My Life Story of Drama, (the real tea), Heartbreak, Abuse and the Worst Luck (Part one of many)

3  2019-02-26 by sadsapling00

Okay so this will be entirely anonymous and no real names will be given to keep peoples privacy.
I will refer to me as (Olivia) mainly because it’s a beautiful name and I like it. Okay. To the beginning. I’m going to be honest with my age and the country I live in but no precise details. Okay I’m a female born 04/05/07 in Ontario Canada. Yes, believe it or not, Canada isn’t as great as you think it is. My mom is a great person but I have to admit that she has made many bad mistakes. My mom has my brother in 1999 with another man other than my father. She divorced this man later on because he’s an asshole and I’m so happy that I don’t really need to see him. My brother quit school when he was in grade three, making him pretty dumb, and I’m smarter than him (keep in mind I’m still in school and I am in grade six. He’s turning 20 this year {2019}) Later on, my mom met (drumroll please....) MY DAD. Bet you never saw that coming. Anyways, later after that she found out she was preggers with me, the hideous disaster writing this. During these nine months, quite a bit happened. My dad is the nicest man I have ever met and I want to make this clear because I want to make it clear that he doesn’t hit me before I tell this other part. My dad isn’t perfect but he is my dad and I wouldn’t trade anyone for him. Okay now that that’s clear, ahem dad beat my mom when she was pregnant with me. I know. I can’t believe it either. The man that literally gave me the shirt off his back more than one time did that. Okay that’s not even it. My dad is around 13 years older that my mom, and my grandma gave birth to my mom at 16. Later on, my dad cheated on my mom with my grandma. Yep. I said it. This is all going to sound so insane but I swear I’m not lying. My life is so fucked up. So, on April 5th I was brought onto the goddamn planet. Funny story, I was supposed to have dwarfism, I’m 5’2” and I’m 11 turning twelve not far from now. That wasn’t important and i don’t know why I included that. Okay on with this. My dad was convinced that I wasn’t his (I am) and he left for the next two years. My mom being left into the cold was looking for another man. And that’s where it all got even worse. If she didnt do what she did next, I imagine I wouldn’t be in the problems I’m in now. (Sorry mom) Signing off, Olivia 02/26/19


You should leave this sub before one the resident pedophiles find you lol

Eeek you’re probably right but when I get farther in you’ll understand why that doesn’t scare me much

Uh oh.