Mayo's cope over a joke

47  2019-02-25 by JabroniMark99


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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It's a joke stop being so offended.

So, freedom of speech is back?


I've never been offended over a joke, dumbass.

You just did.

Unironically, too.

pretending to be retarded

Do you always speak in irony?

On /r/Drama? Yes. Seriousposting isnt allowed

Im sarcastic and edgy in a vain attempt to hide my insecurities.

Freedom of speech is black

No freedom of speech for mayos

Hath not a Mayo eyes? Hath not a Mayo hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, heal'd by the same means, warm'd and cool'd by the same winter and summer, as a POC is?

It'S fReEdOm Of SpEeCh NoT fReEdOm FrOm CoNsEqUeNcEs LOL

Reddit ---------------------------->

It's freedom of speech when we do it. It's hate speech when you do it.

Imagine watching the Oscars

I literally can't.


neither can millions of Americans, if the falling ratings are any indications

Imagine being mayo watching the Oscars and being surprised when they make fun of you and your dirty mayo family.

We need to bring back bullying. Early and often.

It happens every year

Imagine making a thread about the Oscars

Imagine making a comment about imagining people watching the Oscars

Imagine imagining etc etc.

lmao i can't believe there are people itt actually taking offense to this. I thought he was pretty funny. some people are clearly in need of a safe space.

This guy posts in r/chapotraphouse and r/politics. We need to bring back pinging so bad.

Lmao...thinks Noah is funny.

That’s actually one of Trevor Noah’s few good jokes

I agree