PETA are the best trolls in existence and I love how they trigger reddit

56  2019-02-28 by Stacyscrazy21


On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about “blood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


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I love this shit

They'd be so much funnier if they didn't believe everything they said.

Their goal, in part, is to educate the public on the morality of harming animals. I think that this is a worthy goal, and though their execution is not perfect I think that those who disagree with their message are doing so out of their immediate emotional reaction and not out of careful consideration. "Don't murder innocent animals" ... pretty uncontroversial statement, in my mind.

Nah their current goal is to be insufferable vegans. If it wasn't, they wouldn't lie about wool or steal people's pets.

I think you mean that they steal people's slaves.


so you're saying you don't have a dog and your wife left you? I feel for you man.

Yeah from a PETA members perspective, I can see how they would see housepets as doing way too much productive work

PETA supports beastiality

Their goal, in part, is to educate the public on the morality of harming animals.

sounds pretty gay tbh

Nothing was more pathetic than reddit thinking they beat PETA because they made some memes. PETA wild throwing blood on people reddit sitting on thier asses making memes

I played the game years ago. Its actually pretty funny

I do not eat meat and I fucking hate Reddit, as we speak I am playing Anthem and enjoying the shit out of it. So rebel so fresh so face.


Redditors are literally giant losers with a victim complex. Being vegetarian and supporting animal rights is a good thing. Meat eaters aren't oppressed.

Not doing something isnt a personality tho

Yeah but it's Peta still sucks. I'm unironically triggered by animal murderers.

Well played, OP.

complaining about "muh animal rights" is the most mayo thing you can do tbh

I support an animals right to live a free life in the wilderness, and to one day be at the end of my barrel.

Atleast I will give them the mercy of a quick kill, unlike that asshole lion that just eats the antelope’s ass while it is still alive.