AOC gotta comic book now

13  2019-02-26 by Parking_Magician


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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Commie Mommies Milkers Are Wrong

Agreed, they're far too low and there's not even a hint of cleavage despite the six inches of real estate from her neck to her blouse.

  • Beefer Buff and Milker Moderator at large

Gaming wasn't enough, the SJWs gotta ruin our comic books too now! 😡😡😡

the SJWs gotta ruin our comic books

SJWs ruined comic books a long time ago! Remember when Superman fought National-Socialists? 😡😡😡

Everything about how she is drawn is terrible. Look at her left hand. Her bizarre body proportions. Her facial feature proportions. It’s all completely shitty.

They could of at least done what real comic book hacks do and traced her from some reference sources.

But how are the feet?

mysteriously hidden

I like how Bentanyl drew them more 🤔🤔🤔

"Yeah but why are conservatives so obsessed with her tho"

Can't really tell if you're being sarcastic or not, but damn you'd be surprised.

Conservative pundits love to talk about her because she's a living, breathing version of the caricature democrat they've been warning people about for decades.

I'm pretty sure Ben Shapiro only talks about her because he wants her to peg him.

Implying Ben Shapiro is into chicks...SMH.

I keep hearing about how fucking insane she is.

It’s cause she’s crazy and very public. The way she says stuff is also pretty funny.


I like how they went out of their way to make her unattractive

Ben Garrison’s new fetish.

y tits no big?