Moderating facebook turns you into mentally unstable, drug and sex fueled, alt-right Qultist.

218  2019-02-26 by mukumukum66


There is absolutely nowhere on Reddit (except maybe The Great Awakening) where stupider, sadder, scareder, or crazier comments consistently get upboats and support than this place you linked. You might think, Hey look! A place where women aren't all sucking tranny peen! Weird! But then you find out that they are scared of tranny peen, and believe that in a couple years, women who don't assimilate and get a peen themselves will be locked up in suspended cages, let down from their gibbets only to be repeatedly viciously raped and denied STEM jobs.

That place is like /r/drama if everyone here felt scared for their lives, and could only find possibly recourse in demanding mayocide and bussy. Swap our memes for 'white-female ethnosexstate now' and 'kill all men before they kill all women' and you have a pretty fair idea of their topics.

And that's where it gets interesting: they're unironically probussycide, unironically antifemayocide. Truly, /r/drama has its antithesis.

And believe me: it is dangerous.


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Overlap with reddit mods?


after dealing with wumao's anyone would want nanjing to be real

having sex smoking weed telling jokes

No way reddit mods are capable of having this much fun.

getting paid

Or this.

This comment brought to you by Netflix.

Careful, you might drive him over the edge until he goes offline for ten minutes instead of five. Reddit would literally go down in flames without his guidance.

You're forgetting all the sponsorship deals, especially for subreddits built around brands.


Over the last decade moderating on Reddit, I've seen loads of mods burn out or go mad. In one case a mod spent their entire Christmas day modding a subreddit, drinking and banning people for infractions.


They're getting paid tho

Sounds like a good gig. I've always wanted to get laid/commit suicide, and I'm already high all the time.

tfw you're too ugly even for trauma bonding sex.

tfw you are the trauma

what about those Japanese off meetings? They fuck like crazy and then they jump over a cliff. Good stuff.

reddit mods just become transgender

they're doing it for free.

People are getting paid to do what we do for free, RISE UP!

Thank you, I assumed OP made this themselves


Chloe has experienced trauma symptoms in the months since leaving her job. She started to have a panic attack in a movie theater during the film Mother!, when a violent stabbing spree triggered a memory of that first video she moderated in front of her fellow trainees. Another time, she was sleeping on the couch when she heard machine gun fire, and had a panic attack. Someone in her house had turned on a violent TV show. She “started freaking out,” she says. “I was begging them to shut it off.”

fucking lol

Hwo the fuck decides to become a mod at a fucking social media website if they're going to get ptsd from watching clips on YouTube.

Seriously, if you're CRYING during training because of a drone strike video than you shouldn't even be on social media, let alone moderating it.

I wonder if they train their moderators at all, after all you can teach most med students in a matter of weeks how to stomach the sight of the worst infections known to man.

Anyone know whats the latest with Q? I was hoping it would go down with domestic terrorism or some shit, but it just seems like it fizzled out.

Didn't he admit it was all a hoax but Qultists decided that was another false flag and kept on searching for the truth, then they all got sent to Voat.

First part is wrong, second part is correct.

As it turns out, banning the literal boomer cult from mainstream forums killed it off, who would've thunk it. Apparently your senile mother isn't Voat or 8chan material.

The usual suspects are still pushing pizzagate at r/conspiracy, but that's about it.

Completely wrong. Movement is strong, worldwide, and growing.

Lol, tell us more.

Nah, the close-mindedness and hatefulness is strong could just not be lazy and look into it yourself. Otherwise, don't mind me...just keep on getting your information, opinions, views from internet hearsay.


is a safe place to share the word brother!

Lol sorry, not interested: reddit likes to try to shut down alternative thinking, it is one giant "safe space" for one point of view. I don't come to reddit to be informed, it is entertainment solely...often mindless.

Yes, but you can educate the others.

They're currently incapable of thinking outside hoarde mentality, and I do not feel sorry for them.

Have you considered starting your own subreddit? Unless you start making death threats of planning assassinations you shouldn't get shut down like incels or whoever.

yeah, okay, that's not true. Subs have been shut down for infiltration and the pettiest of "reasons". No, not interested at all.

Alternative thinking, presumably based on alternative facts, made your brother almost kill himself by drinking 35% peroxide to heal himself. Is it a 'safe space' for the point of view that ingesting h2o2 is bad for humans if reddit shuts down those who claim it cures cancer?

Alternative thinking can be both a good and bad thing, false or true. One thing thats certain is that, as a human being, you are a total ahole. Get bent.

It can be either, but it's only good when it's backed by sound conclusions drawn from factual, repeatable evidence. Otherwise it's at best useless speculation, or at worst, chugging down peroxide because the internet told you to.

Or like, believing in a massive, wide-ranging conspiracy, and that the current president is going to expose this conspiracy, because you were told so by a random anonymous person on the internet for the last 2 years.

I find having multiple examples helps people understand.

just keep on getting your information, opinions, views from internet hearsay.

I'm not sure if the irony was intentional or not, but holy shit lmao

At least you're thinking. Keep doing that, it'll get you further some day.

We're approaching levels of self awareness so low they shouldn't be possible, captain

You're talking to yourself about yourself, and you are delusional. Go outside and play, would do you some good to get some sunshine and fresh air.

hes talking to you ya nitwit

who ya ca.lin a nitwit, bonehead?

Please stay and share more wisdom with us. You get to enlighten fentanyl addicts, and we get to watch!

Speaking of thinking, what do you think about all the photoshopped images the Q team has foisted on you?

shoe me proof of anything being photoshopped that the Q team has posted...other than...right off the top of my head, the pic of the meme of all the traitors behind bars. & if you guys are really trying to break things down to prove something as photoshopped, why? If the whole thing was false and you weren't threatened you wouldn't care to put in the time. Just a bunch of crazies on another one...just a LARP, right? Do you go out of the way to try to prove the mentally instable guy on the corner with a "the end is nigh!" sign incorrect? No. You don't. You are: Threatened / Triggered / Scared / Desperate / Evil pick one or more

Why are you going out of your way to prove us wrong? We must be onto something...

The picture on AF1 and the pen / signature photos were both photoshopped. Why don't you know this?

what about it was photoshopped and where?

The part where they were fake you fucking moron.

Tell me more.

figure it out for yourself

An unironic qtard in our sub? It's been a while.

trust sessions lol

trust mattis lol

Your 36 year old broke boomer brain on fentanyl

I didn't even take pain killers for giving birth. I have never tried fentanyl, nor would I. I am typically closer to broke, that part is a bit true; I have no desire to be rich in wealth.

Exists on some boomers twitter, and on voat mainly, to the best of my knowledge

Pretty much.

There are some still fighting the good fight here though, bless their hearts.

Oh man I forgot about that sub, it’s a gold mine!

Didn't the original Q stuff drop on 4-chan (maybe 8chan)? That always confused me. If /pol/ was the first to find it, how did it get escalated into people actually serious posting about it? I thought they were more self-aware. Like did fucking Boomer fenthead moms find 4chan and think this was worth investing themselves in?

They post threads on voat about their entire families leaving them because of their focus on Q and yell at each other about which are shills because they noticed nothing Q has said ever came true.

Whoa, smoking weed? Shit's getting serious. Bring our troops home. Lol

Globoids actually believe in the Holohoax.

SMH my head

Interesting content, downvoted bc of title of post

Hi boomer grandma

I am neither a boomer nor a grandma, but I'm sure you're totally used to making incorrect assumptions.

Heh, that's just what they want you to think 😎

hey, at least he didn't drink hydrogen peroxide

That is a low blow that outs you as being a awful human being. I suppose you are likely a sociopath incapable of compassion for others. Good luck with your miserable existance.

think h2

think (((02)))

what don't {they} want you to know? {CLAS}

drink your {o}valtine

To think the smart one in your family drank hydrogen peroxide 😯

Does it make you happy being such a horrible, ugly, hateful person? Bet it doesn't.

Do everyone a favor and stop reproducing. The last thing the world needs is more qultists.

Do everyone a favor and never reproduce. The last thing the world need is more hate.

Damn you sure turned that one around

btw what is your favorite Q prediction that came true? Hillary's arrest? Podesta's arrest? huma's arrest? suicide week? Obama holding an AK? Obama with "wendy"? Clinton eating a girl's face? the next suicide week? July, conspiracy no more? the parade that will never be forgotten? D5?

smoking weed during breaks to numb their emotions

No, you're doing it wrong, that's what the opiates are for.

Wtf is up with that fourth point???

Lol, half of these sound like what millennials do at work anyways.

Reminds me of working in a call center 15 years ago. The staff-all emails started out with "It is illegal to consume cannabis, any member of staff suspected of being involved will be subject to immediate termination" and eventually reach the point where they just said "Just stop smoking weed in the smoking area, please!".

Then they outsourced the entire thing to India.

When u get paid to be redpilled and have sex in a staircase

Dream job tbh

I thought "content moderation" was done for free?

"A former employee tells us he no longer believes 9/11 was a terrorist attack"

The only sane enployee there!

Wait, is moderating FB an actual job?

Yep, check out their careers page. Maybe someone here can actually make some money.

Eh, wouldn't mind doing that part time for some extra bucks. Bonus points for being able to make fun of reddit mods because I'd be actually making money out of something as dumb as that.

Love the idea of more people waking up to 9/11

There are many retarded woke people like you. PTSD riddled internet moderators are the newest addition apparently.

You gotta be retarded to think 9/11 wasn’t some bullshit

Dont forget about moon landings and flat earth #woke

Yeah same thing retard

Use your words. Are you saying all these things are one big (((conspiracy)))?

No I’m saying the earth is round and we probably went to the moon but 9/11 was a mossad opp.

Well I'm proud of you. Only slightly retarded as opposed to full downy, I guess that's a win.

Who would've thought that a bunch of emotionally sheltered millenials would have a hard time coping with people posting fucked up shit on the internet 🤔🤔🤔

Unironically you could have probably found a bunch of autistic retards willing to do this for minimum wage just so they can get paid to find shit to post to 4chan.

tbf a lot of it is probably snuff, CP, gore, abuse, etc.

if i had to see a bunch of CP I would not being doing well afterwards

Fair enough, but there's a pretty big difference between watching a drone strike and cheese pizza.

FB employees make $240K!?