Rapper pulls his "No fat chicks" clause at a club

174  2019-03-01 by ArlenBilldozer


Fuck you dude. You don't just get to believe what I'd been thinking the whole time now that it's convenient for you. First apologize to me for your original opinions, shithead.

And look: the fact that you just very recently had those problematic opinions does not just mean that you get to be woke within a matter of clicks; you still have a lot of rethinking to do. So shut up. Say you're sorry, SHUT THE FUCK UP, and start listening: the adults are talking, and what we have to say will impact generations to come.


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Future at this very moment :

imagine being so shallow that you make being fat of all things your personality

It's better than making r/drama your personality, masterlawlz

Imagine thinking it's easier to force society to think your flub is sexy instead of going to the gym and doing 3 sets of fork put downs followed by 3 sets of table push aways.

She doesn't even need to exercise, just cut whatever she's shoving down her gullet in half.

Yep, weight's addressed in the kitchen, not the gym

and in the drive through, the break room, the desk drawer. Fatties find no place a no-eating zone.

Apparently it’s also addressed on the club

That's what he said.

Reading 2nd halves of comments are for people who don't value their time.

I wonder who reading the second half of comments is for. Too bad I'll never know.

Blah blah blah second half blah blah blab.

... read the exercises he listed.

Yoooo lmao yall savage. Lol. But its the truth.

This comment may be to ethnic for the mayos of this sub.

Obviously defining your personality by one trait is stupid, but this is so much worse because it's negative in every single way. I just assume you're worthless if you're identifying as fat and calling people fatphobic. If the most interesting thing about you is that you have no self-control, it's time to get off the internet and get your shit together.

On one hand I don't want to be a dick. On the other...

Being fat is the opposite of being shallow though.

That's deep.

Her bathtub water is always shallow

Was Future going to screw all the chicks in the club or something? lol

He says this because if any fat chicks walked in, his peen would be exploding constant streams of jizm.

I'm betting that her avi only represents three fifths of her current size. (No need to get rough I'll just show myself out quietly) .

Jesus shee morbidly obese.



One of them said

ive never wanted to sit on someone and crush them more

Maybe that’s why you’re banned???

Seriously future is trying to save us all

Based and Redpilled

And these succubus’ are probably fine with no men zones at clubs too but complain when people ban whales.


Jfl, imagine identifying as fat.

Jesus Christ, how horrifying

Her arms looked pretty jacked

That's the kind of definition you get from daily 5x10's of the old chicken drumstick lift.

You know she ain't actually believe any of this is beautiful because she uses mad cropping and angles in all the first images you see. You have to actually go looking for her enormous body.

That URL's giving me an insecure connection warning, I think that fits the owner quite well!

Oh wow, that twitter dp was misleading!

she has a pretty face which makes me think she could be hot if she wasn't a heiffer

She is going to need a few rounds of plastic surgery to fix up all that loose skin. If she takes a running start and jumps off a bridge she could use the resulting flab like a flying squirrel.

Bouncers: Yo is that Patirce O'neal? Thought big nigga died a few YEARS ago

God damn her tits are massive. Her back must be beyond fucked.

There's no shape to her. It's just...what is it?

She has a gigantic gunt of you look at her Twitter. I was expecting her to be fat but God damn

Okay that’s cool, but to go another level and not allow them in a place meant for everyone to have a good time?

There already is a "fun club" for everyone to have a good time that even fat people are allowed to attend. It's called the gym.

It’s not a space ment for “everyone”. It’s a CLUB - excluding people who don’t make “the cut” (I.e. good looking / stylish) is what clubs are all about. There are clubs that allow fat chicks - but the beautiful people don’t go to those clubs.

You forgot money and/or babes on their arm will work too. I've seen some nerdy as fuck rich dudes in higher end clubs before who just go to town buying drinks.

Future simply proving his basedhood. Respect.

He's just looking out for all the lads with beer vision


> "No fat chicks"

So he wanted the place all to himself?

oh woe is me for the greatest of all deformities was assigned to me at birth with none of my input being effective at overcoming this mountain of a challenge: a fat woman. is there any bigger and worse issue to bear than such is this? a true locking of my form with no way to lose weight that is imaginable to the human mind

FAT. flower queen. outspoken. . creative. speaks français/español. destined for greatness. go ahead. keep staring if you want

Is "greatness" a type of cheeseburger?

Definition of great (Entry 1 of 3)
1a : notably large in size : HUGE

Destined for cardiac arrest lmao

me, a fat, born 2/26

At least she knows how attractive she is.

tbh if I had that kind of pull at the club I'd start with "no dudes"

You can't ban men, they are the ones spending money.

Imagine being convinced the world hates you for being fat, ranting to not end about it and making it some sort of internet crusade, but still being unable to muster enough energy and motivation to lose enough weight not to be clinically obese.

This is why can’t do pretentious ass cities and their stuffy clubs. There are too many rules and regulations for who’s allowed to be around. It’s less about having fun and more about who fits the image.

No shit. Don't feel special about being fat though, clubs are biased towars money and looks way more than just being a fat fuck.

Yes, because night clubs have never been exclusionary. Studio 54 just let any old dumpy bitch through the door, after all.

Yep. Lol.

The solution to this problem is lose weight. Well that's the solution to most of her problems.

Fat people are an abundant and environmentally friendly source of fuel.

They should just smother him. :p
At least they can lose their weight, he can't lose his ugliness.

Future gonna marry Tay Tay

Lol a club isn't a public place for everyone to have a good time. It's a hellpiy for terrible people to be as shallow as humanly possible where you literally cannot communicate.

Black people love the club so much

umm..hell yeah. The club is fun as fuck...when you are in your 20's, lol.

No fat chicks is a solid life policy.

fat girls shouldn't be allowed to be into beauty or makeup. Lose 100 pounds, then you can worry about wearing eyeliner

Hungry and thirsty.

when you've finally had your fill

I thought this was hilarious, not surprised to see this sub triggered