Teenager spergs out Vol. 2

61  2019-02-25 by Snowayne2


He even mentions us specifically 😎

Look at his profile text lmao.

He’s coping by making it look like we’re coping. Genius.

Can someone pull up the handy zoomer chart? Is it "cringe" or "seethe" that beats "cope?" I think it's "seethe..."

My favorite post of his

"People of reddit why do capes look so cool?" r/nostupidquestions

Think I'm a fan for life

This is why we need mayocide.


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No Snappy, this ones Jewish.

Jews are just the mayo's mayo.

Advice to parents out there: one well done spanking in time saves nine...

zoomers were a fucking mistake

his dad clearly loves his retarded ass and wants him to have a future, and have good grades grades to go to a great college. imagine thinking that ur parents monitoring u is a problem, at least his dad cares about him

Yeah if I were his dad, I'd have that late term abortion about now and try again. Maybe the next one won't be such a histrionic priss.

Da fuck, anti Semitic memes? That shit made me cringe so hard. Vol 1 was not that bad but Vol. 2 was vile.

Go back and read volume 1 now. It makes it so much better knowing that he's in a tailspin because his dad's position is "I don't like that you're using your phone to send racist memes."

Just give this nigga a noose already smh 🤦

No, r/drama, I wasn't jacking it to "tranny porn."

Just because you believe the lie doesn't make it true.

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Finally a jew gets btfo'd by one of those "Israel is an illegitimate cointry" memes

No, r/drama, I wasn't jacking it to "tranny porn."

How about tranny memes?

Damn just take his phone away from him. Maybe not making shitty memes will help him sleep.

Dude needs to calm down. This is the sort of shit years down the road that will make him physically cringe.

This kid could be the poster child for Big Willy's classic Parents Just don't Understand. Although all of r/teenagers probably fit that too.

/r/drama, I wasn't jacking it to "tranny porn."

Suuuuuuuuuuure he wasn't