Reylo Bullying And Cliques

33  2019-02-25 by Fandomthrowaway2187

As can be seen, this is a throwaway account!

So what is Reylo? It is a controversial and yet popular “ship” that pairs Kylo Ren with Rey, the characters in Star Wars.

So fandom is fun right? Fan fiction writing and art creating aren’t subject to the drama that comes from gatekeeping fanboys... Or so one would think...!

It is truly the most toxic subset of the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy fandom. Not Kylux. Not FinnRey. Not Damerey. Not FinnRose... Definitely not Gingerpilot. Why, you may ask? What does this have to do with drama? Why does this subset deserve a callout post on reddit?

Well, ladies and gentlemen, and everyone in between, and nonbinaries...

Let’s just start with the fact that some fans made big names for themselves for defending Reylo against anti-Reylos before The Last Jedi came out... okay, that’s fine...

But it isn’t! No, there was a popular blogger and artist in early 2018 who wrote great metas... And a discord server was made for Reylos... Oh, a small group started gossiping and harassing this blog writer... Several call out posts later, the blog writer is forced out of the Reylo fandom entirely. Rumor is some other big name fans were involved in said harassment...

That should be it, right? The Reylos are nowhere near as nasty and ugly (and stupid) as the antis!

Uhhh. WRONG.

So, some fanfic writers decide they want to make a fanfic discord... Awesome! Everything’s all good... Except, wait, did this one author really just have Finn killed off in their fanfic? Better call them a racist and doxx and harass them!

The writer stands strong, however, but it’s clear that Reylos are getting more split up by this darkfic discourse. Another writer gets harassment for writing Finn as the villain in her Reylo ABO Fairy Tale retelling fic... If the harassment sounds ridiculous, that’s because it is! You’re normal, congrats!

That writer stood strong too.

But Reylos are too nice to harass anyone right? Oh and some of those harassers keep lurking in the same discords, ready to catch the smallest misstep by other Reylos, never mind that those other Reylos are more active in writing than they are.

Due to this environment, the Reylos split into more cliques. One would think a Reylo could find a drama free safe space. NOPE. Every week, there’s something new.

Someone made a remark someone found offensive, so it’s all over Twitter and tumblr.

Someone gets accused of kink shaming when they are just pointing out the truth. Gets banned and posts go around about the whole drama taking place.

Someone writes a Kylo too evil. More drama.

A group writes more darkfic. More drama.

And on top of all that, the competition between fanfic authors has gotten downright nasty. Some people bash others for being inspired to write similar tropes. Some get offended at the tiniest criticism. Some get angry at losing followers.

So this leads to backbiting, spreading rumors, and trying to divide and conquer.

So, the so-called nice Reylos turn out to be not so nice and trustworthy after all! It’s all insane and crazy making. I can’t keep track of how many talented authors have already left the fandom. And one of those harassed authors just tried to commit suicide due to all that.

Good job Reylo bullies! /s

This truly is the most toxic fandom subset I’ve ever been in. I still like Reylo as a pairing, but I’ll no longer be active in THAT fandom circle. Life’s too short for that. Fandom is supposed to be fun. Not a repeat of high school nor a Mean Girl’s sequel.

And I’m not even sorry for posting all this!

TL;DR: The Reylo subset of the Star Wars fandom is full of bullies, harassers, fake people, and nasty cliques. You need drama? Go on Reylo Twitter/tumblr. Enjoy the dumpster fire.


This is genuinely very interesting, OP, but as a mostly male space, we need to actually see the action to get off. Do you have any links to tumblr/livejournal/twitter/whatever where these shitstorms are brewing?

Also, is this not the fandom where a lot of "Adam Driver is cheating on his wife with Daisy Ridley" rumors came from?

we need to actually see the action to get off.

Speak for your fucking self fagmo

Post bussy, chud.

Ask and you shall receive! This is but a small sampling of the tumblr discourse... Overt and vague tweets alike can be found on a regular basis.

And yes, the Adam Driver irl shipping and stalking fanatics frequently come from this subset.

This was only a few weeks ago (the person wrote a threesome fic with dark themes after judging another writer for writing a darkfic):

People bullying other writers:

About the Finn as Gaston fic:

About the so-called kinkshaming (mod side):

(The other side continued to get harassed after getting kicked out):

Last but not least, the doxxing (or at least a reference to it... it was last summer) and the cause of it:

Have you owned the libs yet?

I am a bot. Contact for questions

I was about to ask where the drama was but I see you've already delivered.

Thank you again, friend. Gone, but not forgotten.


I see no sources cited, ya spergalerg

See below for a small sampling.