Granny smooched to death by 6 nice and friendly pibbles

459  2019-03-01 by le_epic_xd


There is absolutely nowhere on Reddit (except maybe The Great Awakening) where stupider, sadder, scareder, or crazier comments consistently get upboats and support than this place you linked. You might think, Hey look! A place where women aren't all sucking tranny peen! Weird! But then you find out that they are scared of tranny peen, and believe that in a couple years, women who don't assimilate and get a peen themselves will be locked up in suspended cages, let down from their gibbets only to be repeatedly viciously raped and denied STEM jobs.

That place is like /r/drama if everyone here felt scared for their lives, and could only find possibly recourse in demanding mayocide and bussy. Swap our memes for 'white-female ethnosexstate now' and 'kill all men before they kill all women' and you have a pretty fair idea of their topics.

And that's where it gets interesting: they're unironically probussycide, unironically antifemayocide. Truly, /r/drama has its antithesis.

And believe me: it is dangerous.


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GA got banned snappy, try to keep up.

88-year-old Lubbock woman


Maybe she shouldn't have been dog whistling...


This belongs in an end-of-year bestof

They got tired of her asking about the 6 million πŸ€”

Congrats mate. You just ruined the thread for everyone. Ate all the lolcow meat. Cunt.

Based retard.

Highest quality comment for a while.



Nice dude.

Pibbles confirmed woke as fuck.

She provoked them by existing

The dogs were trying to decrease social security and medicare spending.

Pitbulls are great for the economy confirmed!

Pibbles are love, pibbles are life.

Can we get them to decrease corporate welfare instead?

I thought the pibbles thing was just a meme, but we're seeing almost daily articles of pibble maulings lol.

It starts as a meme. Then people are like: β€œdamn it really do be like that actually”.

sorta like the 13%

I can't wait for the near future, when merely saying "13%," "40%" or "pitbull" is enough for someone to accuse you of a dogwhistle πŸ˜€

that's right now brosef

I look forward to someone "progressive" assembling an extensive list of known "dogwhistles"

I'm salivating at the thought of how batshit crazy it would look;



some retarded looking green frog

"I support our president"

"being white is okay"

literally anything involving border security

being born in 1988

"single mother"

religion of peace

We're definitely in the wrong timeline, but it feels right πŸ˜‹

being born in 1988

Oh shit

Fun fact: literally everyone born in that year is a nazi unless they explicitly denounce it

So that's why my arm keeps doing that...

Imagine posting on /r/Drama in your thirties



What I don't get is why is 13% seen ammunition by incels and as offensive by cucks? Sure, it's a true statistic, but surely it's explained by poverty among black people in the US? Why is it such an unspeakable statistic?

Because it's self-fulfilling prophecy at this point.

Blacks live in hood -> Part of them get turned to crime and shit -> Wannabegangstas gang up on smart/civil blacks for "acting white".

Hood culture needs to be eradicated, as "AUE" and "shanson" culture needs to be eradicated in Russia.

Lmao, I don’t think you know that much about domestic American culture or black history in America mate. How can you be a marxist and blame the poor for poverty lmao

about domestic American culture or black history in America mate

Oh educate me how nigs were kangz n shieet n build America, I'll laugh.

you be a marxist and blame the poor for poverty lmao

There is a difference between working poor and some hoodrat who can't work three days without stealing something. Every progress that black community makes will get negated by the hoodrat parasites, therefore, the parasite culture needs to be eradicated.

Remember, fuckwit, as long as they glorify pimps and whores, they will be at the bottom of social ladder. Just like fucking pimps and fucking whores.

Because a good chunk of people are using it as proof of the "warrior gene" or some other bullshit

niggle me this...

I'm caring for a Dogo/Staffordshire mix right now and honestly they're a breed that should be licensed. He's got permanent retard strength even when he's trying to be careful, and even though he's well trained... he's still a goddamn dog. Cousin of mine had a beagle he knew it's whole life bite a hole in his upper lip because he snuck up on it while it was sleeping to kiss its nose. If it had been this guy, he wouldn't even have had a fucking face left.

Yeah, I have a Staffordshire mix, and he likes to get on the couch so he can stand on his hind legs, and put his arms around my neck for a hug (or to choke me), and dude is STRONG. I had to learn his strength and odd hyperactive habits, so that I'd stop getting hurt.

Cousin of mine had a beagle he knew it's whole life bite a hole in his upper lip because he snuck up on it while it was sleeping to kiss its nose.

I still try not to touch my dog while he's sleeping. Granted, it's because he's over 16 years old and I don't want to give him a heart attack, but the principle is the same.

Eh, it's like the shootings thing. Outrage generates, articles see more traffic, the news reports on it more because it makes money, panic sets in, people search all over and post them on Facebook/Twitter/Reddit, news makes even more money and starts looking for the next pitbull mauling until it snowballs into a "crisis" even though nothing has really changed. Pitbulls are dangerous, but this is mostly hysteria. Especially when keyboard warriors can use it as yet another proxy war with their Hated Enemy.

The only thing that stops a bad man with a pibble is a good man with a pibble.

This, but unironically.

Let’s bring dog fights back but they’re vigilante street fights between dogs of peace

I like how you act like "the shootings thing" is some hysterical drama ginnned up by the media rather than real actual people dying at alarming rates

Thats actually pretty fucking funny.

The idea that "every suburban American is about to be the next mass shooting victim" and "gunmen are outside your child's school everyday waiting for their chance to strike" narratives that were pushed from 2012 to 2017 was a media hysteria, yes. Murder rates are around the same as they were a decade ago, like I said.

gun violence in the US is like 4329% what it is in other first world nations.

thats just a fact, no a media narrative.

4329% of 0 is still 0.

Yurocels btfo😎😎😎

The U.S. has had to live with the slave populations it freed. European nations got off nearly scot-free with all the enslaving they were doing for centuries prior to the existence of the U.S.

I'd rather be shot by a nigger robbing a gas station than shanked by a refugee robbing a hair saloon. How the fuck do retards like you think knife violence is better than gun violence?

How the fuck do retards like you think knife violence is better than gun violence?

well, genius, it kills a shit ton less people at once


you think school shooters would kill more with knives?

the only group of people in the US with a high risk of getting shot are police officers.

Actually its people that own guns, and women that try to escape.

all women try to escape their biology, and they use social media for that.

it's all too common these days. i'm actually being mauled by a pitbull as i type this comment

Thoughts and prayers

Well you shouldn't have provoked the poor animal by being aggressively alive, it's your own fault really

Crazy how there's so many bad owners in the news!

Are they gonna write a news article every time they discover a responsible pitbull owner?

"Our sweet baby pibbles has only eaten one of our children this year. That's 3 fewer than last year!!"

Kibbles and Tots

Come on, Mr.Pibble just wanted to give her kisses.

it is a meme, but people thought it was so funny they’re recreating it now

We weren't giving them the respeck they deserved. We got complacent, began refusing our first borns, and they had to intervene to restore balance

They just wanted to protect deem kids! I bet she was a closet pedo!

How'd they mistake an 88 yr old for a toddler

Maybe she wore a diaper?


what do old people smell like?


The new 21 savage.

How many diapers you got?




Pibbles are like the flu, capable of being fended off by healthy adults but potentially lethal to small children and the elderly.

I live in NC, and within the space of days (if not the same day) there was a story about two adults in two different cities, within an hour or so of each other, getting mauled by pits. One man had his fingers bitten off and his hand broken, and then a woman got dragged into a ditch by three dogs and had to be rescued by a man with a gun. The man shot two of the dogs who were attacking the woman, and then one of them followed them to his truck when he was trying to take her for treatment. The injured dog jumped in the truck, and the man had to beat the dog in the face with a bottle of Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce.

The injured dog jumped in the truck, and the man had to beat the dog in the face with a bottle of Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce.

This is the most Floridaman sentence ever written, yet it didn't happen in Florida.

Just passing through on his way to crash into a New Yorker

The injured dog jumped in the truck, and the man had to beat the dog in the face with a bottle of Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce.

Keep that mf thang on me

Sweet Baby Ray's huh?


What the actual fucking fuck.

this guy must have had a lot of babies in his house to need that many nanny pibbles :3

smooched to death


mauled to death

awww :'(

Yeah, thought this was r/aww for a second

thought this was r/aww for a second

Not enough baby talk for that.

"Hungwy doggos smooch their mommy until she sleepy sleep"

Officials with Lubbock Animal Services say all six dogs have been euthanized

This is what we fight for o7

πŸ‘πŸ»murderpupsπŸ‘πŸ»rπŸ‘πŸ»cuteπŸ‘πŸ»stfuπŸ‘πŸ» ,πŸ‘πŸ» fascistπŸ‘πŸ»


I thought this was /r/rarepuppers for a moment. Please stop making obnoxious titles.

Shut up weeb

I might be a weeb, but at least i'm not white.





We need to euthanize all pibbleofpeace owners.

I mean, eventually the problem takes care of itself?

Only if pibble ownership is hereditary. Their favorite snack seems to be toddlers.

Daily reminder

Pitbulls πŸ‘ are πŸ‘ nice πŸ‘ and πŸ‘ sweet πŸ‘ dogs πŸ‘

purely environmental factors

Stereotype threat

No one needs a fully automatic assault doggo.

awww puppers gibs gamgam some suggie biggie luvesy wuvsey

Who the fuck has six big dogs? Ten to one the owner was a drug dealer or criminal.

Nigger dogs, they need to be eradicated.

What's up with the daily pibble agenda posts? Is this sub now a bad dog based version of BCND?

Don't knock on the furry euthanasia gang. Doing what Kevorkian can no longer do.

Does "pit bull" have any real meaning besides "large scary looking mutt"?

There are pics of them in the article you fucking mayoid

There's pictures. You can tell that they're pit bulls by the way that they are.

Chapo isn't sending their best

I'd say they're sending their criminals, but if they were we'd be flooded.

TIL that pitbulls were considered a nanny breed of dogs that took care of kids

DAE pitbulls are blank slates just like people and that 100% of aggression is learned and provoked?

Look at this adorable picture of my precious pibble which I love so much

Are you fucking retarded? You want to speak negatively on pitbulls? You do realize that that's not a breed and it doesn't exist?

DAE want to get a second pitbull but they can't because of space?

I bet your mom wishes she aborted you

Why are you using the word β€œMutt” derogatorily? ABLISM

Cheap bait, chapofag

Is it still a bannable offense to have a breed of peace watch subreddit

She probably smelled like a giant piece of fried chicken.

Why does this former wolf we've bred to be as aggressive as possible keep attacking people?

We don't deserve pibbles 😍

They were German Shepards. Now excuse while I clean my Glock AK-16 assault rifle.

That's a different case. Read the last 3 lines of the article.


Okay but what did she do to provoke those pit bulls? Tell the other side of the story!!!

The only thing worse than dogs is dog owners, fight me irl

Why should I fight the truth?

Do whatever who cares

88 year old can die from 6 mosquitoes. pibbles are a little larger.

Golden retrievers right? Bad owners.

BrEeD oF pEaCe

No mention of pit bulls in the article and none of the dogs photographed appear to be pit bulls.

"Pit Bulls murder grandma, something something dogwhistle"

Am I on Fox news right now?

Mr Pibbles would like to know your location