Look at the ass on that ass.

36  2019-02-25 by Ghdust2



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I wish you all the best in your ongoing battle with reality.

Yours respectfully, a logical person.


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All of that sounds nice.

Bernie spreading those cheeks just like he'll spread open this vote

how come he makes Daddy look suave and built, but not bernie?🤔

lmao he even labeled the abyss

What a terrible Error, Y̸̯̭̘̝O͏͖̳̯̝͈̮̘Ư̬̤͉͇͕̼̗ ̴̬͚̟̩̜͍C͎̟͚͖̥͓Ą̱͔̩̟N͏̪͚̘͎̖'̨͎͚T̛̻̭̖̙ ̪̻̥̟͔͎L̠͙̥͝A͎͕B̠͚̩̗̻̺ÉͅL̕ ̺̤̺͟T͢H͏͕̙E̙͈̯̟ ̠͈͓A͕̗̙B̳̲͇̭̲̻Y̵̖S̶͎̰S̵͇̱.̖̜̪̥ͅ

Last time I checked Trump/NRA was more anti-gun then bernie.

Poor Alexandria, I hope that brand on her ass isn't permanent.

Carbon tax

You mean the popular policy supported by 45% of Republicans, 65% of Independents, and 70% of Democrats?


Yeah until their gas prices start to increase

according to 5 scientists climate change is a hoax anyways, i dont know about you but oil companies never lie.

See: France and their funny green/yellow vests.

t h i c c

damn that's one sexy donkey 🍑

No Pete Buttigieg? How disappointing.

Woo Woo!

Even the donkey has a ghetto booty, Fentynal Bens got a problem.

Yeah but what are those strange white shapes on the background? Without labels cant really tell what those are

Another subtle cartoon from the master of political commentary, Zyklon B. Garrison; you can really see when and where the fentanyl hit his system as he drew this.

harris dummy thick

Where is Hillary's shoe?

That ass's head is attached the wrong way.

woo woo!

*Dat Ass: The /r/Drama post.