In which risking brain damage is apparently an important staple of Dutch culture

51  2019-02-24 by fieldartillery


This is why we need mayocide.


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It’s over for personal-safetycels

Cracking your skull open to own the... actually, for no reason.

The Netherlands: Bicycle to work and don't get a head injury because you're not retarded

America: Drive to workplace, get shot

It's over for burgercels

Hey, at least the shots just kill us instead of putting us on life support indefinitely.

Nah you can get legally euthanized there

Damn you guys really do have it all πŸ˜”

The have "involuntary euthanasia" (gotta love progressive vocabulary) too. But no capital punishment.

Wearing a bicycle helmet in the Netherlands is asking fir people to make fun of you. Trust me I'm Dutch

I mean, in some places people will laugh at you for not wearing a seatbelt, it's still natural selection if you don't lmao

It is, but you have to keep in mind that lethal bicycle accidents are extremely rare in the Netherlands despite nobody wearing helmets.

The main reason Dutch people don't is probably because it's really inconvenient. And i feel like Dutch people really care about their looks. And a helmet doesn't help with that.

I'll give you that one, bicycle helmets are really annoying.

It's also true that the Netherlands has specifically built bikepaths, so it's not like here in burgerland where you have to dodge pedestrians and 75 year olds driving monstertrucks where their entire view is a blindspot.

All that being said though, I'd rather look like an idiot than become one by taking asphalt to the noggin.

I agree with you, but the thing is: I ride my bike every day and the last time i fell of my bike was probably 6 years ago. So I never really worry about it. And I think this goes for most Dutch people. I know it could happen, but if you were prepare for everything that could you might aswell wear a helmet while walking down the stairs.



lmao bikesplaining

But think of the children!

Imagine being so concerned about a little girl on a bike with training wheels.

She's even allowed to go outside and talk to strange men in cars with guns, clearly this parent needs to be locked up

The Dutch already have brain damage

They're afraid that wearing a bike helmet will make them look dorky yet they still walk around in those silly wooden shoes.

they're called clogs, shitlord

Wooden crocs

lmao swamp germans

Europeans on Reddit are proud of the weirdest things, but not wearing bike helmets is one of the dumber ones.

Their inflated low country eurotrash egos help to cushion them from fall damage.

You're just salty because you're not like us.

I swear half of Reddit must be full of helicopter moms.

Half of reddit isn't allowed near kids

Implying euros have a healthy brain to begin with.

Imagine unironically wearing a helmet while riding a fucking bicycle lmfao