r/boxoffice: Civil War
59 2019-02-26 by Ghdust2
r/boxoffice is currently in shambles over the capeshit movie starring Brie “White Men Will Be The First Against The Wall” Larsen.
A weeb wonders why people want to see Captain Marvel over Alita: Battle Angel.
“Just a heads-up to keep in mind before the Captain Marvel RT audience score posts”.
“Correcting some misinformation going around regarding Captain Marvel's OW tracking“.
A user is accused of spreading misinformation about the movie.
1 SnapshillBot 2019-02-26
This is why we need mayocide.
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r/boxoffice - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is*
One user accuses the whole sub of s... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is
A weeb wonders why people want to s... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is
“Just a heads-up to keep in mind be... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is
“ Captain Marvel box office predict... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is
“Correcting some misinformation goi... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is
A user is accused of spreading misi... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is
“This is why we need feminism.” - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is
“Captain Marvel no longer has a bad... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is
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1 ottawabrandonwright 2019-02-26
Im so glad i just steal year old.movies and my life is good enough to not give a shit about dumb gay movies
1 sendmethrow 2019-02-26
I can't wait for Marvel to drop and watch the drama.
1 RonPaulsDragRace 2019-02-26
100% chance of this dude being a rapist
1 Tereza_packing_heat 2019-02-26
-- AlitaMyWaifu, 1 day ago
That moment when masturbating to anime is not enough to make you hardcore.
1 ObsessedAussie 2019-02-26
People still watch movies? Lol how lame
1 dramasexual 2019-02-26
This is the stupidest drama in the fucking world.
1 ObsessiveMuso 2019-02-26
Why are the Casualgaters so obsessed with comparing it to Alita all of a sudden? Just because it's weeb shit and that's where their point of reference is no matter what?
1 turakissa 2019-02-26
Caring about cape shit has to be the most Burger shit ever.
1 grabthebanners 2019-02-26
Is it ok to like Lord of the Rings