Mass triggering when political humor claims left wing political violence doesn't exist

122  2019-02-26 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


ALL of you have literal demons inside of you.

Demons DO enter your body through the anus, because the mixture of pain and pleasure caused by the immoral act of sodomy causes so much psychic confusion that a portal to your soul opens up in your anus for the demon to enter.

This is how demons get inside of everyone. They conflate pleasure with pain. They also conflate truth with untruth.

The anus is only ONE way that demons enter a human body, BUT IT IS ONE OF THE MOST PROMINENT ONES.

This is why so many of you have suffered from pedophilia and sodomy as children. The demons spread to you in this way, in the same way that vampirism spreads through bites.

Reject these homosexual demons and drive them out of your body. I implore you. The world will be a better place. I will forgive you if you expel the demons from your body and stop causing harm to the world around you.

This message is brought to you by truth and decency and concern for your well being as well as the well being of the world around, NOT "bigotry" or "ignorance".


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Remember that muslim that murdered like 50 gay people in a gay club?

Islam is somehow simultaneously left and right wing for these people.

Schrodinger's Religion of Peace

Islam is right wing. Anyone who claims otherwise is a delusional socialist and/or an unironic islamist who thinks sharia is better than western law.

/but may I add that limiting your political thinking into "left vs right" is a very retarded (and hence american) thing to do, so don't do it.

Sangria law is superior tho

"left vs right" is a very retarded (and hence american) thing to do, so don't do it.

I'm sorry, remind me if it's the Europeans or the Americans who literally have a party called "The Left"?

And it least our far left and far right just bitch slap eachother during protests unlike the yellow vests who realize two gangs of retards can do a lot more damage if they work together

Who the fuck cares about the party lmao. Outside the anglosphere politics is more nuanced than binary shit, which prevents retarded american "le lesser of two evils" politics. A duopoly is still effectively a monopoly my dude.

... That's left wing?

God damn that's a dumb ass comment.

He was a Democrat.

JFC that's a sad sad response

Im a liberal left wing Republican conservative democrat

His violence wasn't "lefty violence" though. He didn't shoot up the place cuz he was a Democrat who hated gays, he shot up it up cuz it he was a Muslim who hated gays (and also was one).

Obviously you can reply to this with "Yeah but the retards on r/politicalhumor cite sources that include Republican shooters who didn't have political motives so we can do the same for Democrats", and while I haven't checked any of the sources you're probably right. But as a radical centrist I refuse to get on these retards' level.

They included the Parkland kid so ya it is for sure just "people who said the word Trump without also saying Fuck". But given he sourced ADL it's not surprising. DDF and Islamacels are truly too efficient. Lefties need to work on their aim and stop missing baseball fields full of targets.

Islamic violence is lefty violence. It's not the right saying that we should be importing middle eastern Islam.

So rightoid violence is actually leftoid violence if leftoids are letting rightoids go wild?

Galaxy brain take.

lefttoid violence is actually leftoid violence when it's one of the groups leftiods have been fighting to get on their team

So if a Polish immigrant in Britain assaults a homosexual, it's leftoid violence?

I dont think your brain is big enough for intersectionality.

Are leftoids in the UK trying to ally with Polish Catholicism?

It's not the right saying that we should be importing middle eastern Islam.

This is uncharitable. You and I both know that "da left" is pro immigration, not pro Islamism (aside from very extreme cases like Sarsour). Otherwise they wouldn't bitch about Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Chechnia, ISIS, etc as often as they do (and there's nothing inherently wrong about that).

Since they are pro immigration, they are also pro Polak as much as they are pro Muslim.

Your logic dictates that a Polish convervative's attack on a British homosexual is inherently leftoid. That's not how ideologies work sweaty, you need to lay off the fent.

Fine then let's only take in the Polish. Think that will fly with them?

Actually you're right, I forgot Hussain Obama was a Muslim. Thanks fent daddy, you're the best.

It weren't the left arming and enabling those faggots when they were fighting against USSR. If Reagan and Bush senior kept that in their pants, we'd have NONE "radical islam" problem whatsoever, because no fucking imam would be allowed to exist without being made KGB's bitch.


Islamism is conservative and thus right winged. Here's your gold medal in gymnastics though ๐Ÿฅ‡

I unfortunately went through one of their "sources" which said 97% of extremist violence is right-wing. The source included a guy who was an "alleged member of a biker gang that is believed to have ties to the KKK murdered his uncle over a familial dispute." so if they can include that we can add the pulse nightclub shooting to the list to even it out.

That's definitely how this works. I'm not even a little bit wrong here, I swear.

As a gay muslim he was more oppressed than the gay mayos and thus his shooting them was fine because he was punching up.

Murder = Killing + Power.

It's leftoids that want to bring in more Muslims. Inshallah.

Unironically imposing sharia to own the dompfkins

Dongleeeeeeee flumpfffffffff

White Sharia when?

Soon, inshallah

There's going to be a big void to fill when the Mayos are gone, might as well let them do it

It's rightoids that wank off to sharia law, though. As well as the whole "Look at how manly and conservative Muslims are".

That's code for we wanna kill faggots too.

Then they should kill themselves.

Pretty sure thatโ€™s feminists but okay

Muslims are just too efficient

Wait are you saying reactionary religious homophobes are left-wing?

how the fuck do you rationalize that

probably with his dad showing up at a Hilary rally

my dad plays country music. If I shoot up a night club would it be country music violence?


That's so islamophobic of you sweaty

Even with that I'm pretty sure regular conservative right-wing attacks are have a higher toll. It's just how America is. Literally everywhere else in the world, Islamism is the biggest threat for political violence; but in American reactoinarycels are (since proper Islamists can't afford to make the trip across the pond, but also due to the conservative nature of USA).

I think righties should be embracing those stats.

See? We actually get shit done unlike those do-nothing soyboys on the left!

Remember that leftist that shot up the Congressional baseball game?

How do you have the advantage of surprise, a wide open area with no cover, a semi-auto rifle and STILL get a kill count of zero?


Or the YouTube foid who set female mass shooters back decades by being utterly incompetent

Bros maybe the revolution isn't as close as we've been promised...

She is our queen

Mods can you please ban anyone who pretends not to know Nasim's name? This kind of trolling is just not acceptable.

Nasim set them ahead decades what are you talking about

Nasim was a real woman ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜. Not a foid ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ 

How dare you speak ill of queen Nasim

he was using an sks like a McRetard.


>10 round stripper clips



What a living meme.

What's wrong with the Sks? Not a guncel so I literally don't know.

Basically the retarded cousin of the AK-47

Funny how you can't use that as an example that both sides are violent because no one died.

If it had been 6 deaths instead of 6 woundings, these people wouldn't have a leg to stand on but because no one was killed it doesn't count whatsoever.

Even then, the ratio of murders would skew heavily towards Cleetus, not Soy Latte

Everyone forgets about the Black Lives Matter dude who seiged Dallas and killed 5 cops.

Because ni๐Ÿ…ฑ๏ธ๐Ÿ…ฑ๏ธas get shit done. Just like the uncornerable Dorner who brought LA to its knees singlehandedly.

Wait, one nigga sieged the whole city?

Yea he was a vet and he pulled some rambo shit. He was shooting diversionary fire and then coming around the other corner to execute cops at short range. It was really terrifying shit. It was forgotten pretty quick though but Charlottesville is still talked about every day. Both of those incidents were fucked up.

Because then they would be hypocrites since they like to use the 13% argument as to why blacks have to be destroyed

The deadliest mass shooter was a radical centrist. He killed 58 people on the Las Vegas strip with no political motivation.

A time will come when liberals and centrists will have to make a decision between left or right. Wrong choice will lead to another fascist war machine. Generally speaking, rise of fascism in Europe during 1900s was due to the inaction of liberals/centrists when confronted with two drastically opposing views. Rise of Hitler could be avoided if people picked internationalism over ethno nationalism.

Lmao imagine believing that only left or right exists.

Imagine being totally unaware of the paramount ideology: radical centrism.

This but unironically

Dude radical centrism lmao

A historian somewhere just burst out crying for some reason, and doesn't know why.

do these people forget the USSR was allied with Nazi Germany and that the Nazi party originally was comprised of leftists?

Or that the USSR and communist china almost went to war over different communist thought.

Or China and Vietnam

Or even the bolsheviks and mensheviks

Or the Scots and other Scots.

the Nazi party originally was comprised of leftists?

No it wasn't you fucking moron, Christ. Where did all of these dipshit zoomer rightards come from and where do we deport them to?

Bit of an overstatement but there were leftists in it, did you think they just magically showed up in 1934?

Even the left wing of the Nazi party that was purged never considered themselves to be "on the left". This is an excerpt from Otto Strasser's book Germany Tomorrow.

To the left and to the right of those who were dis- qualified when Hitler seized power there were at that time the opposition groups, consisting of those who fought against Weimar just as they fought against Hitler โ€” the Communists and the Black Front. The former were, or are, supporters of an international- Marxist- revolution; the latter were, or are, supporters of the German Revolution, that is to say of a new order in the sense of national freedom, social justice, and European collaboration.

Also from Germany Tomorrow

This triad of socialism, nationalism, and popular idealism is what we discern as the forms of conservatism that exist in the advancing stage of the western cultural circle.

When we have mastered this basic outlook, we find it easy to perceive the character of the French Revolution, as a victory of liberalism, and that of the English Revolution as a victory of conservatism; for we know that at about 1500 the liberal idea was becoming dominant, and that at about 1350 a conservative epoch was beginning and the differing vocabularies used in those old days, or the varying forms dependent upon the different phases of ripeness, will no longer be able to hide the underlying ideas.

The law of triune polarity not only gives us an entirely new explanation and appraisement of the past, but also gives us an appraisement of the present and an interpretation of the future. We perceive that the times are being fulfilled, for the dominant epoch of liberalism and its forms (capitalism, individualism, and materialism) is drawing to a close, and ever since August 1914 the pendulum of the clock of fate has been swinging towards a new epoch when conservatism will be dominant in the forms of socialism, nationalism, and popular idealism, whose mighty uprise and eruption we call the German Revolution.

They weren't leftists

This is one of the worst post I have EVER seen. Delete it.

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Even the left wing of the Nazi party that was purged never considered themselves to be "on the left". This is an excerpt from Otto Strasser's book Germany Tomorrow.

I know about Strasser and Strasserism, he wasn't the only one purged.

There's even terminology for these people

The Strasser brother I quoted was considered to be more radical than most of the people that were purged and even went on to form the [Black Front Group].

Also, the existence of Beefsteak Nazis doesn't change the fact that the National Socialist Party was not in any way "originally comprised of leftists" as you said, but was instead based mostly on ideas previously floated by German Conservative Revolutionary thinkers like Oswald Spengler and Arthur Moeller Van den Bruck.

Do you think this was written by a leftist?

The fact that there were socialists and leftists in the Nazi party who helped the party and got it into popularity

i overstated it sure and im not denying the heads weren't leftists

Bit of an overstatement

wouldn't even say that tbqh, since they were about 70% of the recruits

Imagine believing in anything.

This but unironically.

these people literally believe that being this retarded on an internet forum is going to save millions of lives. thatโ€™s why they take themselves so seriously and why they canโ€™t bother with nuance - they literally believe theyโ€™re going to stop hitler by voting for bernie, and that means they literally believe that a vote for anyone else is a vote for hitler.

the rise of Hitler could have been stopped if centrists sided with Stalin's international political puppets

We should've done the rational thing, supporting a massive expansion of Polish lands into Germany and Russia.

This but unironically. Too long have Ivan and Fritz acted with impunity.

The re-establishment of the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth should be priority no. 1 of every civilised human bean.

Massive expansion of Polish lands

And miss out the drama of Polaks playing eternal victim because their stupidity and ego fucked them over YET again?

The original centrists, pissing off both sides of their border.

Kinda weird that the left-wingers are bragging about losing the war, maybe they're trying to finally mobilize some of their soyboys to pick up a few bike locks and fight back against Jethro and his mini-14?

So you retards are claiming this as a victory against le soyboys but still use crime statistic of black homicides as an argument. Stupid mayo monkey.

Apostate, don't group the 19 brave martyrs that gave themselves for a higher cause with beardless men who kill each other to obtain shoe money. How are you going to fight the Great Satan thinking like this?

Just like holocaust, left wingers bashing the fash is a hoax but should be real.

Remember the french commune?

lol Communards lol

more like commutards ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Remember the Alamo?

David Bowie?

The Paris Commune that abolished the death penalty and only started executing its hostages when the Third Republic straight up started icing every PoW it got its hand on? That Paris Commune?

the Third Republic straight up started icing every PoW it got its hand on?

Based and frogpilled

For the most part that's true though. Except for Steve Scalise, those cops killed in Dallas, and a handful of people roughed up by protesters, including those Marines that got mistaken for Proud Boys, left-wing political violence doesn't exist in America.

Contrast this with the 60s/70s, when far-left radicals across the planet had the balls to rob banks and take hostages and get themselves killed on a weekly basis.

The Weather Underground are rolling in their graves now seeing how pathetic left wing extremism is nowadays. Its just purple hair transtrenders in bandanas.

It even devolved into an abortion argument, holy shit.

I have never heard any righty say Rogan is left wing. Most of his guests are right wingers

First of, "righty" is so close to "whitey" I think this ๆฒกๆœ‰ did it on purpose.

Political guests make up a tiny fraction of his podcasts. This guy has 1200+ podcasts, and 97% of them are either comedians, MMA bros, fitness and nutrition bros, random scientists, and B level actors.

Of all his guests, whiny marxist larpers cant get over jordan peterson and alex jones being on a combined 3 times. Rhonda Patrick alone has more appearances than them and all she does is tell people to eat better.


I'm in tears

What does it mean in this context?

It's a Chinese phrase that sounds like "mayo"

lol i cant believe i didn't get that

Lol the bike lock incident. The one example of "violent left" that exists. Meanwhile I could link you to any number of dozens of right-wing violence from just the last two years. The right is the violent side today. Dylan Roof fucking shot up a church, and you're crying about a fascist getting hit in the head with a bike lock.

I 'love' how the guy who got hit in the head with the bike lock has suddenly become a 'fascist' now. Talk about adding insult to injury. I've searched and I can't find any evidence he is anything of the sort; he's just a Trump supporter as far I can see.

The victim was a 20-year-old college student, Sean Stiles, who had made the trip to Berkeley from his home in Santa Cruz.

I love the lighthearted and fun discussions on that humor sub

Foreign governments can just use idiotic memes appealing to their biases

Comment about a meme thread.

The irony.

im more offended that they think Joe Rogan has any serious political stances besides weed

I can't believe the mods of that sub continue to allow it to be called a humor sub while everything that gets topvoted is so painfully unfunny.