Europeans make their case for Britain staying in the EU by copying Nazi puppet state propaganda.

21  2019-02-25 by Sky-Daddy


You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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I don't understand why people are agreeing with this cartoon. It can be understood to represent "Britain growing up" and not needing to be constantly controlled like a child.

Wait I mean dude brexit lmao

That or it's too autistic to hang out with the others like a normal fucking kid.


The whole point of the EU is that the European nation-states need to be controlled like children or else they get up to world wars

Spot the lie

Sovereignty: *exists EU: reeeeeeeeeeeee

Wtf I love isolationism now

Northern Ireland is gonna lose their shit when Brexit happens.

What is the plan?

Checkpoints errywhere like back in the glory days of the IRA.

So wouldn't they have to scrap the GFA?

I don't know enough about Brexit to say one way or the other, but IIRC one of the grievances of the IRA was the fact that they had checkpoints to get in/out of Northern Ireland which lead to bombings.

I'm all for drama and shit, but that's a bit much if that starts happening again.

So you've got nothing new to tell me? Cool thanks.

Nazis never went away, they just changed their flag to that of the European Union.

Stay aWOKE my friends.

That European Union lady has some really nice tits

EU lady's dress should be a German flag

France should be on fire

Italy should be pissing on EU's shoes

Denmark and Hungary should be wearing MAGA hats

Spain should be cutting themselves

All while UK tries to suck its own MASSIVE cock

That sounds exactly like my family get-togethers too.

I support anything with mommy gfs