Hahvahdcels revolt against law professor for representing Harvey Weinstein. Smash patriarchal concepts like 'due process' and 'right to an attorney'

78  2019-02-27 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


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Your silence is violence

This is why bullies are unironically a good thing

Both silence and words are literally violence honey

It's such a stupid phrase too. It serves no purpose but to make moderates out to be enemies, which is a self fulfilling prophecy.

Literally doing nothing is violence.

Woke <----------


Big Smoke



When did Ivy League students become such retards?

Always have been

like half of Harvard is only there because of daddy's money

to compensate, the other half is extremely talent though

Ivy's seem to have an allergy to actually admitting by merit. They used to just admit rich white kids who's parents were connected to the school. When that stopped being OK they started admitting "socially conscious" applicants, which of course selected for the most conspicuously woke.

...Who also, coincidentally, also frequently overlap with the former group.

How coincidental

This is all a commendable step toward equality.

Not only are the wokecels being shorn like sheep of their old money for tuition, which is being reinvested into socially productive actvity on the free market, but the undue reputation of the Ivies is also being destroyed, levelling the playing field and putting wind in the sails of meritocratic, rather than degree-based, hiring.

silence is violence

Mute-cels must be savages then. Fucking everything is violence nowadays. Ive heard foids who argue that not talking to them and passively ignoring them is violence. Child abuse should have stayed legal

here’s proof that you can go to harvard and still be retarded

I want to be optimistic and say it's retards who come into these places and do this shit and blame the students.

If this is our future we're doomed

Placing bets now:

Weinstein gets off Scott-free and in fact collects money from fOiDs who tried to cash in on the cash grab. 1-2 fOiDs will collect a settlement but no charges will be pressed against Mr Weinstein.

Lesson? Talk to your lawyer before talking to the media.

I want to see a supreme court ruling confirming jerking off into a planter is covered by the first amendment.

Only the innocent should have the right to an attorney, and legally representing someone that the court of public opinion has convicted already is unacceptable and very un-woke. SAD!