lel Reddit slacktivism

127  2019-02-26 by 2938_throwd

Remember like two weeks ago when everybody was outraged at that Chinese investment, acting like it was the end of Reddit.

Two weeks later and nobody cares. Lol this website I swear.


If i didnt care before nor after, does that mean im better then both the people you deride and you OP?

Post chud, hog.

Hi hello I'm a profile manlet gnome, I get off to looking through people's dirty dirty stained profiles OH YES *SNIFF* OH YES BABY *SNIFFFF* SMELLS SO GOOOOD anyway I just wanted to let you know that you're a really good troll and I love how you baited people there and I really love you actually <3 :* no I'm not being ironic I'm being actually serious hit me up I'll suck yo dick yo, assuming you're 21 or older and consent to it, wash your junk beforehand

Baiting chapo is the 'pushing over one-legged children' of posting.

Game recognize game my dude, lemme know if ur in Ottawa and we can smash

Baiting chapo is the 'pushing over one-legged children' of posting.

Damn straight.

I'll hit you up then

Never go to Ottawa

Source: lives in Ottawa

Post Dog Hog

Breed of peace 🤭

dude winnie the pooh lmao

It was dumb too, tencent just gave them capital, it’s not like they bought the company or anything.

Does anyone remember Net Neutrality? They had people thinking the internet was literally going to be deleted.

It was actually pretty crazy how bad small city/state subs got astroturfed during that.

tbf once something hits r/all it goes to shit. this sub has many examples.

The net neutrality push was a coordinated effort to saturate r/all with the same link from multiple subreddits. People would have to be retarded to think dozens of the same link organically shot so high that it reached r/all across so many subs in the same short time window.

Which makes the freakout over China and Reddit being controlled even more ironic, the current powermods/Reddit employees have demonstrated they are already willing to push things overtly when they feel like it.

the worst is going to a new small subreddit i find, and sorting by highest of all time, and that stupid fucking net neutrality post is there

It basically confirmed the mods there suck, because the ONE mod action most mods should have done was deleted that astroturfed garbage

r/Nebraska, whos highest post before was at +200, got a net neutrality post with 60,000 upvotes.

Who the fuck even lives in Nebraska?

Nebraskans I’m guessing

Warren Buffet

Three men and 60 thousand cattle. Side note, that is also the title of my favorite porno set in Nebraska.

Thank you for linking me to a three-year-old uneditable typo you made, you fucking sociopath.

It's a way for redditors to think that they're sticking it to the man.

This but unironically. It's pretty pathetic tho.

Remember when the end of net neutrality was going to end the world?

Pepperidge Farm remembers!

it must be rare that you get to feel so smug

Hey we still have 4cuck but instead it's a fucking nip ruining the site

Imagine caring about politics enough to be an activist. The only reason to give a shit about politics is so you can laugh at people who are invested in it.

>The end of Reddit.


...And here's why that's a good thing.


Imagine thinking you can take on society and win.

Remember when they separated illegals' children from them? Based on Reddit, I assume the policy stopped.