Has anyone here seen "The Office" TV show?

30  2019-02-25 by Randomnonsense5

Never see this discussed on Reddit.

The Office is a "tv show" that was done in a really unique fake docu style. No one ever talks about it here on reddit so was hoping to get a discussion going since the posters here are super cutting edge.


Why and what do you hate about good things?

Drama posting has become very boring. There is nothing funny to laugh at anymore😔😔😔

You faggots chose to sizzle out rather then go out with a bang.

drama enjoys circlejerking as much as any sub but that doesnt mean you can post r/circlejerk threads

Disliking the office because its popular is actually a normie activity now

True, and that’s why I’m terrified of the fact that I can’t like it. I’ve tried like 8 times.

All the cool kids dislike it but never talk about it so you're probably good, at least you don't pretend like you like the british version

Tight, I’m not a cool kid. Yeah no fuck watching that one for sure.

Minecraft LITERALLY defined my "childhood"

Bears.Beets.Battlestar Galactica.

It's crack for white girls

I love when people say like crack when they've obviously never done crack.

Well The Office is like what then, MikeStoklasaAlcohol, what can I use?

I don't know, something from your world. The Office is like scrapbooking.

You're right, you're right. I'm a middle class fraud.

Okay, this is epic.


I can't even this but unironically this

It’s the most underrated show ever!!!

My favorite thing is when people in the comments just type a random quote. Then somebody below them who is also in on the in-joke types another random quote. Then it just keeps going and going.

Real A+ discussion about these shows.

I'm an old school nerd. I read long fantasy and sci-fi book series or play some vidya. I have literally not seen 99% of the shows and movies this site talks about. I've probably only watched 5 or 6 TV series start to finish.