Ilhan Omar bravely admits to face blindness

107  2019-03-01 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. This Post -,,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Most likely very true

Life-fuel for pacifist-cels

Somali mommy

Volcel if you wouldn't

Oh I would.

I would. Imagine all the hatefucking. My ass would be sore for weeks


You’d hit that right?

She can bring the BDS and I'll add the M


Hijab fetish is a patrician taste

- विश्वस्मादिन्द्र उत्तरः

All covered up, except for a big and talented mouth.

W-why did I find this arousing??

How are you guys electing these stupid mommies??

I'm not a burger, so I can't answer that sorry

Oh snap is this Aussie voltar? Sup bro if it is

No sorry, I'm not Voltar

😭😭 thanks for the response m8

She was endorsed by the Minnesota DFL (essentially Minnesotan Democrat party) and Keith Ellison formerly held that seat but ran for state AG so it was open for anyone.

Her district also encompasses all of Minneapolis where voters generally are more progressive, so it’s not really a big shock when you look at the big picture.

Everyone in her state is a Somali so

She reps my 😍qween😍 and I voted for her AMA

I mean there is 535 members of congress and there's a significant movement for electing token minorities (and women are an honorary minorities) so it makes sense that we're gonna get a few retards

The Islamists at r/ChapoTrapHouse’s haram hogs are at full mast for her right now.

The interim president is as legitimate as Israel

Rep Omar

Muslim supports tyrant. In other news, chapos hate cops and r/politics is mostly shills with a smattering of morons

The only right take tbh

r/politics is mostly karma whores taking advantage of the never-trumpers.

And /r/drama is mostly whores.

This but unironically 😘

It’s not my fault I can’t stop fucking easy 6/10s

I'm not a whore; I do it for free.

Ooh ooh do /r/drama next

America is a tyranny that is supporting a failed tyrant and Venezula because they will not submit to the murderous America dictator

A somali muslim married to her brother is in congress, this timeline

married to her brother

When did this meme actually come from? Even as far as boomer conspiracy theories go, it's pretty retarded.

It's not retarded. She was married to her cousin or brother, which is why she lied about it.

If it was untrue it would be super easy to disprove lol.

It'd be even easier to prove lmao

Imagine believing this unironically. Yet again, this is the same troglodyte lot that also started the birther spergery, so...

Can you explain why it's such a stupid idea?

In Somalia like 50% of the population is married to a brother or first cousin. It's not uncommon.

Seems legit

It's usually first cousin, which would explain having the fathers last name. Fathers brothers daughter.

man's right to the father's brother's daughter (FBD, or paternal female cousin) seems to have taken place in the past hundred years before his 1962 work. Type her name in. Says she married Ahmed Nur Said Elmi which follows the Somali naming traditions of her daddy’s name, Nur Said Elmi Mohamed.

But I guess it could be a coincidence since Ahmed Nur Said is such a common name in Minnesota.

Probably her cousin - fathers brothers daughter. It's literally the way arranged marriages have worked in the middle east since recorded time. Jews, Christians, Muslims all fucking did it.

So the prospect of it being some distant relative or merely a shared name, since there is, after all, a large Somali community in Minnesota,, is completely out of the question, right? Nah, it has to be her brother. And she thought it be a good idea to run for Congress with a skeleton like that in her closet.

Jfc, you people are almost pitifully retarded. OD-ing on fent would be a mercy at this point.

If you look at the history of the middle east, it isn't very fucking hard to believe. Literally since recorded history, the way shit has worked there is the fathers firstborn son gets the first choice of his brothers firstborn daughter.

If you have any community of middle eastern immigrants in your area, you will find that almost everyone is their "cousin". They all have a million cousins because of how "in the family" everything had been kept for generations.

you shouldnt deny things out of spite because it looks dumb when youre wrong

Dems 1: We need to win Florida. What do latinos love?

Dem 2: communism and islam?

This but unironically. Inshallah hermano.

porque no los dos?

Al-Andalus 2: electric burgerloo

Lol if u think foreign oil in CT affects people's votes. Unless we're in a war no one will care

Ojalá hermanos

You’re not wrong, this just shows her true colors. She’s an anti Semite who hates America and wants to fundamentally change America. She shouldn’t be in any position of power. This comment proves that. Maduro is literally burning aid and she continues to recognize him. You must hate America too.

You are so un-american it hurts. SHE WON A DEMOCRATIC ELECTION DINGUS

Then again, so did Trump.

What democratic election did Trump win? Was it the meeting if the esteemed lords of the electoral college, who's voice is so much more important than the rest of ours? How many Americans actually voted for him versus his opponent? That is usually how democracy is defined no?

Maduro, unlike Trump, actually won a democratic election. Sorry just because the American parties boycotted under orders from the American dictator doesn't make it illegitimate. That's like if Hillary had sat out the election and then claimed that her absence made her president - stupid beyond words.

oil oil oil oil

Where do people get this idea that the US only has interest in oil-exporting countries? Projection of US power and protection of US interests extends far beyond oil, especially considering Venezuela's oil sucks. They aren't necessarily wrong that it's about protecting US interests, but they fixate on oil to a degree that makes them look retarded.

Oil is so last century. It’s all about unobtanium now.

unobtanium Vibranium



Wakanda forever, you bigot!

People like to regurgitate simplistic talking points because they think it makes them sound smart

I've heard people say they invaded Afghanistan for its vast oil supplies.

In any case, America is almost self sufficient (with the help of the Leaf) in oil consumption. I don't know why they'd want Venezuela's bunker crude.

We weren't in 2001-3. Thing is, people just pretend to be informed, they're not actually informed, and oil is a simplistic, catchy talking point

I've heard people say they invaded Afghanistan for its vast oil supplies.

nevermind all the opium i guess

Ignoring the border with China like a pleb.

To be clear vuvusulian's oil is actually pretty ripe for pumping, the problem is the state owned company that pumps it is beyond incompetent. But yeah, oil is only a us interest where it coincides with other geopolitical interests, even Saudi and Syrian oil wasn't about us bringing it in domestically but rather supplying it to eastern Europe to lessen their reliance on Russian oil.

Their oil does suck, it takes extra refining making it far less economically viable. It's the same reason why you can mine gravel just about anywhere but it only gets mined in specific areas. Less cost to refine into a consumer ready product = more moolah

America has no right to any of Venezulas oil. If you americunts want it prepare to die for it.

fuck off shill, no one said anything about america having a right to vuvusulian oil.

lmao the US could literally roll tanks into Caracas and take over the PDVSA at gunpoint and it would still be better for the Venezuelan people than anything Maduro or PSUV have ever done.

Why don't they have any right to their oil? I think they do.

Implying Venezuela won’t drown in a swarm of drones.

God bless American technology and ingenuity.

Love how Redditors like you pretend you know what the US interests are.

I suppose you have some great insight as to what US interests might be? Want to share with the class, cunt?

Lmao what a fucking nerdy ass comment

That's what the fuck I thought, bitch. Don't @ me or my son ever again

Real tough son

The evil American empire wants to control the world and establish its white citizens as sort of a world nobility which rules over all, with whites in client states having a slightly lesser status.

It's because in the 1970s a huge portion of the world's oil supply came from the Persian Gulf and the Soviet Union. So for about 10 years, securing access to oil really was an important national security concern. Once that got into people's heads it never got unlearned. So now you've got retarded children who were born decades after this stopped being an issue who still believe in it.

Wow thanks America thanks for informing us that your empire is interested in conquering nations for other reasons than just their oil!

That is her privilege. She lives in a free society. The US is a free society, right?

Literally the playground “tHiS iS a FrEe CoUnTrY”

How to lose the Hispanic and Florida vote in a few words.

Seriously where do democrats find these retards. There’s a reason why Cortez and Sanders dropped Maduro in the ground because the Latino community in America by and large hate him and losing 20% of the American vote to appease a bunch of far left white kids isn’t a winning strategy.

Florida's gonna be red for a generation or more. The Cuban-American vote is being supplemented by first-gen Venezuelan-Americans, who are just as rabidly anti-socialism, and yet the Dems keep pushing for normalizing the word "socialism" to own the DDF.

It wouldn’t even matter with the Venezuelan refugees pouring in considering that a fuck ton of Cubans are still coming through and South Florida being disproportionately more important the rest of Florida.

Like, if you go to El Doral(area near Miami where a huge amount of Venezuelans are) there’s like daily chants for Maduro’s beheading and shit so I’m baffled as to why Democrats have people in their party that are essentially giving Trump another victory.

Trump will send them back to Venezula. Then they can chant fit his beheading in front of actual Venezulans. Let's see how that works out for them.

I really love this policy BTW of sending back all the fleeing Venezulan upper class, that is one of trumps best. The Cuban bourgeois are such an annoying parasitic attachment, Cubans are so glad to be rid of them but we're stuck with them.

We're here and we're naturalized citizens, and you better believe we'll be voting next year. Sucks for you, comrade.

If Venezuelans were actually being sent back then maybe housing prices can go back to normal tbh

Wow it's such a great thing that you guys are sending the fleeing Venezulan upper class back to Venezula in droves and treating them like illegal immigrants, else we might be stuck with the reactionary refuse of another nation besides Cuba. Good on you!

Ma'am, this is a McDonald's.

So I guess the Puerto Ricans didn't shake the ground too much?

Before last year's midterm, I was hearing talks about how it could flip because of all the Puerto Ricans moving to Florida. Of course the talk died down when it did not happen.

No Latino who doesn't come from a slave plantation dynasty supports the American puppet. We should send the Cubans back to fucking Cuba, I'm sure actual Cubans are glad that those leeches are gone though.

I'm sure actual Cubans are glad that those leeches are gone though.

I’m an “actual” Cuban though. My family was mostly based in Cienfuegos/Reforma and we had to go to Santo Domingo in DR to immigrate. The only Cubans who care about who/what leaves the island are government bootlickers like the CDR who are trying to retain as many people on the island as possible because everyone either flees to Spain or America

Oh chapo is going to love this one, they've been VOLCELing for AOC for a while now because they don't like her stance on venezuela, this opinion though is right up their alley.

AOC, there's a new mommy in town.

does she think that actually does something though, its the equivalent of protestors saying trump isnt their president

Lol yeah except also it Trump had fled to Mexico and had no control over the country and Hillary Clinton was de facto leader of all recognized institutions by any rational metric.

Maybe if Trump got Russia and a long list of Russian client states to recognize him at the real president though it would change things

regardless of your opinion on venezuela her "recognising" anything means nothing because shes unimportant

they just put it in the news because shes a brown woman like with aoc and that older one

r/politics retards still thinking Iraq was blood for oil.

Wow Guiado had the support of so many American puppet resumes. I'm sure that will make up for the fact that he had no control of Venezula itself and little to no support among the Venezulan people.

Just continue to siege Venezula until they accept American rule as a client too, that is the American plan. When Maduro was more democratically elected than Trump war.

Learn to love the sustainable socialist future! Less oil means less climate crime, less food means less ecological rape