It’s Over For Hollywood Accountingcels: ‘Bones’ 🦴 wins landmark $179M ruling against Fox 🦊 📺 . Could it also be over for streamercels?

28  2019-02-27 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


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This sets a pretty big precedent for streaming 🚿 distribution AKA most of Hulu’s profits.

Jesus Fucking Christ reading that shitpiece was like jerking it with a cork rammed down your dick.

I'm 1.100 words in and so far they told me the amount Fox was sold for, the amount they lost and how much that is relative to their net worth AND I'M NOT EVEN HALFWAY THROUGH.

Someone's getting paid by the word here. Fuck you for linking this.

It's a big case that will have big ramifications. The details matter in this story.

That statement would make sense if there were any details.

Instead it's fifty times this:

Netflix and Amazon Prime may now be just as important as broadcast television ever was. Meanwhile, the old studio vanguard has slowly embraced digital waters — dipping their toes in first with Hulu before making plans to launch Netflix competitors such as Disney+ and WarnerMedia. This coming era of vertically integrated businesses delivering content directly to consumers online wasn’t in the cards for the elder Murdoch.

There is no information. Zero. Nada.

Someone felt his repressed inner author kicking so he went on to write a novel.

Keep reading. Have you taken your SATs yet?

I can't read and did good on my SATs.

The writer keeps going off on irrelevant tangents about mergers


OP wrote this and it's shit

You caught me