Unironic Trve Kvlt Black Metal Band Nargaroth absolutely tosses their tendies over a movie they never saw. REEEEEEE NORMIES GET OUT OUT OUT

11  2019-03-02 by Wraith_GraveSpell


Jews did this


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Lmao I actually watched like first 20 minutes of this after I saw Varg sperging out about it. It's a bit funny and obvious not taking itself seriously, ex. actors have the most generic American accents while it revolves around Scandinavia, half of the soundtrack is Sigur Rós songs for some reason. It basically presents everything as corny, cringey, and full of LARP as black metal truely sometimes seems, so I'm assuming thats why they're all angry.

What's thr movie? Broken link

Lords of Chaos

Black Metal has become Disney~tized

Outside of a few legit psychos, it always was, boss. Heavy metal is musical theater. Always was. Not saying that's a bad thing, it's a cool gimmick.

Nargaroth is so bad