Virgins argue about calling people virgins on the internet

14  2019-02-26 by ineedmorealts


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Shaming people for being virgins isn't cool tbh. Being a virgin is not the same thing as being a hate-filled incel.

If you are struggling to lose your virginity you are literally involuntarily celibate, or incel for short

If a group of terrorists of gingers called themselves the Naturally Red-Haired, would all gingers in the world be responsible for them?

Your logic is backwards. More like if you’re ginger you don’t get to point at the terrorist group and say ‘because of them I’m not a ginger’.

Are people who despise Jordan Peterson so much they go to such lengths as participating in a sub with a name such as /r/enoughpeterson spam really such brainlets?

Ok? I mean you're not exactly getting any empathy from me. "A guy is shitty to women so he doesn't get with women so he becomes so bitter that he devolves into the alt-right" but I'm the one who should feel bad? Ok dude. Why is it always somebody else's fault when (mostly white) men are shitty people?

This shit actually got upvoted.

Remember, you just need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

Yeah, it's not even like they even really specifically talked about Incels, he just jumped straight to the "they must be sexist or otherwise they would get laid!".

When most people think of a virgin they visualize a nerdy maybe losery guy rather than Elliot Rodger, to be so much out of touch shows that they spend too much time online and drank the full koolaid about nerds actually being evil sexist gamergaters disliking the woke movies because they are all angry incels.

The fact that there is an entire community dedicated to just hating Memerson is so weird. Like what has he done? He just talks about slaying dragons or some shit.