r/politics top minds now believe r/politics is right wing propaganda

295  2019-02-27 by FreeThe_Truth


Jews did this


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snappy oh god oh fuck snappy don't do it fuck

Shit if /politics goes red where on earth could liberals congregate and discuss liberal politics on the internet? Doesn’t seem to be much liberal space left online!!!!

Goes red? /politics collapsed when they added right wing mods and got kicked off all.

What the fuck are you trying to say? - spit it out boy.

That's a bit this guy's been doing for an autisticly long time

What’s a bit?

1/4th of a nibble.

You made me 1/4th giggle

You might not realize it, but it was turbonerd humor.

you say I should take r/politics from my "ignore, stay away from this shit" list - and check it out (?)

no, it's hot garbage. Might as well go do r/blackladieshair or some such bullshit.

he' back 👏👏

I hear Voat is lovely this time of year.

Removing dox is right wing propaganda

I wasn't even about doxx. It was about spamming the Florida Bar Association.

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

Exactly. It's why I don't follow the rules on /r/politics. If it talks, walks, and acts like a shill/russian, I'm calling that shit out. Have yet to be banned for it, but I await the honor with each one.

Can you imagine what it's like waking up everyday as this person?

I wish that were me

Sounds like a double agent to me.

Sadly, each side is pretty much as insane as the other believes.

Any outlier not in line with the agenda is a Russian bot or a Nazi, or of course both. Anything else deifies logic.

If you disagree with them you are either a russian bot or a nazi. No american could possibly have an opinion that differs from a leftist. We either hate america or we're racist.

Is that Eugene Gu?

I do’s vote for disagreement and submit links from non approved news sites and nobody says a word 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😡🤬😡😱😱😱😡🤬

Probably great, imagine being an unemployed retard who wakes at 3 PM everyday to the smell of his mom’s homemade cooking

“I’m a proud tattle”

I'd rather not imagine what suffering from schizophrenia is like.

Guess the hair dye color

Back in the golden days, this person would have got pinged so fucking hard

Back in the golden days this person would be in a room somewhere, post lobotomy, drooling on their sleeves while they stare out a barred third floor window.

To be fair all of drama would end up like that too.

admins made a big mistake.

thanks for making me want to kill myself now, appreciate it.

How do they even know what Russian bots do? Is it just shit main stream media said support trump = bot?

Its insane how delusional they are, negative self awarness.

If I was a right-wing propagandist I would try to make wokecels look as insane as possible.

AOC confirmed right wing troll.

CIA asset for COINTELPRO op.

it's about to begin for Shapirocels

If I was a right-wing propagandist I would do absolutely nothing

If you ever feel bad, just remember there’s people who spend all their free time in r/politics.

Then again, we spend our free time here.

It's not much better.


says you.

Believing that /r/politics is right wing is one of those things that is so provably and objectively delusional that it you told your therapist its equivalent, they would start to worry about your well-being.

Are you saying these peoples' therapists should be telling them to keep themselves safe?

I am suggesting that these therapists may want to encourage their patients (and any /r/politics users) to consider how best to be set adrift upon the Endless Ocean

idk it's so crazy over there it pretty much has to be nazis trying to provoke a reaction

None of us believe that r/politics is right wing. We know that there are/have been concerted efforts by trolls and extremely right wing fanatics to silence some of the more lively left wing posts. It’s not something that’s even arguable. It happens all the time. The fact that you guys don’t understand that it only takes one or two of the older mod accounts to be counter to the mainstream to disrupt the entire subreddit’s natural discourse is just sad. It’s sad that there’s so many people in the world that don’t have the capacity to understand such simple ideas.

I'm sorry, were you talking?

are 'trolls' anyone with an opinion right of Stalin?

No. Shit, I would GLADLY discuss anything with someone with a differing viewpoint as long as they can actually have an intelligent discourse on the subject. People on either side of an argument who don’t understand what they’re talking about, but act like they do (and insert themselves in the discussion), are fucking trolls. There are idiots on both sides of the political spectrum (and in the middle) but currently the majority of the idiots are on the right.

Also, the right is no longer conservative in the way it would like to pretend. Conservatism is completely separate and apart from the modern day GOP. There may be some true conservatives remaining in the party because they don’t really fit anywhere else, and being third party is just career suicide, but they are the minority.

If you’d like to have a discussion about literally anything political, please be my guest. The only way people learn and adjust their views is through honest arguments. If everyone simply talks to people with the same beliefs and never ventures outside of that echo chamber, no one changes for the better. Again, trolls as I was referring to, are people who would argue with you about something when presented with hard facts. They’d sit there and argue that the sky doesn’t look blue, it looks green, while sitting there staring at a blue fucking sky. They don’t care that they’re actually wrong. They don’t want to be correct. They just want to win the argument by being ignorant. We can thank the internet for that.

whats your opinion on mayocide

I had to look that one up lol.

Are we generally talking about the unequal treatment of white people in today’s age of “everything must be equal”? Kind of ironic that in a field of “equality” we’re actually treating white people negatively.

We're talking about systematically breeding white people out of existence as a race, because they're fucking annoying.

Nigger, he axed you a simple question: is you wit the niggas or are you a honky? Spit it out, u motherfucker

Hi, AromaticWitness!

I am am just dropping by to wish you a lovely day! Take care!


So what would you say is the defining difference between a braphog and a slampig?

Average brain dead liberalism is stalinism to a neo nazi like you.


u/annoysthegoys can we get a sticky reminding people to upvote the retards? The DDF seems to have forgotten.

upvoting retards is the best part of arguing with retards

Thank you papa jewman👌😤

What a strange, paranoid view of the world.

oh no the natural discourse of amazing subreddit r/politics has been disrupted how could we have overlooked this tragedy

this is a thing that must be taken as seriously as possible

This sub is full of fucking idiots.

this is a comment that could be placed anywhere on this site and be correct except r/chonkers

I mean, yeah

Rood D:

Yeah, and you're in here with us.

Got 'em.

Yeah no shit

The fact that you think it matters is the real sadness

Go the the internet archive and look at /r/politics 10 years ago, now go look at it year by year up until now.

The only thing that has happened is it's been pushed more and more to the left with anything that's not obviously pro left being suppressed at this point.

While other parts of the site have been pushed far to the right, much further to the right than every would've been acceptable a decade ago. Open white supremacy and longing for the return of apartheid and Jim crow.

Yes because all you idiots run from the other side instead of being able to tolerate discussion.

and show me a single one of the old defaults that has been pushed to the right as far as /r/politics has been pushed to the left.

What are you smoking

I looked up the "pro Trump mod" that they're bitching about, and he's literally a moderate-to-average leftist who posts in anti-Trump subs all the time. The cognitive dissonance is palpable.

/r/Politics: Where being right of Sanders makes you a fascist.

Fascists are on the left. Fascism is greater government control, which is a leftist ideal.



Zozzlebot is my favorite drama poster

Gtfo of here dirty immigrant

Magacels OUT OUT OUT. This sub is rightful radical centrist clay.

We need a wall, and we’re gonna make magacels pay for it.

Noam Chomsky, the anarchist, is rightwing

Anarchists are to the right of libertarians, yes.

I don't know anything about Noam Chomsky or his politics.

Political spectrum is a cube!

I don't know anything about politics


Literally anarchism referred solely to left wing groups into extreme libertarians invented their own weird ideology in the 70s.

Noam Chomsky is only the most famous living American socialist, pretty easy to miss for a political genius like you

Easy to miss since now he's just a shitty op-ed writer.

If you’re going to talk about me at least do me the common courtesy of pinging me.

No pinging here, officer.

Literally over for dramacels.

are you a furry?

If it helps me blend in with the denizens of drama then sure?

But no. Just a reference to the common saying / idiom.

If it helps me blend in with the denizens of drama then sure?

No it does not.


This is a pro furrycide sub, how absolutely dare you, sir!?

Everywhere that the sun reaches is pro furrycide

But no

you are lying, you are an /r/politics mod

I’ve heard it said the r/politics mods are fascists, commies, CTR, GRU, centrists, accelerationists and once I had someone accuse me of shilling for Singapore’s People’s Action Party.

This is actually the first time I’ve heard us called furries.

i think yall are a bunch of fags

See now that I have heard.

Does it bother you knowing that you are getting roasted by people literally on your side of the political spectrum because you are not extremist enough while trying to moderate a "neutral" subreddit...

and all of this is FOR FREE?

He’s getting roasted for backing up bullshit moderation practices.

Someone mod this man.

The sub you mod is bad and you should feel bad

Why is /r/politics so damn bad?

Shitty users pretty much

We would if we were allowed to. Daddy spez took our fun away :(

Thank you for your service of giving us sweet sweet drama.

And even if was full blown Trump supporter, the mod list has 50 people on it. Rhetorical question, but are Redditors so fucking fragile in a mod list of 50 peeps, they can't handle the notion that ONE person might disagree with them, in a sub that 99.9% of the time leans hard left, anyways?

/r/drama: Where being to the left of Hitler makes your a communist, and fascism is centrism

Do you seriously believe that your are you just posting unfunny shit for the sake of being a walking Chapo stereotype?
What I mean is: provide a picture of your genitalia and/or anus. Good day.

I would not be surprised. Outrage subs tends to get a lot of people looking to stir shit.

To be more fair, reality is fairly left.

I really don't know about that.

Reality and r/politics are complete strangers.

Um, reality has a liberal bias, sweaty

That's because reddit itself is a breeding ground for white nationalists

Every day calls to lynch niggers hit the front page and the mayo admins STILL won't shut it down!

Quarantine r/politics!

I once was banned for three months from participating because I was discussing the possible penalties of those found guilty of high treason.

Translation: I made repeated comments on how all the Repub's need to hang until even the mods thought it was a bit much.

There’s at least one pro Trump mod

Witch hunt! Burn the witch!
One, out like 50 of y'all. "Ohh no! We're under attack!"


That's a yikes from me, fam.


That's a zoinks from me, fam.


That's an oof from me, fam


That's an oof from me, fam


Your flair is accurate

I once was banned for three months from participating because I was discussing the possible penalties of those found guilty of high treason.

Does he seriously think he's fooling anyone?

That's because reddit itself is a breeding ground for white nationalists.

Imagine being this gay.

lol the guy who said that was gilded 4 times.

Because Redditors are retarded.

I'm so happy Aaron Swartz isn't seeing this. When did reddit become gathering ground for idiots of internet.

It's been like this since at least 2010.

I blame the fucking Mayans, the world ended in 2012 and we're what's left. This is hell. Might as well get some ice cream.

I thing after maymay may and maymay apocalypse things truly started going downhill. Admins started messing whit FrontPage and default subs. But elections really broke whole thing down, why are these people screeching in reddit and not on Facebook and Twitter.

these people believe one trump guy is ruining the whole subreddit. there are nearly a hundred mods there if I recall

How the hell do these extremist right wing nut jobs get so much control of subreddits? Is there no process for mods to remove a peer's mod privilege?

o i am laffin

Man, that comment section is like looking into an opposite universe. Lmao what kind of reality-bending shit are those nibbas on?

r/politics is like a microcosm of, like, every leftist revolution since 1792. What started as a bunch of idealistic lefties spins out into a paranoid bloodbath where anyone who doesn’t nod along with this week’s outrage or whichever radical thought leader gets their head chopped off.

The tolerant left at work. They see an inkling of non conformity and they will mercilessly hunt to stamp it out.

Oh so this is where all the dumbass right wing trolls are coming from. Thanks losers.

Um excuse me. That would be dumbass radical centerist trolls to you, supernigga.


It's the one-drop theory of extremist politics: If you're willing to tolerate sharing a space with someone, that means you can be characterized as having the same views as them. eg. If you don't support banning Trump supporters, it's fair to call you a Trump supporter.

When will people accept that reddit is a melting pot of every side that has gotten thrown together.

The "Reddit is all right/left-wing" shit is annoying

I would pay $40 for the pay-per-view showing of them all thrown in an actual melting pot.

Imagine thinking politics

I wholeheartidly agree

There's about 20 comments each thread all a variation of that comment. Imagine soiling yourself and going "Trumpers out in full force today be careful boys" when one of the replies isn't "I agree."


You can't make this shit up.

/r/politics and /r/news is everything I hate about Reddit now.

the only thing I hate about reddit is you fucking idiot

I know you're just mad and don't really mean that, you hate a lot of other things about reddit.

yh obvs I don't mean it, but I don't give enough of a shit about reddit to hate it, its all love btw

I know one of the top mods of /r/politics, he claims to not be a Trump supporter but is far right to the point of being a fascist. Not on his main account.

That is all.

I was playing Skyrim and imagine my surprise when an NPC jumped right out of the screen and into this sub.

I've modded /r/politics and Stormfront with the same (alt) username for several years and no one has ever noticed.

So I've got the leaders and mod page open. Mind saving me the time?

but to be fair this sub is fairly left

To be more fair, reality is fairly left.

Thank you for linking this.

I already am eating from the trash can all the time. The name of this trash can is ideology. The material force of ideology makes me not see what I am effectively eating.

Imagine thinking r/politics isn’t right wing

Jesus christ these fucks actually think they matter.


The more you ⬆️ them, the more 😂🐄🥛 they produce



Do it