The straight white male confessional - /r/MensLib

116  2019-02-26 by MehmedIIDidNoWrong


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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People in that thread recommending books called 'White Fragility' and they have the gall to wonder why their users may have mental heath problems.

You've got cause and effect backwards. They're in mensLib specifically because they have mental health problems.

What a long winded way to say he’s going to transition.

Transition into what though?

A proud woman of colour


an american

A statistic.


I love statistics. 13% and 52% are some pretty fun ones too. I have no strong opinion on them, but they really rile people up.

13% and 52% are some pretty fun ones too.






the number 40

A furry

Spraytan American

A poor black child.

In therapy

There's his problem

Dr. (((Goldberg))) got to him too.

real men suppress their problems and feelings instead of getting therapy.

Real men don't try to "unlearn whiteness" and all that theoretical nonsense, real men don't go to therapy over such stupid bullshit. I'd say this but unironically, however I'm all for men being more open about their feelings, there's just a right limit you don't have to become such a giant faggot whining all the time about being so guilty of being a man, being white, being straight etc ... These are not problems.

So yeah you could say I'm a radical centrist 😎

Real men don't try to "unlearn whiteness"

lol of course they don't- why would they?

The only thing real men have to do with whiteness is the constant stream of white men's wives they have begging to get fucked by them.

lol of course they don't- why would they?

White guilt?

Have you ever brought up your being attracted to children to a therapist? 😜

I'm not. fuck off

Hmmm quite a vehement denial to a joke. Maybe he was onto something. When's the last time you had sexual contact with a child?

11 years but just some light stuff


Good one

She was cuter when she was younger. Just calling it as I see it.

He isn't wrong.

exactly, stating facts isn't pedo, hebe or ephebophilic

This but unironically.

wait, I wasn't being ironic

This but unironically.

therapy for depression =/= therapy to treat toxic masculinity

okay I'm with you there, therapy against toxic masculinity sounds fucking gay

sounds like you have a bad case of toxic masculinity buddy

Ok ya bastards, who's alt is that?

Nobody would accuse this person of being articulate or even overly coherent.


Edit: wrong person

Edit 2: thanks for the gold stranger

we did it reddit!!


theres a lot to unpack here.

It's almost as if

I actually read through the whole thing for some fucking reason.

he essentially said

I'm a giant faggot

if I saved someone a minute or two pls upvote gallowboob content

i'm impressed, i gave it the ole college try but I couldn't make it past his problems with women


More like said he is a white male feminist.

On a site where T_D, SRD, CTH, KIA, Gamerghazi, and r/drama exist, Menslib somehow manages to remain the most cucked sub. Impressive, honestly.

Its a male feminist sub, are you surprised?

We should amend the Cishet Mayo Pledge to this, tbh

Ayyyyy mayo lmao


Did this faggot just eat a thesaurus and vomit it out all over that post?

what's the bet that it's just another trollpost?

Self-Hating mayos get the rope first

That was so pathetic