sub into another incel circlejerk. They should be spending the time that they spend complaining on this sub with prostitutes

No it's just that they're shitting up the sub with repetitive, boring "drama"

Says the incredibly tedious seriousposter, unironically.

We will leave when they quit banning our subs.


Banning or quarantining.

Also, I am not an incel, I am making pussy gush RIGHT NOW.

I meant the royal we.

I am making a pussy gush RIGHT NOW.


You should quartanined online and irl tbqh.

Great idea. Lets start building some chambers insulated enough to contain gas but maybe hang wooden doors on the exit

Yeah bro

What about quarantining makes the sub unusable? Are you such a big attention whore that you need to know that anybody can stumble across your comments?

Try using a quarantined sub on mobile, or scrolling past a single page of material, faggot.

I think OP is an incel.

If they just exercised and had a positive attitude they'd get pussy. Lol wait no they wouldn't.

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fucking gussy ew

Sexhavers unite

To all the incels invading r/Drama:

Welcome home.