Men Who Can't Move Away have COPE therapy session

30  2019-02-26 by WarSanchez


Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


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Lol oh no

Why do white people hate their parents so much?

Because nobody wants to be reminded of what an aging mayo looks like. Also mayos lack the familial bonds of Hispanics and Asians.

It's the dream of every white male to be adopted into a nice Chinese family by his wife.

god damn that's a sad thread

Women at work are like 'You'll never find a girl to go out with you since you live with your parents' and I reply 'That's fine' with a smile. Then I tell them to get the fuck back to work since I'm their boss haha.

Pretty sure Arby's has strict rules about how assistant managers speak to cashiers dude, better cut that shit out

Implying he actually works there and this isn't his fantasy.

Implying he actually works and talks to women.

Women at work are like 'You'll never find a girl to go out with you since you live with your parents'

Kind of weird for those women to just bring that up.

It's almost like he's making shit up to support his world view

It's almost like

Men Getting Triggered Over Women.

There are much sadder threads. Here’s the hierarchy as best as I can figure it:

Chad > normal guy > nerd > MGTOW > incel > cuck > reddit mod.

No, it goes something like this:

Chad > normal guy > normal ugly guy > MGTOWer or incel > reddit mod > mensliber or cuck because they're one in the same.

I think MGTOW are “higher up” on the scale than incel because they are (at least theoretically) trying to be happy without women instead of lamenting about not having women. But both MGTOW and incels are well above cucks (menslibers), that’s a certainty.

Most mgtows are incels though, let's be honest. At least incels acknowledge the fact that they probably could not attract a woman but, some mgtows put on this hardman narrative about how, "I wouldn't want them even if they wanted me". One of the few actual MGTOWS I've known was a guy in his early 40s who is a divorcee and makes probably well over $80k a year as a police officer. He's tall and could pass as a guy in his early to mid 30s and he's actually going his own, checked out of dating and everything but, he's never even heard of the MGTOW acronym before.

incels are a lot more nasty and angry. MGTOW at least try to be content.

There's nothing wrong with living with your family as an adult. It's been normal behavior for thousands of year. Being a faggot about it and pretending like you are happy while obviously being a miserable lonely virgin is what makes OP a prime candidate for euthanasia.

Tempted to call bullshit just cause of how clean it is. This must be after nana came in with the Febreze and threw out all of her special fella's peepee jugs

TBH his place looks pretty comfy, except for the gaymer chair and the funkos.

the funkos

What else would he cum on?

Socks. Pillows. Fuzzy Star Wars blankets. Mom's nice doilies. Kitchen hand towels (mommy doesn't always bring tendies). Couch cushion. Dad's leather jacket. Better homes and gardens. Paper insert for PvZ2. The housepets.

I'd spend on my money on vidya and funko pops instead of getting my own place.

This seems like the exact kind of healthy and normal individual I'd expect on /r/MGTOW

I'm dubious. 1) We're only getting the corner of the room. 2) The funkos, gaming chair, and PC case scream of someone into personalization yet their Win10 lock screen is the default.

Why did this retard spend so much on their setup when they doesn't even know how computers work.