Innocent bystander wanders into the KiA of Magic the Gathering to discuss recent trans tournament winner

32  2019-02-24 by drugsrgay


Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


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How do is pick a good one every time

I'm really struggling to get over the combination of no chin, prodigious overbite, and fish mouth syndrome going on here.

Looks like a typical 8/10 British woman to me.

She's could be a model in br*tistan

Miss Liverpool 2019

Jesus Christ. I don't like being mean, but I couldn't look at that picture for more than a second without being disgusted.

Videogames lmao

Pathetic as fuck

Literally Susan Boyle

Looks like a typical r/drama mod.

If subreddits were scented candles that one would be “Cheeto-Dusted Semen-Stained Sweatpants”

Mayonnaise scent imo

Why is there a huge correlation between these weird card games or whatever and speedrunners and trans people?







Both groups are filled with the mentally ill so there is a natural overlap

Mainly autism. It’s fact that a large portion of the trans community suffers from autism and combine that with games revolving around numbers/math/repetition designed for kids, you have the perfect storm.

There are studies about the high correlation of autismos in the troon community and card games are made for spergs

None of the other players got this kind of attention and it is painfully obvious they were trying to wave a big banner to show how progressive they are for having someone that looks like they don't know how to dress himself at their tournament.

looks like they don't know how to dress himself

I dunno that sounds like a perfectly normal Magic player to me

So is it a cute trap, or a man in a dress? The answer will completely form my opinion.

The latter.

I guess you could call them "passing", if by passing you mean "vaguely looks like something that could be called an unattractive human woman".

Honestly, this isn't really a person who would be referred to as attractive regardless of gender. On the other hand, that pretty much describes 99% of competitive MtG players.

why doesn't this guy/kid/inbred motherfucker get his teeth fixed, go to the gym, and stop playing card games?