Commie Mommy becomes full fledged moderator of /r/antinatalism

74  2019-02-25 by TheButtholeOfBravery


Ok I just checked out that sub. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law. We're are smarter than the average cookies, they had to know we'd be on to them. Sad.


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Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


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We had time when I was born, but — ticktock — nothing got done. As the youngest member of Congress, I wish we didn’t have 12 years. It’s our lungs that are going to get choked with wildfire smoke. ... Climate delayers are the new climate deniers," said the 29-year-old lawmaker said on Instagram.


This shit is retarded. Even if America dropped to zero emissions, it wouldn't matter because every country (i.e China) isnt going to change. 12 years before tip, too? Come the fuck on, lol.

Ackchyually India and China are investing heavily into greener energy and decarbonization. India's biggest problem is probably rapidly increasing meat consumption.

But yeah developing countries will always go for cheaper methods of energy or give foreign investors leeway on emission to ensure economic growth.

I don't really have an issue with lowering emissions but it has to be realistic - you can't retrofit all buildings, you NEED planes whether for intercontinental travel whether you like it or not, building a high speed rail takes ages and is expensive, unrealistic for a 10-12 year plan, carbon taxes should be included, and fuck off with solar and wind - they don't work 24/7, so you need cover in the grid either with fossil fuels (conveniently oil companies are investing into solar companies and startups, really makes you 🤔) or battery packs that are inefficient as fuck - the Tesla battery in Australia that's like 100x50m long can power..... 30k homes for about an hour. Imagine how big a battery to cover drops in solar/wind would have to be for let's say New York.

This is why American foreign should just consist of giving low cost or free American made solar panels and wind generators to poor countries. It gets fentanyl-americans back to work building things, and allows the pajeets and africans to develop without relying on coal.

Ackchyually India and China are investing heavily into greener energy and decarbonization. India's biggest problem is probably rapidly increasing meat consumption.

China is opening like 30 coal plants this year.

Given the size of china that sounds pretty tame.

They’re leasing growth in all energy sectors though. More than 1/2 their energy is from coal, the dirtiest form of energy. It will be a long, long time before they are close to as environmentally-friendly as us.

Speaking of which, maybe we could just sell West Virgina as a state and people to China for the coal?

long time before they are close to as environmentally-friendly as us.

Bullshit. China started releasing Co2 large scale in the last 30 years. US had been doing it for 150 years now.

per year though.

But even the totals might not end up in China's favor: US population back then was less than 100M, China's is over 1B.

now just imagine if everyone wasnt scared of the nuclear energy boogeyman

The whole point of the plan is to attract environmentalist and woke votes. If the dems do win in 2020 (which at the moment is lol), then it will most likely be quietly swept under the rug.

Whatever AoC does feels like she's trying to capture the youth vote. Dems know GOP has the boomer demographic so they need to somehow get millenialls and zoomers to vote - and what better way to do it than by telling them they will die and their kids too so they should not have any?

Once she has their attention she'll endorse a candidate and send them all to vote.

Dude nuclear lmao

you didn't even say anything about her stance on nuclear.

The green/hippie scaremongering about nuclear power is probably the biggest factor in American contributions to climate change

If we had just shot all the hippies back in the 70s and kept cranking out nuclear plants, we could probably have most of our power grid be carbon-neutral right now.

Yea but if we go to zero emissions we'd have the moral high ground to wage preemptive war and have the upper hand in the inevitable conflict that will happen if the broken clock is actually right this time

It's what the IPCC wrote in their report. But I guess Daddy knows better than all those nerds in glasses.

That headline is why Americans need to be genocided. “If ok” wtf is that? If it is ok. Americunts have destroyed the English language more than the planes destroyed the Twin Towrs.

Honestly if climate change happens a bunch of coastal cities here along with every faggy euro city sinks into the ocean

Imo climate change is a good thing.


Entirety of Netherlands will probably get flooded. That's like, fucking amazing.

Also think of all the new inhabitable regions in Russia and Canada.

Netherlands with its current dams, no further development, won't "sink" for the next 150 years, even in the worst case models.

Wrong, it's already sinking and continuing to sink. The majority of their most densely inhabited territory is below sea level. The province they dug out of the sea needs constant maintenance to the sewage systems because the land around them keeps sinking. The current dikes and stormflood barriers are mainly useful to stop stormfloods from destroying everything next to the rivers (Rotterdam etc.) and to keep polders intact without too much hassle. The flood control system needs constant updates if they want to keep the sea at bay.

The majority of their most densely inhabited territory is below sea level

and has been below sea level for a thousand years.

and their dams are built for significantly higher sea levels than we currently have.

Rising sea levels will change nothing for Netherlands.

That's a shame :(

can't win them all

I hope your home gets destroyed in the floods of 2035

stop having kids

oh btw we need to increase immigration to make up for falling birthrates

I think this happened in a far away land (Yurrôhp?) and it went perfectly and everyone was happy.

In all seriousness, It's the absolute height of lunacy to assume that we can simply just stop having kids while having modern society continue chugging along as normal. We would unironically end up like "Children of Men" as the economy/society rapidly collapses.

Then in the ashes of the post-collapsed, childless and balkanized remains of the United States of America, we all rise up and elect 😍😍COMMIE MOMMY😍😍

Just kill people when they turn 60 and don't replace the population

We had time when I was born, but — ticktock — nothing got done.


Tik Tok?

Hit or miss? I guess you won't have kids huh?

You got a boyfriend I bet he doesn't fill ya

snort some fentanyl lol it probably won't kill ya

most mayos secretly enjoy pedophilia

What a winning message.

We will either mitigate and avoid the worst effects of climate change or we'll get totally fucked. The greatest irony will be if the people screaming the loudest about climate change opt out of breeding and we all survive, leaving the non-libs making up the entirety of the future gene pool.

Oh you be sure da'queesha will be having 12 kids to make up for it.

I’m fixated on her dick sucker’s cramp in the article pic

Can you imagine all those teeths doing what they do best? 😍🍆😁

Be shit lib...tell people that they shouldn't have children

Also.....we should import as many third worlders as possible, borders are fascist

Between this, all the pro-cuckolding/poly articles getting pushed, and sterilizing kids with HRT it's like the libs are trying to embody alt-right fever dreams of the Great Replacement.

implying the mayocide is a bad thing

“There’s scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult. And it does lead young people to have a legitimate question: Is it OK to still have children?” she said.


I didn't think i could like her any less but here we are. This is gonna lead to progressives having less children and right wing people having more as a fuck you to the left.

Progressives are already having less children, because it turns out pregnancy doesn't result from a woman pegging her boyfriend.

pregnancy doesn't result from a woman pegging her boyfriend

If you're progressive enough it does 😏

Is it still called pegging when it's a transwoman doing it to her genderfluid partner? Yes, yes it is.

Trans woman getting a trans man pregnant

"getting my cousin pregnant to own the libs"

This isn't Pakistan.

It's about time we had a politician who was brave enough to take a stand against the institution of motherhood.

Big motherhood is really annoying.

Goddamn Jessica Alba or whoever trying to sell diapers to me every 5 minutes... 😠😠😠

Big mother is watching.

Won't be long until that picture is the next AOC Photoshop scandal du jour.

lol what a fucking moron

I really wish politicians didn't take on the retarded views of their most radical constituents.

One Child Policy 🤤