Bye bye 👋 BiBi 🇮🇱 👨‍⚖️

179  2019-02-28 by Strictlybutters


Fuck you dude. You don't just get to believe what I'd been thinking the whole time now that it's convenient for you. First apologize to me for your original opinions, shithead.

And look: the fact that you just very recently had those problematic opinions does not just mean that you get to be woke within a matter of clicks; you still have a lot of rethinking to do. So shut up. Say you're sorry, SHUT THE FUCK UP, and start listening: the adults are talking, and what we have to say will impact generations to come.


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Cope. He's too powerful not to survive this

Lol he's losing partners in the Knesset. He toast.

(((they))) will keep him around

jews control israel

Massive if verified


Stop with your alt-right conspiracy theories

Wow, very anti-Semitic, uncool

(((They))) are trying him for corruption lmfao. Like even if there was an evil Jewish conspiracy or whatever they'd be split here and mainly against probably


(((he))) is (((them)))

I think this election might finally be his last.

lol someone posted this on /r/fuckthealtright

You mean r/fuckthethingsidontlike

The Jews are statistically superior to white people in every way so it makes sense that a sub made of of 99% white college kids have a big chip on their shoulder about them.

And they said inbreeding was bad.

Aren't Jews allowed to MATZO goyim into more Jews?

I think only maternally. Which creates the inverse of the normal situation where your sons banging other races is good, but daughters doing it is bad. The chosen people are okay with their women getting railed by lesser races, but the men are not passing their Judaism down when they make hybrids.

That's how I understand it.

Traditionally, that's true, at least that it is inherited matrilineally. A lot of conservative parents would still rather see their daughters end up with a tribesman than some shegetz.

The chosen people have transcended mundane realities like genetics. Praise be!

So what i'm understanding is that annoysthegoys is a cuck.

No quite the opposite in fact.

You would know, /u/dereksavagecoolCuck

Hey I'm a mayo stealing a beautiful bantu wammen, also quite the opposite.

It doesn't count when she's the man in the relationship.

We only do butt stuff on Sundays.

It's more like this:

He gets (((her))) pregnant - Guess we better raise the kid (((correct)))

(((He))) gets her pregnant - New testament, who dis?

sounds like a big fate C O P E to me.

a big fate


fugg, superior Jewish IQ has beaten me once again.

This is correct. Jewish men who marry outside of Judism are literally the antithesis of cucks, because they free up their women to spread the religion further.

It kind of makes sense, as the mother would traditionally have more of a hand in raising children so they could ensure that the child is matzo'd early on with concepts like rabbi magicks and basic financial literacy.

sweet home Poland

Now that is an explanation for /r/beholdthemasterrace I can understand.

lmao nvm their barely cobbled together genetics from centuries of inbreeding i guess

Coping quite poorly with your genetic inferiority I see.

lmao at jews talking about inferiority and genetics

have you seen your physiognomy

Jews claiming genetic superiority is part of their famous capacity for “verbal intelligence” (lying and manipulating).

I'm not Jewish, I'm Asian. Incidentally, that happens to be another demographic more intelligent than you whites.

oh yeah which type of asian

because if its anything to do with china or korea or south east asia then you shouldnt really be boasting about anything

more intelligent than you whites


I thought most Jews were genetically Europeans. If that’s the case the only thing that separates us is their choice of dangerous cult.

Lmao Jews are the most physically pathetic people in the world. The abominations called modern art are so characteristically Jewish that Jews have claimed attacks on contemporary art is antisemitic. The only thing they’re better at is “verbal intelligence.” Israel has an IQ of 90.

It’s a simple strategy of continuous eugenics. Rabbis monitor the community of children with subpar genetics and drive them to assimilate through sexual deprivation (with propaganda about sexual morality). Those with Chad genetics are kept within the community with an unlimited supply of shiksa gussy (for recreation/practice since doing it with goyim before marriage is perfectly fine) and eventually a highly successful and beautiful jussy. Also, some Chads are sent on missions to marry and convert gussies with genetics that are deemed appealing.

Wait do they like (((him))) or no?

I would, but drama posters are probably banned there

We are. They banned me earlier today

Chapo posters were also banned recently.

Where else are we banned?

isn’t Netanyahu a fashy racist, though?

i don’t think he’s likely to meet the antisemitism quota, but the alt-right’s a wide net, some jewlovers are bound to slip through the cracks

He's basically a nazi, but the fact that he's a jew makes things complicated.

it really doesnt - he is Jazi - there, simple.



literally every Israeli politician is a Zionist unless they want to dissolve the state


Zionism is the idea that they deserve to have their ENTIRE homeland back based on lines drawn back before they even knew how to map things accurately, so basically all of current Israel, all of current Palestine, some of Jordan, etc.

I mean it's pretty different from what you said, or it's exactly the same if you're fucking stupid, but you do you.

This would be correct if it weren't completely wrong.

That’d be a perfectly valid variety of Zionism, but it’s not required by the most common definition of the term.

yes whats your point

Sounds good to me.

he is Jazi

I prefer the term "matzonalist"

It doesn’t make it complicated at all.

— Eastern European communism — Holodomor — Armenian genocide — Palestinian genocide

They made the Nazis look like Amish

— Eastern European communism — Holodomor — Armenian genocide — Palestinian genocide

what did he mean by this


Nothing against Jews in general, but they can’t claim to be histories victims.

sure they can

i mean the fuck did they have to do with the second and third things? that was Stalin and the Turks



Do your homework.

I know the Bolshevik party was about 10% Jewish, but the Menshevik party was 20% Jewish before they allied with the Jewish Bund, so idk what makes the Bolshies any Hebrewer. Russia just had a lot of jews lol

There's literally nothing Jewish about the Holodomor though lol. I mean, some of the victims were Jewish, but there weren't quite as many jews in that Ukraine

You are uninformed or lying.

“you must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the “Russian Revolution.” It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators.”

— a noble peace prize winner.

Couldn’t even be bothered to include his name, huh? Or to spell Alfred’s right.

Solzhenitsyn never wrote that though, that’s something David Duke claimed he told him lol. He did write quite a bit about Jews in the Bolshevik Party, and what Jewish identity meant in a totalitarian, atheistic movement, but didn’t consider them the chief orchestrators of anything, and thought their presence diminished in importance after the first decade.

You know what’s funny, though? Solzhenitsyn didn’t even believe in the Holodomor, much less think it was the Jews’ fault. He considers it just a larger scale version of the 1921 famine.

umm, it's not my job to educate you

damn real horseshoe hours rn

Emotional labour, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.


They aren’t history’s victims, they’re history’s survivors. Due to constantly being hunted down and exterminated by goyim, only the strongest jews have survived. Anti-semitism has created literal super jews.

See: the ancient Jewish vampires that currently control the Israeli government, the banks, and games journalism.


Oy vey!

It's kinda silly to link someone to the alt-right when they're in a country with a very different political culture and they've been in politics for decades before the alt-right existed though.

it’s silly for sure, but tbf that sub is really just about the far-right and its allies.

Which is weird because does the altright even like Jews? I mean I think that sub lump anyone that is 'Republican' or on the right all together. If I understand correctly altright are those that give a shit about white supremacy hence the whole 'alt' shit and I highly doubt altright people like Jews.

People on the right tend to like and align with the Jews since a lot of them are Christian

Either that or I have no idea what the fuck I am talking about.

Altright are fascists after a rebranding. Bibi is a Fascist.

Neither will admit it because you know...connotations...but if you want to call a spade a spade, he fits.

Alt right types LOVE Jews. Are you fucking kidding me? UM hello ever heard of BEN SHAPIRO? The alt right is jealous of Israel’s based stance on race and ethnicity, and if it wasn’t around, alt right people would have no other country to point to as shining star of what the US should look like with regard to race relations.

Also the alt right people really love military history and have an immense respect for the triumph of the Jewish people in werl werl two.

Not to mention sexy media influencers like GAL GADOT and NATALIE PORTMAN. There’s a large overlap between fetishization of Jewish women and the altright. They all seem to fixate on the idea of Jewish women as they are seen like portals to Jewish legacy for their children and all the prestige that brings. Not surprising that a bunch of neo-reactionaries have such an raging hard-on for conservative faiths and belief systems and the beautiful Jewish heritage?

Lastly, the altright loves Jewish people because of their incredible success in open markets. People like Milton Friedman, Harvey Rothschild, Abner Rothstein, all show how great life can be when you work hard and subscribe to the tenets of market capitalism and libertarian principles! Far too chad for leftists! Only the alt right understands this!

The alt-right doesn't like Jews much, especially since American Jews tend to be liberal Democrats or, worse, neoconservatives. On the other hand they love Israel for being right-wing and militaristic, and feel like America could learn a thing or two from the Israelis about how to treat minorities.

tl;dr, Israeli Jews bombing Muslims are fine but Jews trying to globalize the USA from within are bad.

The second top post for this month 😂😭

Bibi will always be my favourite anime villain.

tfw when you're so strong you have to take billions in (((aid)))

Not a knock on Israel desu. There are many nations who received billions in aid and still fucked up.

It just shows they are capable militarily and smart enough to keep a superpower on their side. I don't know for how long they can keep this up but impressive nonetheless.

I'm sure the US will pay them for as long as they're afraid Israel will nuke someone if they stop.

also is there any other middle eastern state that doesn’t semi-openly hate Americans?

Is there any country in the world that doesn't semi-openly hate Americans?

There are a lot of freeaboos in SE Asia. my Thai buddy named his son TJ for Thomas Jefferson. Same guy spent 88k US on an imported Mustang.

Obv older Lao people aren’t too cool about the whole carpet bombing thing


LMAO, great fucking word.

Insular chinks love to suck daddy US even after being nuked two times.

Israel nuking it's neighbors

Remind me why this isn't a positive outcome?

Their neighbors have friends with nukes who will nuke back.

So both muzzies and jews get incinerated, remind me why this is a bad result?

Thank god nuclear winter will counteract global warming

Pakistan and Russia don't care that much. Nuking irradiates oil and it also kills people

This but including Egypt. America pays those countries to not fight so the Suez canal stays open

I remember everyone being scared when Mubarak was forced out since he was our guy. I wonder who we pay now.

Mubarak got replaced by a extremist who shockingly turned out to be extreme. Then he got forced out by the military after a year, which was probably a good thing cause extremist guy wanted to crack down on religious minorities. Now the head of the military is basically Mubarak 2.0.

Now the head of the military is basically Mubarak 2.0

America wins again!

Which is unironically a good thing.

Being able to manipulate others into helping you is a form of strength. Israel has secured its position to the point that if you oppose this aid then you will be forced to make a public apology.


Bernie Sanders, the socialist Jew, is pretty much the only American politician who openly criticizes them at all.

Back In 90's dude even got left wing prime minister of israel assassinated.

Honestly don't know much about the guy. Where would he rank among Israeli PMs?

No idea but bibi is incredible, more you read or hear about him more incredible that it took this long to some one get him. His super right wing but you can't be completely sure that he isn't just using ideology. He is kind smart and has been able to keep Israel out of stupid wars for 10 year. They only had two small operations in Gaza and some small attacks. So he knows what waits outside of israel borders in modern times and keep army's in home. It might sound insufficient but we are talking maybe most right wing government in world, to keep them in check and not going all out war whit Syria, Iran or Hezbollah is not small task.

But overall dude is sociopath and most likely narsist that did anything to get power and money and I mean anything. He has huge balls and lot of times gives no shit what he says to us and NATO country's, even if whole Israel relays their help to survive.

He is kind smart and has been able to keep Israel out of stupid wars for 10 year.

Yea by getting America to fight them for him lol.

We don't need Israel to get us to go to war lmao

Sure, but at least he knows they can't take modern midel Easter army whitout huge losses, and if there one thing Israel can't handle it's losses. Put point being, guy is running right wing government and is supposedly this crazy right winger and he has kept peace pretty much his whole reign. Now you could argue there has been conflict whit Palestinian, but last big conflict was right when he took power.

Yeah the guy literally addressed both sides of Congress while Obama was in office so bibi has big big balls.

Wasn't that during Iran deal? He tried to derail Obama's Iran deal by addressing congress behind his back. Balls of that guy. Imagine if it was any other head of the state doing it.

Wasn't that during Iran deal?

"My friends, I've come here today because, as prime minister of Israel, I feel a profound obligation to speak to you about an issue that could well threaten the survival of my country and the future of my people: Iran's quest for nuclear weapons."


says fascist shit

erased from history huh interesting

Lapid is def the bland, naive MC in this anime

Where's the lie fam?

Might not be a lie but it's definitely phrased in a way that resembles of an anime villain dialogue.

Oi Vey

> mfw when Jew daddy gets indicted while orange daddy does not

>my face when when

Assad curse strikes again

Head Jew in money trouble. No kidding.


Woah somthng is actually happening this time? This is like the fourth time he was threatened with corruption charges

No hes been investigated for this shit for quite awhile and now charges are being pressed.

Jews did this.

Technically correct

Oy Vey!

ur not wrong

Netanyahu, 69, who is serving his third consecutive term as prime minister and his fourth overall, has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing and called the various allegations against him a witch hunt aimed at removing him from office.

What a wacky coincidence in phrasing!

oy vey no collusion!


the generation of peace has struck again

Couldn't happen to a nicer war criminal

Holy shit, already? Cohen’s testimony was more effective than I expected.

If there's one thing I've learned over my decades on the force, it's that the Jews don't pay for their crimes unless they're committed against their fellow Jews (see Madoff). These yids are going to try to have Bibi Mileikowsky strung up by his ears for this, but he's a tough old heeb and I could see him out maneuvering them. It will be a fun show either way.

-Special Detective Anthony Gabagool

For the first time in about a decade that's another candidate leading in the polls for pm. Benny Gatz, who is a general who lead the Gaza bombing expedition of 2014. He united his party with Yair Lapid's and some Likud splitter, and they're polling at like 35% (which is godly in terms of modern Israel).

Same old shit probably but I'm glad to see someone finally take Bibi down anyway.

Lol I just checked the Times of Israel poll of likely voters... Notttt good for Bibi at all.

Being an Israeli is enough to be convicted of corruption charges, your whole existence is built on corruption.

Shapirocels on suicide watch

Here we go: the Final Solution: Part 2 begins here

Oy vey



Lmao imagine thinking Bibi isn’t smart enough to get out of this. He fucks bitches (shiksas are for practice) on the daily while simultaneously manipulating politics in every single fucking country. You pathetic goyim don’t have the high Ashkenazi IQ necessary to comprehend the extent of his cunning. Let me paint a picture for you: this indictment is (obviously) a distraction with Bibi, Soros, Adelson and (((Putin))) all team up to precipitate the mayocide while sarcastically laughing in Sweet Home Alabama — the last remnant of your pathetic culture.